习近平:全面贯彻落实总体国家安全观 开创新时代国家安全工作新局面-查字典英语网
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习近平:全面贯彻落实总体国家安全观 开创新时代国家安全工作新局面

发布时间:2018-04-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


President Xi Jinping on Tuesday called for efforts to fully implement a holistic approach to national security and break new ground in national security in the new era. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks at the first meeting of the 19th CPC Central Committee National Security Commission, which he heads.


习近平强调,要加强党对国家安全工作的集中统一领导(strengthen the centralized, unified leadership of the Party over national security),正确把握当前国家安全形势,全面贯彻落实总体国家安全观,努力开创新时代国家安全工作新局面,为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供牢靠安全保障(provide a firm safety guarantee for realizing the two centenary goals and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation)。


“两个一百年”奋斗目标two centenary goals


To finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the time the Communist Party of China celebrates its centenary in 2021; and to turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious by the time the People’s Republic of China celebrates its centenary in 2049.


全面贯彻落实总体国家安全观,必须坚持统筹发展和安全两件大事(to fully implement the holistic approach to national security, both development and security should be ensured),既要善于运用发展成果夯实国家安全的实力基础,又要善于塑造有利于经济社会发展的安全环境;

坚持人民安全、政治安全、国家利益至上的有机统一(the integration of protecting the people's safety, maintaining political safety and safeguarding national interests),人民安全是国家安全的宗旨,政治安全是国家安全的根本,国家利益至上是国家安全的准则,实现人民安居乐业(the people live and work in peace and contentment)、党的长期执政(long-term rule of the Party)、国家长治久安(enduring peace and stability of the country);

坚持立足于防,又有效处置风险(effectively deal with risks while prioritizing risk prevention);

坚持维护和塑造国家安全,塑造是更高层次更具前瞻性的维护,要发挥负责任大国作用,同世界各国一道,推动构建人类命运共同体(China will continue to play its role as a responsible major country and push to build a community of shared future for the mankind);

坚持科学统筹,始终把国家安全置于中国特色社会主义事业全局中来把握,充分调动各方面积极性,形成维护国家安全合力(call for joint efforts from all walks of life to safeguard national security)。

习近平指出,国家安全工作要适应新时代新要求(the work regarding national security should meet the new requirements in the new era),一手抓当前、一手谋长远,切实做好维护政治安全(safeguard political security)、健全国家安全制度体系(establish sound national security systems and institutions)、完善国家安全战略和政策(improve strategies and policies)、强化国家安全能力建设(enhance capacity-building)、防控重大风险(prevent and control risks)、加强法治保障(promote rule of law)、增强国家安全意识(raise the national security awareness)等方面工作。


2017年4月15日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席、中央国家安全委员会主席习近平在主持召开中央国家安全委员会第一次会议时提出,坚持总体国家安全观,走出一条中国特色国家安全道路(national security path with Chinese characteristics)。首次提出总体国家安全观(an overall national security outlook),并首次系统提出“11种安全”。

习近平提出,贯彻落实总体国家安全观,必须既重视外部安全,又重视内部安全(attach importance to both external and internal security),对内求发展、求变革、求稳定、建设平安中国(pursue development, reform, stability and foster a safe environment),对外求和平、求合作、求共赢、建设和谐世界(seek peace, cooperation, a win-win situation and a harmonious world);既重视国土安全,又重视国民安全(value both homeland security and the safety of its people),坚持以民为本、以人为本,坚持国家安全一切为了人民、一切依靠人民,真正夯实国家安全的群众基础(rally support from its people in ensuring national security);既重视传统安全,又重视非传统安全,构建集政治安全、国土安全、军事安全、经济安全、文化安全、社会安全、科技安全、信息安全、生态安全、资源安全、核安全等于一体的国家安全体系(a national security system that covers the spheres of politics, territory, military, economy, culture, society, science and technology, information, ecology, nuclear, and natural resources);既重视发展问题,又重视安全问题(pay attention to both development and security),发展是安全的基础,安全是发展的条件,富国才能强兵,强兵才能卫国(only a prosperous country can have a strong military, which in turn can protect the country);既重视自身安全,又重视共同安全,打造命运共同体,推动各方朝着互利互惠、共同安全(promote all parties involved to seek mutual benefit, interests and common security)的目标相向而行。


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