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发布时间:2017-05-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第部分 词汇知识运用 (共三节,满分分)




  ) . replace

  A. admit

  B. happiness

  C. famous

  D. apart


  )2. ahead

  A. death

  B. peace

  C. teach

  D. teammate


  )3. doubt

  A. trouble

  B. climb

  C. black

  D. table


  )4. think

  A. thunder

  B. weather

  C. neither

  D. either


  )5. technology

  A. watch

  B. chair

  C. machine

  D. school





  ).-Is that country still at _____ war?

  -Yes,but the people there just want to live in ______ peace.

  A. 不填;the

  B. 不填;不填

  C. the; the

  D. the; a


  ). ______ no doubt _____ the Amber Room is one of the wonders of the world.

  A. It is; that

  B. It is; whether

  C. There is; that

  D. There is; whether


  )8. The dragon, which is the symbol of China, ________ power in ancient Chinese culture.

  A. stood for

  B. stood up

  C. stood by

  D. stood out


  )9. He wrote a lot of novels, none of ________ were popular.

  A. them

  B. which

  C. that

  D. whom


  )10. Only after he took off

  his glasses ________ he was a famous film star.

  A. I realized

  B. did I realize

  C. I had realized

  D. had I realized


  )11. As is known to us all, the Huang Yan Island is an island ______ China.

  A. belonging

  B. belonged

  C. belonging to

  D. is belonged to


  )12. The little boy_______ the toy to see how it worked, but couldn’t put it together.

  A. took apart

  B. broken down

  C. burst into

  D. gave up


  )13. I would appreciate _____ if you could reply to my question as soon as possible.

  A. this

  B. it

  C. that

  D. 不填


  )14.The Greens moved to a bigger city ____ the children could attend a better high school.

  A. even if

  B. even though

  C. so that

  D. as if


  )15. The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be

  the present one.

  A. as three times big as

  B. three times as big as

  C. as big as three times

  D. as big three times as


  )16. --- The window is dirty.

  --- I know. It _____ for weeks.

  A. hasn’t cleaned

  B. didn’t clean

  C. wasn’t cleaned

  D. hasn’t been cleaned


  )17. ---Would you like to ________ us in celebrating John’s return from America tonight?   

  --- I’d like to, but I have to _________ a meeting.

  A. join; attend  

   B. attend; join 

   C. take part in; attend   

   D. join; join in (

  )18. As he had no ticket, he was refused entrance _____ the stadium.

  A. at

  B. for

  C. in

  D. to


  )19. However busy he is, the young man will go to the country to see his granny _____.

  A. each few days

  B. every a few days C. every few days

  D. each a few days


  )20. She pretended _______ me when I passed by.

  A. not to see

  B. not seeing

  C. to not see

  D. having not seen


  )21. It was in 1949 _____ the People’s Republic of China was founded.

  A. when

  B. in which

  C. that

  D. which


  )22.The local government ______ great importance to the environment protection.

  A. attaches

  B. pays

  C. expresses

  D. applies


  )23.Can you think of a situation _______ this sentence can be used?

  A. which

  B. that

  C. what

  D. where


  )24. Our government pays more attention ________ the wildlife.

  A. protect

  B. to protect

  C. to protecting

  D. protecting


  )25. _____ time went by, Mary could finish all the math exercises in class.

  A. As

  B. With

  C. Since

  D. Because



  This is a story from which we should learn something. There was once a tree that


  a lot of fruits. Everyone was __27___ its ability to give a good harvest each year .Its_28_ who sold its fruit at the local market had become one of the _29_ men in the village. So he was admired by all the people who knew him.

  30__,as the years passed by, the man spent so much of his time counting and selling his fruit that he _31 to take good care of the roots. He paid all his attention to _32_.As a result, he didn’t notice the tree was 33.

  Then one day when the man went to 34

  fruit , he was shocked to

  35that the tree was near death. "How could this __36_?"he asked.

  But when he checked the roots, he found the __37__ . The root had dried up. He__38__ he could do something to save it, but it was too _39__.He felt very sorry. It was a __40_he would never forget!

  How about you? Do you __41_ care about the numbers and the results? Or do you also care about the purpose, people , culture and root of your _42_ on the way to achieving something?

  Always __43 that the amount(数量) of fruit we produce is just a measurement (测量)of how well we are

  our root. If we take good care of our___44___, we'll always have _45_supplies of fruit. (

