国际英语资讯:Arab League chief urges Libyan parties to reach political consensus-查字典英语网
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国际英语资讯:Arab League chief urges Libyan parties to reach political consensus

发布时间:2018-11-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

CAIRO, Nov. 11 -- Arab League (AL) Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit urged on Sunday Libyan parties to reach a consensus on political, constitutional and electoral steps aspired by the Libyan people.

Aboul-Gheit called on the Libyan political parties to overcome the current political impasse and division in the war-torn Arab country, AL spokesman Mahmoud Afifi said in a statement.

Aboul-Gheit also expressed his hope that the Libyans would reach an agreement on a complete roadmap to pave the way for the expected political and legislative elections on sound legal and constitutional bases, Afifi added.

Despite signing a UN-sponsored peace agreement by the Libyan political parties in 2017, Libya remains politically divided between the eastern- and western-based governments, both competing for legitimacy.


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