橘子哥将被拍成电影 谢耳朵担任主演-查字典英语网
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橘子哥将被拍成电影 谢耳朵担任主演

发布时间:2017-05-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

大家还记得橘子哥的故事吗?美国小哥Matt的手机被偷,后来在iCloud上看到一个中国小伙子在橘子园拍的各种自拍。Matt把这事儿发到网上以后,中美两国网友竟然找到了这位中国小伙子,两人最终还见了面。现在,这个故事要被华纳兄弟和Buzzfeed合作拍成电影了。剧中,美国小哥Matt将由《生活大爆炸》中的“谢耳朵”吉姆•帕森斯扮演。影片名称就叫《橘子哥》 Warner Bros. is working with BuzzFeed Motion Pictures to tell the true story of the internet phenomenon.


The Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons is set to topline Brother Orange, Warner Bros. and BuzzFeed Motion Pictures’ big-screen telling of the internet phenomenon, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.


Parsons will play BuzzFeed editor Matt Stopera, who in 2017 had his iPhone stolen. Unbeknownst to him, the cellphone made its way to China and, a year later, random pictures began appearing on his photo stream, including a number of pictures of a serious-looking man in front of an orange tree.


The editor did a series of stories about the incident, and the story went viral in China, exploding on social platform Weibo with more than 20 million views in 24 hours and over 100 million total shares. There, the online community dubbed the man Li Hongjun ("Brother Orange") and helped Stopera track him down. Stopera eventually sought out Hongjun in China, with both becoming overnight celebrities. Back in the US, the two appeared on Ellen.


The movie’s story follows an unlikely, accidental friendship that transcends cultural divides.


Stopera is executive producing Brother Orange alongside Broad City co-creator Ilana Glazer (up until recently, the two were roommates), Ellen DeGeneres and Jeff Kleeman.

斯托佩拉和《大城小妞》的编剧之一伊拉纳•格雷泽 Parsons is now in his 10th (10th!!!) season on CBS’ Big Bang Theory, playing lovable geek Sheldon, a role that has netted him four Emmy wins. His movie appearances have been on the rare side, but he will be seen in the upcoming period race drama Hidden Figures with Octavia Spencer and Kevin Costner.

帕森斯现正在出演CBS《生活大爆炸》第十季 Vocabulary

topline: 出演主角

unbeknownst: 不为人知的


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