2013 will be the year of an EU-US free trade agreement, or at least serious negotiations towards that goal. Although this possibility has been raised many times before, only to stall in the face of tough regulatory or subsidy issues, the economic stakes are higher and the political obstacles are lower next year. Both the EU and the US desperately need faster economic growth. Monetary policy is essentially exhausted; fiscal policy is set to tighten. That leaves trade: expanding markets by removing tariffs and – more importantly – non-tariff barriers, such as licencing requirements and anti-dumping measures. Small wonder that the Obama administration is actively pursuing the Trans-Pacific Partnership to the west and raising the prospect of a US-EU deal in the east.
The US finally seems to have realized that Europe’s economic heft is a strategic asset. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a speech at the end of November that “America is not pivoting from Europe to Asia; we are pivoting with Europe to Asia. The EU is the largest economy in the world; it is the US’s largest trade and investment partner and China’s largest trade partner. [Building a genuine transatlantic market reinforces the transatlantic political and military alliance and helps both the US and the EU coordinate policy toward different Asian countries.] It also creates a new set of possibilities in the Atlantic basin, improving ties to both Africa and South America and encouraging trade and investment between them. Finally, the EU could be an important market for increased US energy exports.
美国似乎终于认识到,欧洲的经济影响力是一项战略资产。美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在11月底的一场讲话中表示,“美国不是在将重心从欧洲转向亚洲,而是在与欧洲一起将重心转向亚洲。欧盟是全球最大的经济体、美国最大的贸易与投资伙伴,同时也是中国最大的贸易伙伴。(打造真正的跨大西洋市场,能够强化跨大西洋政治与军事联盟,并有助于美欧协调针对亚洲各国的政策)。它还在大西洋盆地创造出一组新的可能性,改善与非洲及南美的关系,促进相关各方间的贸易与投资。最后要说的是,在美国能源出口实现增长后,欧盟可能成为美能源出口的重要出口市场之一。
Expanded US trade and the symbolism of a new and enduring transatlantic agreement could be a political lifeline for embattled EU leaders who see nothing but austerity and political fights ahead. It gives them something new to offer their consumers and at least some of their producers. And it makes clear that the US is putting a long-term bet on the EU, just as it has done ever since 1958, That also has to mean a long-term bet on the survival and indeed expansion of the eurozone. All of which means that if European governments are ever to find the political will to face down the agricultural and other lobbies that have frozen previous efforts to achieve a US-EU trade agreement, the time is now.
Britain should be watching these developments with particular interest. If the US and the EU can agree to merge their markets, the cost of a potential British exit from the EU go way up. Britain would once again become an island economy, but one walled off from a transatlantic sea.
Anne-Marie Slaughter is the Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University and former director of policy planning for the US state department.
本文作者是美国普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)政治与国际事务学教授(the Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs),曾任美国国务院政策规划主任。
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