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发布时间:2017-05-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  第 I 卷


  1.—What’s the noise outside?

  —Some children_____ hide-and-seek in the yard.

  A. were playing

  B. are playing

  C. have played

  D. played

  2.The students _____ are hard-working and ready to help others should be praised.

  A. who

  B. whom

  C. which

  D. whose

  3.The decorations were so lovely that they _____ in a short time.

  A. sold out

  B. has been sold out

  C. were sold out

  D. were selling out

  4.—I don’t mind telling you what I know.

  —You _____. I can manage it myself.

  A. mustn’t

  B. ought not to

  C. can’t

  D. don't have to

  5.The old man has retired from the factory. He _____ there for 30 years.

  A. works

  B. worked

  C. has worked

  D. was working

  6.She had to drop out of school _____ her family couldn’t afford the cost of her education.

  A. although

  B. unless

  C. because

  D. so

  7.My house _____ when you visited Beijing last time, so I didn’t invite you to my home.

  A. was being decorated

  B. is being decorated

  C. has been decorated

  D. was decorated

  8.We’ll have our picnic in the place _____ most of us like best.

  A. where

  B. which

  C. who

  D. as

  9.It will take a lot of time and_____ to finish the task on time.

  A. power

  B. pressure

  C. struggle

  D. energy

  10.If the service is awful, a customer has the right to _____ to the manager.

  A. react

  B. apply

  C. complain

  D. suggest

  11.Bill Gates is so _____ that he has given away most of his money to charity.

  A. brave

  B. smart

  C. generous

  D. skilful

  12.All his free time is _____ by charity work, but he feels it meaningful.

  A. put up

  B. given up

  C. picked up

  D. taken up

  13.All the athletes competed _____ each other for gold medals in the Olympic Games.

  A. against

  B. for

  C. between

  D. over

  14.The thieves ran away as soon as the alarm _____.

  A. gave off

  B. put off

  C. showed off

  D. went off

  15.—If people make small changes, like taking buses instead of driving cars, it will make a big difference.

  —_____. Then the traffic will be much better.

  A. That’s all right

  B. You are


  C. I don’t quite agree

  D. Oh, come off it

  II..完形填空:( 每小题1分,共20分) Michel is a young girl who works for the police (16)____ a handwriting expert. She has helped (17) ____ many criminals (罪犯) by using her special talents. When she was fourteen, Michel was already (18) ____ interested in the differences in her friends' (19) ____ that she would spend hours (20) ____ them. After (21) ____ college she went to France for a (22) ____ two-year class in handwriting at the School of Police Science. Michel says that it is (23) ____ for people to hide their handwriting. She can discover (24) ____ of what she needs to know simply (25) ____ looking at the writing with her own eyes, (26) ____ she also has machines (27) ____ help her make (28) ____ different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often (29) ____ great help to the police.

  Michel believes that handwriting is a good (30) ____ of what kind of person the (31) ____ is. "I wouldn't go out with a fellow (32) ____ I didn't like his handwriting." She says. But she (33) ____ she fell in love with her future husband, a young policeman (34) ____ she studied his handwriting. It is later proved to be (35) ____, however. 16. A. with

  B. by

  C. like

  D. as 17. A. search

  B. follow

  C. catch

  D. judge 18. A. so

  B. too

  C. quite

  D. extra 19. A. books

  B. letter

  C. tongues

  D. handwriting 20. A. writing

  B. studying

  C. settling

  D. uncovering 21. A. attending B. finishing

  C. starting

  D. stepping into 22.A. powerful B. natural

  C. special

  D. common 23. A. main

  B. safe

  C. easy

  D. impossible 24. A. most

  B. nothing

  C. little

  D. sight 25.A. with

  B. by

  C. of

  D. about 26. A. so

  B. for

  C. thus

  D. but 27. A. they

  B. in which

  C. that

  D. those 28. A. up

  B. out

  C. for

  D. into 29.A. of

  B. to

  C. with

  D. for 30. A. test

  B. sign

  C. means

  D. habit 31. A. thief

  B. criminal

  C. writer

  D. policeman 32. A. whether

  B. unless

  C. if

  D. after 33. A. adds

  B. tells

  C. repeats

  D. cries 34. A. before

  B. after

  C. shyly

  D. and 35.A. necessary B. all right

  C. important

  D. quite easy

  III.阅读理解:(每小题2分,共 20分)


  Buying insurance (保险) is a way in which people can protect themselves against large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. Large numbers of people pay small sums of money to an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only a few will lose their homes by fire. The insurance company will pay for these homes out of the small sums of money it has collected.

