China began a pilot program to issue special license plates for new energy vehicles in five cities on Thursday, in an effort to promote such vehicles and relieve pressure on energy use and the environment.
Different from the traditional blue license plates, the new ones are green and 40mm wider than conventional plates. The special plates have an additional digit.
新能源汽车(new energy vehicles,NEV)主要包括纯电动汽车(blade electric vehicles, 简称BEV),插电式混合动力汽车(plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,简称PHEV),以及燃料电池电动汽车(fuel-cell electric vehicles)。
新能源车专用号牌(special plates for new energy vehicles)式样在设计时体现了“绿色环保”(environment-friendly)寓意,以绿色为主色调,并增加了NEV专用标识。与普通汽车号牌相比,新能源汽车号牌在工本费、发牌机关代号(各省、区、市简称和代码)不变的情况下,号码增加了1位。此前,公安部曾经对新能源车型号牌的三个样式向公众征集意见,此次试点使用的样式为,小型新能源汽车号牌底色采用渐变绿色,大型新能源汽车号牌底色采用黄绿双拼色。
新能源车辆号牌选号分为两种:一种是新车注册登记(new registrations),可通过现场“50选1”随机选号(choose a plate number from among 50 available at vehicle management registration sites)。另一种是,互联网选号,注册登录“交通安全综合服务管理平台”(www.122.gov.cn)或“交管12123APP”,按提示要求输入相关信息,可进行5次“10选1”随机选号和20个自编选号(pick a number they prefer or from random numbers)。
对于已办理过登记的新能源机动车,按照自愿换领原则,由车主自主选择是否换领(owners of already registered new energy vehicles can decide whether to replace their plates)。需要注意的是,此类车主只可在互联网进行选号。
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