《近邻远邻:苏联情报新史》Near and Distant Neighbours: A New History of Soviet Intelligence
作者:Jonathan Haslam
A detailed appraisal of how the Soviet Union handled undercover operations from the communist revolution in 1917 until the end of the cold war. The most gripping chapters focus on the chaos that was unleashed by Josef Stalin.
《我们的孩子:危机中的美国梦》Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis
作者:Robert Putnam
The most important divide in America today is class, not race, and the place where it matters most is in the home. In a thoughtful and persuasive book, the former dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government analyses the growing gulf between how the rich and the poor raise their children, adding a liberal voice to long-standing conservative complaints about family breakdown.
《朝鲜秘闻:私人市场、时尚潮流、劳改营、异见者与叛国者》North Korea Confidential: Private Markets, Fashion Trends, Prison Camps, Dissenters and Defectors
作者:Daniel Tudor and James Pearson
Two knowledgeable journalists offer a bird's-eye view of everyday life that teases out how the famine of the 1990s prompted unexpected change in the attitudes, governance and lives of ordinary North Koreans, giving the lie to the simplistic view that Koreans are a homogenous people under the thumb of a power-crazed dictator.
《贫民窟:调查谋杀潮》Ghettoside: Investigating a Homicide Epidemic
作者:Jill Leovy
Black men are still dying at alarming rates in the toughest urban pockets even though, overall, America's murder rate is down. A study of one neighbourhood in Los Angeles has the power to change how people think about policing in America.
《曾经辉煌:底特律往事》Once in a Great City: A Detroit Story
作者:David Maraniss
One of America's finest non-fiction writers, a son of Detroit, offers a lively and meticulously researched account of how the city, once the engine room of America, began sputtering.
《长崎:核劫余生》Nagasaki: Life after Nuclear War
作者:Susan Southard
The searing account of five teenage hibakusha ("explosion-affected people"): how they survived the atom bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki in 1945, and the terrible price they paid in the aftermath of the war.
《滑铁卢:四天三军三战史》Waterloo: The History of Four Days, Three Armies and Three Battles
作者:Bernard Cornwell
A great and terrible story of a battle that was fought 200 years ago, told with energy and clarity by a writer who has a deep understanding of men in combat and why they do what they do. "Waterloo" proves that Bernard Cornwell's non-fiction is as fine as his novels, if not finer.
《奥斯曼衰亡:中东大战》The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East
作者:Eugene Rogan
How a multinational Muslim empire was destroyed by the first world war, by a historian of the 20th century who is director of the Middle East Centre at Oxford University.
《黑土地:作为历史和警示的大屠杀》Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning
作者:Timothy Snyder
A historian at Yale University has made a detailed study of where Jews were in most danger during the second world war. In France and Italy, three-quarters of the Jews survived. In eastern territories, which suffered "double occupation", first by the Soviets and then by the Nazis, at least 90% of them perished.
《元老院与市民:古罗马史》SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome
作者:Mary Beard
A masterly new chronicle, by Britain's most engaging historian of the ancient world, about Rome from its myth-shrouded origins to the early third century. She shows that the key to its dominance was granting citizenship to so many people.
《棉花帝国》Empire of Cotton: A Global History
作者:Sven Beckert
By focusing on a sector that until 1900 was the world's most important manufacturing industry, Sven Beckert offers a fine account of 900 years of globalisation.
《眼睛听到什么?踢踏舞的历史》What the Eye Hears: A History of Tap Dancing
作者:Brian Seibert
How tap-dancing entertained many, even as it had clear racist overtones. An engaging, warts-and-all history of one of America's greatest creative inventions by a dance critic at the New York Times.
《扑火:沙皇俄罗斯的帝国、战争与终结》Towards the Flame: Empire, War and the End of Tsarist Russia
作者:Dominic Lieven
How Russia went to war. A gripping, poignant and in some respects revolutionary contribution to European history by a distinguished British scholar who is descended from several of the protagonists he describes.
《基辛格:理想主义者,1923-1968》Kissinger: The Idealist, 1923-1968
作者:Niall Ferguson
The magisterial first instalment of a two-part biography about a man who towered over American foreign policy for more than two decades, and still divides opinion as no one else does.
《天行者:与飞行员同行》Skyfaring: A Journey with a Pilot
作者:Mark Vanhoenacker
A highly readable account, as moving as it is unexpected, of what flying means, by an airline pilot with a gift for words.
《泰德-休斯:未授权写作》Ted Hughes: The Unauthorised Life
作者:Jonathan Bate
It is hard to write a literary account of Ted Hughes without writing about the life, as many authors have found. Five years in the making, this biography began as an authorised life only to become unauthorised when the author fell out with Hughes's widow, Carol, over how much personal detail to include, prompting the poet's estate to withdraw its co-operation.
