Beijing open for 'equal' dialogues with Taipei-查字典英语网
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Beijing open for 'equal' dialogues with Taipei

发布时间:2017-05-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Beijing respects the social system adopted by Taiwan and is ready to have "equal" talks, Party chief Xi Jinping said on Tuesday as he mapped out his detailed cross-Straits policies for the first time.

Nothing can cut the bond between the mainland and Taiwan, and "we have patience and also confidence" to resolve problems with cross-Straits ties, Xi, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, told Kuomintang Honorary Chairman Lien Chan in Beijing.

Xi also said Beijing welcomed people making efforts to boost the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, regardless of earlier stances, in a gesture analysts said conveys his message to Taiwan's opposition Democratic Progressive Party.

Experts said the mainland's top leader sent a clear signal to Taiwan that Beijing would like to provide enough room for peaceful consultations and development across the Straits by facing up to reality and being open.

The last time Xi met Lien was in February 2013, months after Xi became general secretary of the CPC Central Committee.

Cross-Straits relations have improved significantly since Lien's ice-breaking visit to the mainland in 2005 - which ended a 56-year deadlock -and Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou's taking office in 2008.

But that development mainly focuses on the economic sector, with the mainland being Taiwan's largest trading partner.

"As for the chronic political differences between the mainland and Taiwan, we are willing to conduct equal consultations with Taiwan under the one-China framework, and make reasonable arrangements," Xi said.

"We respect the social system and way of living chosen by Taiwan compatriots, and would also like to share the opportunities brought by the mainland's development with Taiwan compatriots first," he said.

The meeting between Xi and Lien came one week after a historic meeting between Zhang Zhijun, head of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office and his Taiwan counterpart Wang Yu-chi in Nanjing.

During what was the first formal official meeting since 1949, both sides agreed to open a regular communication channel between their departments.


1. Which Taiwan leader met with President Xi ?

2. When did cross-Straits relations begin to significantly improve?

3. Which other mainland and Taiwan leaders met, one week before Xi and Lien?


1. Lien Chan.

2. 2005.

3. Zhang Zhijun, head of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office and his Taiwan counterpart, Wang Yu-chi in Nanjing.

About the broadcaster:

Anne Ruisi is an editor at China Daily online with more than 30 years of experience as a newspaper editor and reporter. She has worked at newspapers in the U.S., including The Birmingham News in Alabama and City Newspaper of Rochester, N.Y.


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