  The first modern fire insurance company was formed in London, England, in the 1760s. A great fire had just destroyed most of the city, and people wanted protection against further losses. The first company grew rapidly. Soon other companies were founded in other areas.

  Benjamin Franklin helped form the first fire insurance company in America in 1752, and then a new kind of insurance for farmers was suggested. The new insurance would provide protection against the loss of crops from storms.

  Later on another new insurance company was started in America. This company, which offered life insurance, collected small sums of money regularly from many different men. If a man died, his family was given a large sum of money.

  Over the years, insurance companies have offered new kinds of insurance protection. The new kinds of insurance cover losses from such accidents as car and plane crashes. Today, most people have some kind of insurance.

  36. Who helped set up the first company in America?

  A. Benjamin Franklin.

  B. Businessmen.

  C. The first insurance company in London.

  D. Farmers.

  37.Insurance means ____.

  A. Protection against the losses from the storms

  B. protection against illness

  C. Protection against accidents

  D. all of the above

  38.The first modern insurance company offered ____.

  A. life insurance

  B. fire insurance

  C. a new kind of insurance

  D. both A and B

  39.Why do most people buy some kind of insurance today?

  A. Insurance will keep their homes from burning.

  B. People can protect themselves against large losses.

  C. Insurance will pay for safety.

  D. The insurance companies grow rapidly.


  Nanjing-style paper cutting is an important part of Chinese paper cutting. It is known for its different designs, simplistic but graceful shapes, finely cut lines and unique skills. Zhang Fanglin is a leading figure in the Nanjing-style paper cutting. Zhang was born in a paper-cutting family. He is the fourth generation to continue the family’s paper-cutting skills. Taught by his father, he began to learn paper cutting in his childhood. In 1963 when he was only 14 years old, he started his artistic career in a local folk handicraft factory. Over the past decades, Zhang has created many works and developed excellent skills. In 1985, Zhang was admitted into Nanjing Municipal Fine Arts Company, creating and designing paper cuts. Throughout his artistic career, Zhang has absorbed characteristics and elements(元素)of various styles of paper cutting and created a large number of creative paper-cutting works. Thanks to his great contributions, he won many national prizes and was awarded the title of “National Master Artist in Handicraft Art”.

  As a leading figure, Zhang Fanglin has been invited to more than 30 countries and regions around the world, showcasing his paper-cutting skills. In the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Zhang showcased his new creations of gold foil-embedded paper cutting works.

  40.What is the passage mainly about?

  A. Chinese paper cutting.B. Nanjing-style paper cutting.

  C. A paper cutting family.

  D. A paper cutting artist.

  41.How old was Zhang Fanglin when he was admitted into Nanjing Municipal Fine Arts Company?

  A. 36.

  B. 14.

  C. 22.

  D. 18.

  .What can we infer from the passage?

  A. Nanjing-style paper cutting is the most important part of Chinese paper cutting.

  B. Zhang is a creative artist who knows different styles of paper cutting well.

  C. Zhang won many international prizes because of his great contributions.

  D. All the members of the family taught Zhang how to design paper cuts.


  The week after Jane's birthday, Barbara and Mary were away. Jane decided to have a late birthday party. She telephoned several friends. She asked some to bring records, some to bring food and others to bring something to drink. She rang another friend to see if she could borrow his record player. She herself bought some food and drink to get the party going. She took up all the carpets (地毯) so that they could dance. She did not know whether Barbara and Mary would have approved (赞成), but as long as she was careful, she was sure that they would not mind. She warned the two people in the flat above and invited them down. 