《发明自然:洪堡的新世界》The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt's New World
作者:Andrea Wulf
Explorer, polymath, friend of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Thomas Jefferson and Simon Bolívar, Alexander von Humboldt was one of the greatest scientists of the 19th century. His ideas are as relevant today as they ever were.
《国家的公共财富:公产左右经济》The Public Wealth of Nations: How Management of Public Assets Can Boost or Bust Economic Growth
作者:Dag Detter and Stefan Fölster
Governments have trillions of dollars in assets, from companies to forests, but they are often poorly managed. Two investment experts explain how things could be improved by ring-fencing assets from political meddling in independent holding companies. Professional managers could sweat them as if they were privately owned.
《别人的钱:金融的买卖》Other People's Money: The Real Business of Finance
作者:John Kay
If the world is to avoid future banking collapses, or at least limit their economic impact, people need to think clearly about what the finance sector is for. This book does the job.
《不公:何为?》Inequality: What Can Be Done?
作者:Anthony Atkinson
A crunchy book that analyses policy discussions in detail but avoids dullness, thanks to its unapologetic support for robust government intervention.
《胡为:行为经济学的形成》Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioural Economics
作者:Richard Thaler
Why people don't behave the way economic models predict lies at the heart of this brilliant intellectual history by the founder of this once-obscure blend of psychology and economics.
《经济法则:悲观科学的对与错》Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science
作者:Dani Rodrik
Economists still have a lot of explaining to do. Dani Rodrik reassures those outside the profession of the helpfulness of economists, and also removes some of the wishful thinking from his colleagues.
《大竞技场:举办奥运与世界杯背后的经济赌博》Circus Maximus: The Economic Gamble Behind Hosting the Olympics and the World Cup
作者:Andrew Zimbalist
Any country thinking of hosting an international sporting jamboree should read this book to see what a bad deal the IOC and FIFA seek to foist on them. Hamburg has just voted against bidding for the 2024 Olympic games. Clever move.
《文化、社会与旅行:性格之路》Culture, society and travel:The Road to Character
作者:David Brooks
The author, a columnist for the New York Times, clearly thinks people are too full of themselves. A thoughtful polemic on why the self-regarding Facebook generation should move from narcissism to thoughtfulness. They'd be much happier.
《交易未完:工作与家庭》Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family
作者:Anne-Marie Slaughter
Why organisations will have to change radically to make work-life balance a reality, by a respected foreign-policy expert who left her high-octane government job to spend more time with her two teenage sons. A rational, well-argued call to arms. Move over Sheryl Sandberg.
《世界与我之间》Between the World and Me
作者:Ta-Nehisi Coates
In a homage to James Baldwin's "The Fire Next Time", a father writes a warning letter to his teenage son about growing up black.
像詹姆斯·鲍德温的"The Fire Next Time"致敬,一个爸爸给他的少年儿子写了一篇警告信,谈谈一个黑人如何长大。
《舒伯特的冬日之旅:细说沉迷》Schubert's Winter Journey: An Anatomy of an Obsession
作者:Ian Bostridge
One of Britain's foremost tenors, Ian Bostridge has performed Schubert's "Winterreise" more than 100 times. He knows every last nuance of the work and his book offers many fresh insights that will inform the enjoyment of both old admirers and newcomers to the music.
《拔毛史》Plucked: A History of Hair Removal
作者:Rebecca Herzig
Most of Earth's mammals possess luxuriant fur. Only one seeks to remove it. A curious account of hair-erasing, and why people have tried clamshell razors, lasers, lye depilatories, tweezers, waxes, threading and electrolysis to try and free themselves from hairiness.
《天罚:一个男人和里约之战》Nemesis: One Man and the Battle for Rio
作者:Misha Glenny
How Antonio Francisco Bonfim Lopes, better known as Nem of Rocinha, became a drug-dealer after his daughter was diagnosed with a rare disease and he needed the cash—and how he eventually took over an entire Brazilian shantytown.
《超级预测的艺术与科学》Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction
作者:Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner
A scientific analysis of the ancient art of divination which shows that forecasting is a talent; luckily it can be learned. You need a healthy appetite for information, a willingness to revisit predictions in light of new data, and the ability to synthesise material from sources with very different outlooks on the world.
《神经部落:自闭症的遗产和神经多样性的未来》Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity
作者:Steve Silberman
The descriptions of how autistic children were treated in the 20th century is especially shocking.
《重要问题:生活何以如是?》The Vital Question: Why Is Life the Way It Is?
