We have every intention to translate these initiatives of opening-up into reality, sooner rather than later. We want the outcomes of our opening-up efforts to deliver benefits as soon as possible to all enterprises and people in China and around the world.
Foreign equity restrictions on banks and financial asset management firms will be canceled, with equal treatment for domestic and foreign-funded institutions. Foreign banks will be allowed to set up branches and subsidiaries at the same time in the country.
Foreign businesses will be allowed to own up to 51 percent of shares in securities, funds, futures and life insurance joint ventures, and the cap will be phased out over three years.
Securities joint ventures will not be required to have at least one securities firm among its domestic shareholders.
Daily quotas for the stock connect schemes between the mainland and Hong Kong will be quadrupled starting from May 1.
Qualified foreign investors will be allowed to conduct insurance brokerage and assessment business in the country.
Foreign-funded insurance brokers will have the same business scope as their Chinese counterparts do.
一、 鼓励在信托金融租赁汽车金融货币经济消费金融等银行业金融领域引入外资(encourage foreign investors to enter its trust, financial leasing, auto finance, money brokerage and consumer finance sectors)。
二、 对商业银行新发起设立的金融资产投资公司和理财公司的外资持股比例不设上限(no foreign ownership limits will be set for new financial asset investment and wealth management companies initiated by commercial banks)。
三、大幅度的扩大外资银行的业务范围(substantially expand the business scope of foreign banks)。
四、不再对合资证券公司的业务范围单独设限(impose no restrictions on the business scope of joint-venture securities companies),内外资一致。
五、全面取消外资保险公司设立前需开设两年代表处的要求(remove the requirement that foreign insurance companies must have had representative offices for two years before they set up businesses in China)。
此外,易纲还宣布,经过中英两国双方共同的努力,目前沪伦通的准备工作进展顺利,将争取在2018年年内开通沪伦通(launch the Shanghai-London stock connect this year)。