  The first guests arrived soon after eight. The music was soon playing loudly and they started dancing. Some of Jane's friends brought other friends with them. As more and more people arrived, the noise increased. People started shouting at each other, so they turned the music up. This made it more difficult to hear each other above the music, so they shouted more loudly. At half past ten the bell rang. “Turn down the music!” someone shouted. “Someone's probably called the police.” When Jane opened the door, there was a policeman standing there. She started to apologize, “I'm sorry about all the noise, officer. But you see, it was my birthday last week and I'm having a party.” “Never mind about that, miss. We're here because of something much more important.”

  “Oh, ” said Jane, surprised. “What's all this about? ”

  “Well, there's been a report of burglary (盗窃行为). We think the thief may have come to your party, pretending to be a friend of someone here. ”

  43. When did Jane have the party? 

  A. On her birthday. 

  B. After her birthday. 

  C. Before Barbara and Mary left. 

  D. As soon as she telephone her friends.

  44. Why did people shout at each other at the party? 

  A. They got rather angry with each other.

  B. They were very glad to make new friends. 

  C. They became too excited while dancing.

  D. They couldn't hear each other because of the music.

  45. What reason did Jane think the policeman came for? 

  A. They made too much noise.

  B. A thief was among the guests. 

  C. He had some important things to do.

  D. He was interested in birthday parties.

  第II 卷


  46.After living here for a few months, they have got

  (熟悉) with their neighbours.

  47. We shouldn’t judge a person only by his


  48.There are hundreds of athletes that

  (参赛) in every Olympic Games.

  49. It is important to

  (形成) good habits in life.

  50. Full of

  (信心) ,he made an excellent speech in front of a large audience.

  51. An interesting programme on TV quickly attracted the child’s


  52. Our maths teacher is very

  (幽默) ,and he often tells jokes.

  53. If not

  (邀请),I wouldn’t go to their wedding.

  54. The teacher

  (简化) the sentence so that his students found it easier to understand.

  55.On December 26,2004, few tourists who were on the beach to enjoy the sunshine


  after the tsunami(海啸).


  “think” 58

  and produce an answer quicker than any person. At that time it was considered a


  revolution and the start of my “artificial

  60 ”.

  In relief, Daisy burst into

  61 . “Don’t laugh,” said the elephant, “We used to be an


  species. Farmers hunted us without

  63 . They said we


  their farms, and money from tourists only went to the large



  VI.短文改错 (10分)文中共有10处语言错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(/),并在该句下面写出该加的词。


  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  It was raining. In his way home from school Peter saw an old man walking with difficult in the rain without a umbrella. Peter went up to him and offered share the umbrella with him. The old man in poor health, so Peter tried to hold the umbrella. But he was so short to hold it high enough. While wondered what to do, he saw the old man's stick and had an idea. He had tied the stick to the handle of the umbrella and made them longer. Now we shared the umbrella. Peter was happy.







  2.词数:120左右; 3.文章开头已给出;不计入总词数

  Health is the most important for any of us.










  1---5 BACDB

  6---10 CABDC

  11---15 CDADB





  36---39 ADBB――42DAB 43---45 BDA

  46.familiar 47.appearance


  49. form

  50. confidence



  53. invited

  54. simplified


  56.programmed 57.operator



  60.intelligence 61.laughter





  66.In—On 67.difficult—difficulty 68. a—an

  69.offered后加to 70.

  man后加was; 71. so---too 72.wondered—wondering

  73.去掉had 74.them—it75.we—they


  Health is the most important for any of us. In order to stay healthy, we need some common knowledge.

  Firstly, pay attention to the diet. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables, because they are rich in fiber and low in fat. As a proverb says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” So fruit is good for health. Don't have a lot of food that contains too much fat, such as butter. Meanwhile, sweets should be eaten in proper quantity, because too much sugar does harm to us. Don't drink too much coffee,either.


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