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发布时间:2017-05-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。








1. 返回地球

return to the Earth


The two Chinese astronauts on the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft have completed their monthlong stay in the Tiangong-2 space laboratory and returned to the Earth.


18日14时07分,神舟十一号飞船返回舱在内蒙古自治区的主着陆场着陆(return capsule of the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft landed in the main landing area in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region at 2:07 pm Friday),执行飞行任务的航天员景海鹏、陈冬身体状态良好(be in good condition),天宫二号与神舟十一号载人飞行任务取得圆满成功。

17日12时41分,神舟十一号飞船与天宫二号空间实验室实施分离(the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft separated from the Tiangong-2 space lab)。景海鹏和陈冬在天宫二号空间实验室工作生活了30天(lived and worked in the Tiangong-2 space lab for 30 days),是中国航天员在太空驻留时间最长的一次(the longest stay in space by taikonauts)。组合体分离前(before the separation of the spacecraft-space lab combination),航天员在地面科技人员的配合下,撤收了天宫二号舱内的有关试验装置和重要物品,放置到神舟十一号返回舱(re-entry module)中。离开天宫二号前,两名航天员向地面人员和支持中国航天事业的人们表达了感谢和敬意(the duo express their gratitude and respect for their ground team and those who support the nation's space exploration efforts)。

在结束33天太空遨游(33-day journey in space)后,神舟十一号返回舱于18日首次从距离地球约393公里的轨道上返回(descend from an orbit about 393 km above the Earth),考核从空间站运行轨道返回的相关技术。天宫二号将继续在轨运行(remain in orbit)、开展有关科学实验,并与2017年4月即将发射的天舟一号货运飞船进行对接(dock with Tianzhou-1 cargo ship which is set to be launched in April, 2017)。


通信卫星 communications satellite

遥感系统 remote sensing system

月球车 lunar/moon rover

火星探测器 Mars probe

空间站 space station

暗物质 dark matter

2. 世界互联网大会

World Internet Conference, WIC


The third World Internet Conference, which lasted for three days, concluded on Friday in Wuzhen, Zhejiang.


第三届世界互联网大会(World Internet Conference, WIC)于本月16日至18日在浙江乌镇举行。本届大会的主题是:创新驱动,造福人类——携手共建网络空间命运共同体(Innovation-driven Internet Development for the Benefit of All – Building a Community of Common Future in Cyberspace)。来自五大洲110多个国家和地区的政府代表(government representatives)、国际组织负责人(leaders of international organizations)、互联网企业领军人物(leading figures in Internet enterprises)、互联网名人(online celebrities)、专家学者等共1600多位嘉宾参加了本届大会。

国家主席习近平在大会开幕式(opening ceremony)上通过视频发表讲话(give a speech via video)。习近平在讲话中称:"互联网是我们这个时代最具发展活力的领域。互联网快速发展,给人类的生产生活都带来了深刻变化(bring profound changes to our life and work),也给人类社会带来了新机遇和新挑战(new opportunities and challenges)。中国愿同国际社会一道(work together with the international community),推动网络空间(cyberspace)实现平等尊重、创新发展、开放共享、安全有序的目标。"

大会围绕互联网经济、互联网创新、互联网文化、互联网治理、互联网国际合作(Internet economy, Internet innovation, Internet culture, governance in cyberspace and international cooperation on Internet)等前沿热点共举办了16场论坛(forum),主题突出、特色鲜明、富有深度;大会首次发布了15项世界互联网领先科技成果(world leading Internet scientific and technological achievements),汇聚全球尖端科技(cutting-edge technologies),引领未来发展;来自国内外310多家企业参加了"互联网之光"博览会(The Light of Internet Expo),展示新技术新产品(showcase new technologies and products);世界互联网大会组委会秘书处(the WIC's organizing committee secretariat)高级别专家咨询委员会发布《2016年世界互联网发展乌镇报告》(Wuzhen Report on World Internet Development 2016),凝聚各方共识,成为大会标志性成果。


互联网+ Internet Plus

物联网 Internet of Things

互联网安全 Internet security

互联网金融 Internet finance

互联网医院 Internet hospital

3. 信息经济示范区

information economy demonstration area


China has approved its first national information economy demonstration area in Zhejiang.


据介绍,首个信息经济示范区(the first information economy demonstration area)通过成立高级别专家咨询委员会(a high-level advisory committee),明确示范区规划目标和任务,将紧紧围绕建设网络强国战略(national cyber development strategy/Internet power strategy)目标,先行先试(play a leading and exploratory role),大力发展网络信息核心技术、加强关键信息基础设施安全保障、完善网络治理体系(Internet governance system)。

国家网信办(the Cyberspace Administration of China)、国家发改委(the National Development and Reform Commission)在批复文件中指出,该示范区将探索适合信息经济创新发展的新体制、新机制和新模式(explore new systems, mechanisms and models for innovative growth of the information economy),推动浙江在"互联网+"、大数据(big data)、智慧城市(smart city)、跨境电子商务(cross-border e-commerce)、分享经济(sharing economy)和促进新型企业家成长等方面走在全国前列。

浙江省是电商巨头阿里巴巴的诞生地(home to e-commerce giant Alibaba)。近年来,浙江信息基础设施建设(the construction of information infrastructure)不断提升,促进转型升级(transformation and upgrading)的成效明显。统计数据显示,2016年前3季度,浙江省信息经济核心产业(the core industries of information economy)实现增加值2728亿元(realize added value of RMB272.8b)。如今,浙江在电子商务和互联网金融(online/Internet finance)方面已领军全球。


产业转移 industrial transfer

发展差距 development gap

经贸规则 trade and economic rules

贸易自由化 trade liberalization

自由贸易区 free trade zone

市场导向 market orientation

大宗商品 bulk commodity

4. 测评体系

testing and rating system


The Ministry of Education is drafting a national English proficiency testing and rating system, an education official said.


