You don't like their family
And you don't have to. But unless your partner is also estranged from them, it's in your best interest to keep your opinions to yourself on this one. If you're hoping this relationship will last, it's a good idea to try to find some common ground with their family if you can.
You're no longer madly in love with them
Couples who have long-term happy relationships recognize that not everything is going to be sunshine and roses, and that ups and downs are a normal and healthy part of being together for the long haul. Early infatuation (being "madly in love") will generally change to quieter but still loving and romantic feelings-and that's a good thing.
You think their family's traditions are weird
The good news is, you don't have to do everything with them! You can politely decline to attend their annual lederhosen and liverwurst party, or spend the holidays with your own family. But don't belittle or mock their traditions to your partner, because it's mean and they might think you're trying to limit the time they spend with their family.
You're attracted to their friend
It's totally normal to feel attracted to people other than your partner, but if it happens to be one of their friends (especially a close one), you're better off keeping quiet. Knowing about your attraction can make things awkward between your partner and their friend, and leave them wondering if they're about to be traded in.
Your friend doesn't like them
What should you do when you adore your partner, but your friend doesn't want anything to do with him or her? Definitely don't tell your partner, especially until you figure out the cause of your friend's disapproval. It could be a misunderstanding, or they could be seeing red flags that you don't. Either way, telling won't help the situation.
Your friends' secrets
Close friends sometimes share their deepest secrets with one another, and even if you usually tell your partner everything, it's totally fine not to share those secrets with him or her. In fact, it means you're being a good and loyal friend and maintaining that person's trust in you.
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