Britain's Prince Harry took the highly unusual step Tuesday of asking the media and internet trolls to stop the "wave of abuse and harassment" against his TV-star girlfriend Meghan Markle.
Harry, who is fifth in line to the U.K. throne, issued a statement saying he understood the curiosity surrounding his personal life but "in the past week a line has been crossed."
The statement was the first official confirmation that he has been dating 35-year-old Markle. The Los Angeles-born actress is now based in Toronto and is best known for her role in the TV comedy-drama "Suits."
这份声明首次正式证实了他和35岁的马克尔已经交往。马克尔生于洛杉矶、现居多伦多,是一名女演员,她最为人熟知的作品是电视喜剧《金装律师》中的角色。 Meghan Markle at AOL Studios in New York on March 17, 2016.
The pair have been rumored to be dating for several months.
Harry, 32, said that during the past week his girlfriend has been "subject to a wave of abuse and harassment" both public and private.
This included a "smear" on the front page of a national newspaper, "racial undertones" of newspaper comment pieces, and "outright sexism and racism of social media trolls," the statement said.
Markle is certainly no stranger to the front pages of British tabloids.
Last week, the Daily Mail ran a piece headlined "Harry's Girl is (Almost) Straight Outta Compton." This contrasted what the paper called the "gang-scarred" LA neighborhood where Markle's African American mother lives, with the "leafy" borough of Kensington that's home to one of the royal palaces.
上周,《每日邮报》刊登了一篇标题为“哈里女友 Outside of the public eye, Harry's statement also revealed that the royals have been involved in "nightly legal battles to keep defamatory stories out of the papers." It also alleged that reporters had attempted to illegally enter the home of Markle's mother, offered "substantial bribes to her ex-boyfriend," and carried out a "bombardment" of pretty much everyone she knows.
"He knows commentators will say this is 'the price she has to pay' and that 'this is all part of the game,'" the statement said. "He strongly disagrees. This is not a game - it is her life and his."
According to his spokesman, Harry has "asked for this statement to be issued in the hope that those in the press who have been driving this story can pause and reflect before any further damage is done."
The prince has had a troubled relationship with the media ever since his mother, Princess Diana, was killed in a Paris car crash in 1997 while being chased by the paparazzi.
In his early 20s, he became fodder for photographers after partying in glamorous London nightspots, earning him the title "the playboy prince." Since then he has been splashed on tabloid front pages wearing a Nazi armband at a costume party, and more recently pictured completely nude at a bash in Las Vegas.
However his image has improved after serving two tours of Afghanistan in the British armed forces and dedicating a significant portion of his life to charity programs helping injured military personnel.
不过,哈里王子曾两次在英国驻阿富汗部队中服役,积极投身于帮助受伤军人的慈善事业,这使得他的形象得到了改善。 Harry serves in Afghanistan.
He was once third in line to the throne but got bumped down to fifth after the birth of his nephew and niece, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.
undertone: 弦外之音
defamatory: 诽谤的
bombardment: 大量提问
fodder: 素材
Cyborg beetle and the teenage brain 半机械甲虫,青少年脑部发育
Indian state introduces 'fat tax' 印度一省拟征收“脂肪税”
Alligator takes boy and Tate Modern extension 鳄鱼拖走小男孩,泰特现代美术馆扩建完工
The cost of protecting the environment, Juno space probe 保护环境付出的代价,“朱诺”木星探测器
Pull something out of the hat 突施妙计
It's on the cards 这件事十有八九会发生
Canada wildfire and NASA discovery 加拿大林火,美国国家航空航天局发现系外行星
It takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响
To make a monkey out of me 捉弄我
Brexit and Hockney's art 英国脱欧公投后进展,大卫·霍克尼艺术展
Cheap and cheerful 物美价廉
Earth-like planet, Pink cockatoo dies at 83 类地行星,83岁风头鹦鹉逝世
To fall at the first hurdle 跌倒在第一关
Glass-bottomed bridge, cancer risk for HRT and 120-year-old man 世界最长玻璃桥开放,荷尔蒙替代疗法增患癌风险,印度教120岁僧人
Going forward 从今往后
Russian athletes and friendly robots 俄罗斯运动员服用兴奋剂,“合作机器人”
There's method to my madness 我有一个不合常理的办法
Chelsea doctor and surfing in Australia 切尔西队医与球队和解,澳大利亚冲浪
The university of life 生活经历
India's sewer workers and British school standards 印度下水道工人施工安全,英国在校生学习成绩下降
Barefaced 厚颜无耻的
Burn a hole in your pocket 有钱不花难受
One good turn deserves another 以德报德,礼尚往来
Drama queen 小题大做的人
Pain in the neck 令人讨厌的事情或人
Clean up your act 改邪归正
California wildfires and cloned animals 加利福尼亚州野火,克隆动物衰老过程正常
Axe to grind 别有用心
To turn something upside down 把……翻个底朝天
A recipe for disaster 后患无穷