作者:Nick Lane
A persuasive and demanding attempt, by a thought-provoking British scientist, a biochemist at University College London, to answer some of the most fundamental questions in biology. It posits a new theory of how life came to be.
《人无需适用:人工智能时代的财富与工作指南》Humans Need Not Apply: A Guide to Wealth and Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
作者:Jerry Kaplan
An intriguing, insightful and well-written look at how modern artificial intelligence, powering algorithms and robots, threatens jobs and may increase wealth inequalities, by a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and AI expert.
《在第四维要做什么?》Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension
作者:Matt Parker
This is an unusual, in-depth but highly accessible popular-maths book by a member of the London Mathematical Society who also has a sideline in stand-up comedy.
《物理学七讲》Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
作者:Carlo Rovelli
A startling and illustrative distillation of centuries of science by an Italian theoretical physicist.
《新荒野:入侵物种何以拯救自然》The New Wild: Why Invasive Species Will Be Nature's Salvation
作者:Fred Pearce
A carefully researched, analytical look at the effects that new species have on different environments into which they are introduced. The book debunks poor science and the cherry-picking of statistical examples to feed hysteria about keeping invasive species out and protecting an imaginary perfect past.
《人体冒险》Adventures in Human Being
作者:Gavin Francis
A Scottish doctor takes a delightful journey closer to home, through the wondrous human body, from top to tail, inside to out.
《时间螺旋:探秘海贝的生前身后》Spirals in Time: The Secret Life and Curious Afterlife of Seashells
作者:Helen Scales
A marine biologist-turned-science writer describes coming face-to-shell with a giant clam on the Great Barrier Reef, enjoying a bag of smoked oysters in Gambia and meeting a sea-silk seamstress in Italy. She makes an impassioned and convincing argument that, contrary to expectations, molluscs have much to teach us.
《怎么讨论可视化游戏?》How to Talk about Videogames
作者:Ian Bogost
Some say video games are the great sport of the 21st century, the summit of art and entertainment. Others call them mindless. Meditative essays on the meaning of gaming, by a game designer and professor of interactive computing.
《七次谋杀简史》A Brief History of Seven Killings
作者:Marlon James
A failed assassination of Bob Marley becomes a prism through which to see Jamaica's history from the early 1970s to the early 1990s. Violent, lurid, scabrous, hilarious and beautiful, this novel teems with life, death and narrators.
对Bob Marley一次失败的谋杀成为七十年代出初到九十年代初牙买加历史的镜子。暴力、夸张、猥琐、放浪却又美丽,这部小说洋溢着生与死,有众多讲述者。
《捕鱼者说》The Fishermen
作者:Chigozie Obioma
A lyrical retelling of the Cain-and-Abel story in which four Nigerian brothers play truant from school, go fishing and meet a soothsayer who predicts that one brother will kill another. Not yet 30, Chigozie Obioma is a writer to watch.
《下面的西王母》Seiobo There Below
作者:Laszlo Krasznahorkai. Translated by Ottilie Mulzet
Seventeen stories by a Hungarian modernist whose sentences wind and unwind and rewind, creating what one translator described as "a slow lava-flow of narrative, a vast black river of type".
匈牙利现代主义者的十七个故事,文辞婉转,译者称之为"a slow lava-flow of narrative, a vast black river of type"。
作者:Michel Houellebecq
No other French novelist knows how to stir trouble quite like Michel Houellebecq. This account of France under Muslim rule is set in 2022. It came out on the day of the Charlie Hebdo attack and has been called scaremongering. Its fans say it speaks to France's deepest secret fears.
没有哪个法国小说家比Michael Houellebecq更会挑事儿。他假想法国在2022年被穆斯林占领。这发生在《查理周刊》事件后,被指为兜售恐慌。其支持者则认为其道出法国最深处的恐惧。
《小生活》A Little Life
作者:Hanya Yanagihara
On the surface a story about four university graduates trying to make it in New York, at heart Hanya Yanagihara's second novel is a fairy-tale about child abuse, pitting good against evil, love against viciousness, hope against hopelessness.
《亲历者回忆伟大奥克的衰落》An Account of the Decline of the Great Auk, According to One Who Saw It
作者:Jessie Greengrass
Restraint and a formal writing style, by a philosophy graduate from Cambridge University, give a tone of melancholy to this spectacularly accomplished, chilly debut collection of short stories about thwarted lives and opportunities missed. The strongest are also the most ordinary.
《丢失的孩子》The Story of the Lost Child
作者:Elena Ferrante. Translated by Ann Goldstein
This four-volume narrative, with all its operatic overtones, is a tribute to feminism and female friendship in mid-20th-century Naples.
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