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发布时间:2017-05-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编








A new bridge of China-Ecuador friendship and cooperation




As a Chinese saying goes, "Even mountains and seas cannot distance people with common aspirations." China and Ecuador share a close bond of friendship despite the long distance between us.


China commends Ecuador's commitment to an independent foreign policy of peace and to upholding justice in defiance of power politics. China appreciates its cooperation with Ecuador on major international issues such as UN reform, climate change and sustainable development, and applauds Ecuador's active efforts, in its capacity as CELAC rotating presidency and a member of Quartet, to promote the development of China-CELAC Forum and the overall cooperation between China and Latin American and Caribbean countries.


China-Ecuador relations enjoy solid political trust, converging interests and broad space for cooperation. With all these favorable conditions, our strategic partnership is poised to grow in an all-round way. I look forward to having in-depth exchanges with President Correa and friends from various sectors of Ecuador to take China-Ecuador relations to a new height.


We shall be good partners treating each other with sincerity and trust.


We shall be good partners for common development.


We shall be good partners enjoying ever-lasting friendship.


We shall be good partners for South-South cooperation.


Another Chinese saying reads, "When brothers come together, there is nothing they cannot achieve." In the new circumstances, China will join hands with Ecuador to build a strong bridge for our two peoples to scale up friendly exchange and take our relations to a higher level.


Comprehensive strategic partnership




China is willing to reinforce practical cooperation with the Ecuadorian side in all areas, comprehensively step up the integration of interests of both sides, expand people-to-people exchanges, and open up brighter prospects for the development of bilateral ties.


China is willing to maintain close cooperation with the G77 in multilateral affairs. China is also willing to work with Ecuador to boost overall cooperation with Latin America and push for greater development in China-Latin America relations.


Greater momentum of growth

国家主席习近平19日在秘鲁利马出席亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会并发表题为《深化伙伴关系 增强发展动力》的主旨演讲。



Asia-Pacific is now at a critical stage. With unsurpassed economic aggregate and vibrancy, the Asia-Pacific must lead the way and take strong and coordinated actions to energize the world economy and create new opportunities for global growth.


First, we should promote an open and integrated economy.


Second, we should enhance connectivity to achieve interconnected development.


Third, we should boost reform and innovation to create more internal driving force.


Fourth, we should promote win-win cooperation to forge strong partnership.


Since becoming an APEC member 25 years ago, China has, together with other members, pursued development and shared prosperity, advanced opening-up and deepened integration, blazed new trails and taken bold initiatives, and pursued shared development based on mutual respect and assistance.


Progress and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific

亚太经合组织第二十四次领导人非正式会议20日在秘鲁利马举行。国家主席习近平出席并发表题为《面向未来开拓进取 促进亚太发展繁荣》的重要讲话,强调要深化亚太伙伴关系,以开放谋共赢,以融合促繁荣,不断开拓进取,共创亚太发展的美好未来。



We need to stay committed to taking economic globalization forward, steer it towards a more inclusive and mutually beneficial direction and oppose all forms of protectionism.


We need to stay committed to increasing openness in the Asia-Pacific economy, support the multilateral trading regime, and realize the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) at an early date.


We need to stay committed to breaking bottlenecks in regional connectivity, and deeply implement the Connectivity Blueprint for 2017-2025 adopted in Beijing. We need to promote connectivity in infrastructure, institutions and personnel flows, and have a multi-dimensional connectivity network. We need to enhance the docking between the "Belt and Road" initiative and development strategies as well as cooperation initiatives of relevant parties.


We need to stay committed to blazing new trails in reform and innovation, advance economic structural reform, and create impetus for the Asia-Pacific to lead the world economy.


As the 2020 deadline of Bogor Goals draws near, we need to be more forward-looking in our cooperation and build consensus for a cooperation vision with a longer time frame. With a focus on development, China will work with other parties to increase openness, pursue regional economic integration and connectivity, and jointly write an exciting chapter of Asia-Pacific cooperation.


Strive for new progress in cooperation

11月17日,在对秘鲁共和国进行国事访问前夕,国家主席习近平在秘鲁《商报》发表题为《共圆百年发展梦 同谱合作新华章》的署名文章。



Today, nearly one tenth of the Peruvian population descended from Chinese ancestry. The Chinese are even called by an affectionate nickname in Peru the "paisano" (old pal), showing the deep roots of friendship between our peoples. This is a valuable asset shared by our two countries.