  )26. A. wanted

  B. produced

  C. collected

  D. wasted


  )27. A .careful about

  B. disappointed at

  C .surprised at

  D. angry at (

  )28. A .designer

  B. customer

  C. thief

  D. owner (

  )29. A .richest

  B. tallest

  C. strongest

  D. nicest (

  )30. A. Therefore

  B. However

  C. Also

  D. Still (

  )31. A .tired

  B. asked

  C. forgot

  D. stopped (

  )32. A .results

  B .families

  C. dreams

  D. actions (

  )33.A. growing

  B. appearing

  C. dying

  D .moving (

  )34.A. draw

  B. pick

  C. buy

  D. afford (

  )35.A .explain

  B. reply

  C. hope

  D. find


  )36.A. happen

  B. go

  C. improve

  D. break (

  )37.A. idea

  B. answer

  C. work

  D. choice (

  )38.A .ordered

  B. agreed

  C. knew

  D. wished (

  )39.A. large

  B. late

  C. tiring

  D. easy (

  )40.A. lie

  B. plan

  C. joke

  D. lesson (

  )41.A. only

  B. sometimes

  C. hardly

  D. even (

  )42.A. knowledge

  B. experience

  C. question

  D .success (

  )43.A. suggest

  B. say

  C. remember

  D. tell (


  B. fruit

  C. apple

  D. life


  )45.A. short

  B. strange

  C. enough

  D. few





  Once upon a time, there was a beautiful bird, which was very curious about hell(地狱). When she was little, her mother always told her that if she didn’t master the flying skills, she would go to hell. She was so curious about hell that she always asked others what hell looked like, but no one was sure, because none of them had ever been there. Some said hell was a place full of water, and others told her that hell was full of burning fire. However, the bird knew they were lying. She wanted to find out what hell was.

  When other birds were learning flying skills, she always hid herself and watched them. She thought in this way she could go to hell and see what hell looked like. However, she spent so little time learning flying skills that one day she was caught by a little boy. The little boy gave her to his grandpa in the countryside as a gift. The old man liked her very much. He made a delicate(精美的) cage and put her in it. The bird was very worried because she thought she couldn’t find out what hell was like staying in this small cage. However, she couldn’t escape. Day after day, she just stayed in the cage, watching other birds flying. She lost her freedom and she became sadder and sadder. At last, she became ill. The old man finally opened the cage, but she was too weak to fly. Lying on the ground, she thought of the question that she ever asked all the time.

  “What does hell look like?”

  “Hell is a small well—decorated cage.” Before she closed her eyes forever, she finally answered that question herself.


  )46. What does the underlined word “master” in the first paragraph mean?

  A. Miss.

  B. Finish.

  C. Follow.

  D. Learn well.


  )47. Why did the bird hide herself when other birds were learning flying skills?

  A. Because she was lazy.

  B. Because she didn’t like learning flying skills.

  C. Because she thought she could go to hell by doing this.

  D. Because she thought she didn’t have to learn flying skills.


  )48. According to the passage, the bird at last found that


  A. hell was a place full of water

  B. hell was a place full of burning fire

  C. there was no hell

  D. hell was a small well-decorated cage


  The first robots were invented in the 1920s. Robots have appeared in Hollywood films such as Robocop and The Terminator. The robots in these films are stronger, faster and more intelligent than people.

  In real life, robots are mainly used in factories. They do many different jobs. Usually these jobs are too dangerous, difficult or boring for humans.

  Robots also help disabled people and people who cannot look after themselves. For example, scientists are making a robot to help blind people. Nowadays many blind people have a dog to help them. This dog is called a guide dog. In the future, robot dogs might take the place of these guide dogs.

  One robot guide dog is called Meldog. It has wheels. It usually “walks” in front of its owner. It is very clever. It knows the speed of its owner’s walk. Meldog talks to its owner by radio. The owner wears a special belt. This belt sends instructions to the owner from Meldog such as “Stop here”, “Turn left” and “Turn right”.

  In the United States, another type of robot helps disabled workers. This robot, called Kilroy, helps disabled computer operators. The robot hears the sound of its owner’s voice. It follows instructions such as “Turn the page” and “Make a cup of coffee”. This robot will bring its owner tissue paper when he or she sneezes!

  Robots are also used in American hospitals. They can do simple jobs.

  For example, they shave patients and brush their teeth and take meals from the kitchen to the patients’ rooms. They never get lost because they have a map of the hospital in their computer memory.


  )49. Some robots in real life are


  A. dangerous

  B. boring

  C. film stars

  D. factory workers


  )50. Some disabled people need robots to


  A. make robots

  B. become scientists

  C. look after themselves

  D. do dangerous jobs


  )51. Meldog is a


  A. blind dog

  B. robot scientist

  C. real dog

  D. robot guide dog


  )52. The robots used in American hospitals can do the following except


  A. make a map

  B. shave patients

  C. brush the patients’ teeth

  D.take meals from the kitchen to the patients’ rooms


  A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They turn off the lights, put up the covers and close their eyes. Six or seven hours later, they wake up again. Strange, isn’t it?

  Sleep puzzles science. Scientists and doctors would rather talk about why one can’t fall asleep. They are not so sure what causes sleep.


  Don’t worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were begun while the writers slept.


  )53. Sleep puzzles scientists because they are not certain _______.

  A. why one can’t fall asleep

  B. why one wakes up six or seven sleeping hours later

  C. both A and B

  D. what causes sleep


  )54. You would feel tired during sleep if you ________.

  A. move often

  B. sleep on your back

  C. didn’t move

  D. went back too later


  )55. Dreaming happens when _______.

  A. you are in a deep sleep

  B. you are not comfortable

  C. part of our brain is still awake D. there’s too much noise in the room


  )56. The best title for this passage is ________.

