国内英语资讯:Maritime Silk Road cultural event kicks off in Sri Lanka-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:Maritime Silk Road cultural event kicks off in Sri Lanka

发布时间:2018-09-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

COLOMBO, Sept. 23 -- A cultural event showcasing the Maritime Silk Road has started in Sri Lanka's capital Colombo, strengthening the cultural ties between Sri Lanka and China.

The Floral Whisper Along the Silk Road-Culture Journey of Maritime Silk Road is hosted by the Administration of Culture, Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of south China's Guangzhou city.

The event, which kicked off on Friday, is aimed to promote the research, preservation, development and cultural ties between countries along the Maritime Silk Road.

The cultural event will comprise of art and dance performances by Chinese and Sri Lankan artists and dancers.

Along with art performance, the delegation of Maritime Silk Road Culture Journey has also organized theme exhibitions showcasing the beautiful landscape and cultural relics of 24 Chinese cities. This is part of an initiative to retrace the ancient sea route that connected eastern and western civilization.

The cultural tour set off from Guangzhou on an outbound trip to Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Cyprus to discuss the possibility of cooperation with the countries along the Maritime Silk Road.


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