教育部副部长林蕙青在第二届语言测试与评价国际研讨会(the 2nd International Symposium on Language Assessment and Evaluation)上透露,教育部正在组织研制中国英语能力等级量表(scale)以及与之配套的国家英语能力等级考试(national graded examinations in English proficiency)。这意味着,我国将建立起一个统一的英语测评体系(testing and rating/assessment and evaluation system)。

据林蕙青介绍,过去两年里,在国内外100多位专家学者(more than 100 experts and scholars from home and abroad)的共同努力下,中国外语能力(foreign language ability/proficiency)测评体系建设进展顺利。中国英语能力等级量表已完成主体研制,预计2017年正式对外公布(be officially released),国家英语能力等级考试计划在2020年前逐步推出(be launched step by step)。

广东外语外贸大学副校长刘建达教授说,中国约有3亿英语学习者(English learners),但各教学大纲(syllabuses)缺乏连贯性,各类考试缺乏统一标准(unified standard),人们需要应对种类繁多的英语考试(take a variety of English tests),所以急需研发统一的英语能力量表及相对应的等级考试。新制定的中国英语能力等级量表将划分为九个等级(nine grades)。其中,一二级大致对应小学水平,三级对应初中,四级对应高中,五六级对应大学,七级对应英语专业,八九级对应高端英语人才(senior-level English language talents)。每个等级在听说读写(listening, speaking, reading and writing)、 [相关词汇]

语言能力量表 language proficiency scale

全国英语等级考试 Public English Test System, PETS

大学英语考试 College English Test, CET

英语专业考试 Test for English Majors, TEM

商务英语证书 Business English Certificate

职称英语考试 English exam for promotion

5. 座卧转换动车

bullet train with fold-up beds


China has developed a bullet train that can convert its sleeping berths to seats to meet demand for around-the-clock operations.


近日,两列CRH5E动车组在中车长春轨道客车公司下线(come off the assembly line at the CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicle Co)。这种动车的车头采用黑白相间(black-and-white)的设计,就像熊猫的黑眼圈,因此CRH5E动车组也被称为"熊猫动车组"(Panda bullet trains),其最高时速达250公里(a maximum speed of 250 km per hour)。

据介绍,作为国内唯一一款可以在极寒和狂风条件下运行(run in extreme cold and in heavy winds)的卧铺动车组(bullet trains with sleeper seats),CRH5E具有许多得天独厚的技术优势(have a number of unique technological advantages/edges)。首先,它具备简洁实用的"座卧转换"功能(the function of converting sleeping berths to seats)。CRH5E动车组共有16节车厢(carriages),其中13节车厢配备了既有卧铺又有座位的包厢(be equipped with compartments with both beds and seats)。用于夜间运营的床铺在白天可折叠成座位(the beds for night operations can be folded into seats during the daytime)。

其次,CRH5E是以目前运行在哈大线(the Harbin-Dalian railway line)和兰新线(the Lanzhou-Xinjiang railway line)上的高寒动车组为技术基础研发的卧铺动车组,因而继承了耐高寒、阻冰雪、抗风沙的特点。据悉,这款动车组可在气温低至零下40℃的环境下运行(run in temperatures as low as -40 ℃);此外,这种动车上电子功能齐全,乘客不必再为手机没电或无法上网发愁。据报道,每节车厢内都设有Wi-Fi天线和插座,乘客可连接Wi-Fi(connect to Wi-Fi)随时上网,还可以利用包厢内安装的插座或USB插口为电子设备充电(charge electric devices with installed sockets or USB ports)。


高铁 high-speed train

城际列车 inter-city train

直达列车 non-stop train

铁路专线 dedicated railway line

硬座 hard-seat

硬/软卧 hard-/soft-berth

正点率 on-schedule rate

上座率 occupancy rate

6. 幼儿园荒

kindergarten shortage


China's implementation of a universal two-child policy will impose higher requirements on pre-school education resources, resulting in a possible shortage of kindergarten spots, according to a survey by China Youth Daily.


今年1月1日起,"全面二孩"政策(universal two-child policy)正式实施。"全面二孩"政策实施后出生的首批二孩将在2019年达到学前教育的入学年龄(the first group of children born after the enactment of the policy will be eligible for preschool education in 2019)。从2019年开始,学前教育资源需求将大幅度增长(demand for preschool educational resources will soar),在2021年左右,"全面二孩"对学前教育阶段适龄幼儿规模扩大的影响最大(have maximum impact),当年学前教育阶段的适龄幼儿将增加1500万人左右。

2017年全国共有20.99万所幼儿园,而到2021年我国学前教育园舍需求量达到最大值(reach the peak)31.95万所时,相比2017年的供给量,大约有10.96万所的缺口(a shortage of nearly 109,600 spaces)需要补充。2017年,我国学前教育专任教师有184.41万人,保育员(child-care worker)55.08万人,以此为基准,到2021年需要补充专任教师198.97万人、保育员136.61万人。

《中国青年报》的这份调查建议,教育部应该基于预测数字进行资源配置(allocate resources based on predicted numbers),整合现有教育资源(integrate current education resources),提高学前教育师资质量(improve the quality of kindergarten teachers),缓解"全面二孩"政策带来的压力(relieve the pressure caused by the universal two-child policy),保障适龄儿童接受学前教育的权利(guarantee the rights of eligible children to receive preschool education)。


教育资源分配不均 uneven distribution of educational resources

幼儿园"入园难" kindergarten crunch

普惠性幼儿园 public interest kindergarten

优质学前教育 quality preschool education

义务教育 compulsory education

入学率 enrollment rate


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