  A. Why You Dream

  B. The Strangeness of Sleep

  C. What Happens During Sleep

  D. The Cause of Sleep


  A farmer grew some vegetables in his garden. One day his wife was ill and he had no money. He had to sell some cabbages and carrots in the market. The next morning he took two baskets of vegetables to town. But it was raining hard that afternoon and there were few people in the street. When his vegetables were sold out, it was dark. He bought some medicine and hurried to his village.

  On his way home he saw a person lying on the snow. He placed his baskets on the ground and was going to help the person to get up. At that time he found it was a dead man and there was much blood on his body. He was so afraid that he ran away quickly, without taking the baskets with him.

  The next afternoon the farmer was sent to the police station. Having shown the baskets, an officer asked: “Are these yours?” “Yes, sir.” the farmer answered timidly(胆怯地)。 “Have you killed the man?” “No, no, sir.” the farmer said in a hurry.” When did you see the dead man?” ”About seven last evening.” “Did you see who killed the man?” “No, Sir.” The officer brought out a knife and asked, “Have you seen it yet?”

  “No, Sir.”The officer became angry and told the policemen to beat him up and send him into prison.

  That evening the officer went on trying .Pointing to the knife, he asked again, “Have you seen it yet?”

  “Yes, Sir.” The officer was happy and asked, “When and where?” “I saw it here this afternoon, sir.”


  )57. The farmer decided to sell the vegetables to


  A. buy some food for his family

  B. buy some medicine for his wife

  C. go to see a doctor

  D. go to the cinema


  )58.The farmer didn’t sell out his vegetables until the evening because


  A. they were too bad

  B. they were very expensive

  C. it rained hard that morning

  D. few people liked to go out on such a bad day



  , the farmer decided to help the person to stand up.

  A. he wanted to get some money from him.

  B. the person was one of his friends

  C. he thought the person would thank him.

  D. he thought the person had drunk too much


  )60. The farmer ran away quickly because


  A. the policemen were coming towards him.

  B. his wife was waiting for him at home

  C. he was afraid to see a dead man.

  D. it was so late that he couldn’t stay there any longer

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  Healthy habits are important to all of us. Here are a few tips that can help you improve your healthy habits.

  Compulsory breakfast .

  6 . There is a saying like our lifetime will be shorter when we don’t eat breakfast. Breakfast is important to keep a healthy and a problem-free stomach.

  Good sleep. A good sleep is necessary for a healthy body and mind. Good sleep not only means sleeping for a long time (8hours preferably) but also sleeping with a peaceful mind. 62.


  Water is the best medicine for most diseases. We need to drink a lot of water every day, almost 8 glasses every day. Water helps us keep our body clean and fit.

  Relationships. 64

  This causes your mind and heart to be more fresh and peaceful. This in turn leads to a healthy life. Speak to your children or old people at least for an hour every day, which reduces(减轻) your burden(负担) greatly. Healthy relationships lead to a healthy life.


  Take a good walk every day, which is a very good habit regardless of the age or gender(性别). Walking helps you keep your mind at peace and helps in keeping a healthy body.

  Take a good walk.

  Drink lots of water.

  These are very healthy habits for all.

  The first is to eat our breakfast every morning.

  Spend at least half an hour for exercising each day.

  Always keep healthy relationships with other people.

  A peaceful sleep is important for a good healthy life.


  第三部分:写作 (满分5分)

  第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  6. 1.All the information was then ready to be _______(加工,处理) into film negatives.

  67.He can hardly find a job in the canteen, because he has no ____(先前的) experience of this kind of job.

  68.He made a good _______(印象)on us by his rich knowledge.

  69.The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was ______(不断地)hit by war.

  70.The painters don’t _______(企图,尝试)to paint objects as we see them with our eyes.

  71.The manager finally _______(批准) the plan.

  72.The chemical companies are _______(毒害)our rivers with industrial waste.

  73.As the bell rang, the naughty boy _______(挤)his book into his bag and went out of the classroom.

  74.I am _____(渴望的,热切的) to slide into the classroom quietly.

  75.They finally ______(采用)our advice on how to finish the work last week.

  第二节 共小题;每小题分,满分分76. Since 2010, much new and high technology has been introduced from abroad, _________(result)in great increase in production.

  77.Listen! The song which __________(sing) is very popular with Chinese students nowadays.

  78. I’m afraid I’ll have to work extra hours for there’re still many problems remaining _________ (solve).

  79.I would rather I __________(not adopt)his plan last week, because it was of no practice at all.

  80.The apples __________(taste)good were soon sold out when they were taken to the market.





  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  After I finished school, I began to look for a work.


  Now several months has passed, but I haven’t found the


  job I’m interested. Last Sunday morning, I received a

  83. _______________

  phone call from a man called Mr. Wang. He said on


  the phone, “I hear you do well on your studies. I may


  offer you a job.” I entered into his office with a beating heart.


  How I wished I will go through the job-hunting talk


  and that she would take on me as an assistant.


  But to my surprised, what he said disappointed me.


  That he needed was only a model.










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