Despite the wintry state of the global economy in recent years, China and Peru are enjoying spring in their practical cooperation.


The Chinese people are working vigorously to attain the two centenary goals, namely, completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the Communist Party's centenary in 2021 and building a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious country by the centenary of the People's Republic in 2049, and the Chinese dream of great national renewal. The Peruvian people are making relentless efforts toward a just, fair and united Peru by the bicentennial of Peru's independence in 2021. Cherishing the same dream and vision, it is only natural that we should push forward all-round cooperation.


We need to deepen political mutual trust and remain partners for each other on the way ahead.


We need to expand practical cooperation and promote common development and prosperity.


We need to promote cultural exchange and cement public support for our relations.


We need to strengthen cooperation in international and regional affairs to uphold common interests.


China-LatAm community of common destiny 习近平21日在秘鲁国会发表题为《同舟共济、扬帆远航,共创中拉关系美好未来》的重要演讲,强调中拉双方要高举和平发展合作旗帜,共同打造好中拉命运共同体这艘大船,在实现中国梦和拉美梦的道路上精诚合作,推动中拉全面合作伙伴关系实现更高水平发展。



The Spanish word 'paisano' refers especially to Chinese descendants in Peru and 'chifa', a word that originated from the Cantonese dialect for 'having meals', has become the term the Peruvians use to refer to Chinese restaurants.


China and Peru are good brothers that trust each other.


China and Peru are good partners that pursue common development."


China and Peru are good friends that shoulder responsibilities together.

中国愿同拉美国家加强治国理政经验交流,增强宏观政策规划和协调,推动中国发展规划同 拉美和加勒比国家发展战略衔接。

China will increase sharing of governance experience and improve planning and coordination of macro policies with Latin American and Caribbean states to better synergize our development plans and strategies.

要坚持世界各国一律平等,不 能以大压小、以强凌弱、以富欺贫,各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利应当得到维护。

All countries are equal members of the international community. The big, strong and rich must not bully the small, weak and poor. And the right of every country to independently choose its social system and development path should be upheld.


All-round dialogue and cooperation




I hope the visit will deepen the two countries' traditional friendship, promote all-round dialogue and cooperation, and boost the China-Peru comprehensive strategic partnership, so as to bring more benefits to the two peoples.


The coming five years are a significant time for national development of both countries, the two sides should weigh top-level design and overall planning for bilateral ties, run their cooperation mechanisms well, fully implement their joint action plan for cooperation in 2016-2021, and strengthen synergy of development strategies so as to obtain real results of their consensuses.


Great brother




China and Chile are far away from each other, but the two peoples enjoy a long history of interactions and profound friendship. Pablo Neruda, a Nobel Prize laureate in literature and a major poet in Chile, referred to China affectionately as a "great brother." Even the names of our two countries, China and Chile, resemble those of two brothers and our two peoples have indeed fostered a brotherly relationship.


The two peoples have the tradition of making pioneering efforts. A number of "firsts" have been achieved in our bilateral ties. Former President Salvador Allende, with his extraordinary vision, decided to establish diplomatic ties with New China 46 years ago, making Chile the first country in South America to do so and opening a new chapter in China-Chile relations. Chile was the first Latin American country to sign a bilateral agreement with China on its WTO accession, to recognize China as a full market economy and to sign with China a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA).


Friends in Latin America often say that one can walk fast when traveling alone and walk a long distance when traveling with friends. I look forward to in-depth exchanges with friends from various sectors of Chile during this visit so that we can carry forward the fine tradition of China-Chile relations and draw a new blueprint for bilateral cooperation to advance common development of our two countries.


We should remain committed to mutual respect and consolidate political foundation for our relations.


We should enhance our complementarity and promote common development.


We should expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges and consolidate traditional friendship.


We should strengthen strategic coordination and uphold our common interest.


As Neruda once said, if we look at the map of America, we will find a very promising vista. We will then have greater confidence in the future of Latin America. Chile, as the gateway to Latin America and the current rotating chair of the Pacific Alliance, plays an important role in regional affairs. China is ready to work with Chile to push China-Latin America Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership forward for greater development and build a community of shared future.


Media exchange




Media exchanges constitute an important part of the China-Latin America relationship, and Chinese and Latin American media agencies can do a lot in carrying on and advancing the friendship between their peoples.


Media agencies should also help boost pragmatic cooperation between China and Latin America, enhance the enthusiasm for and confidence in bilateral cooperation, and promote innovative cooperation models.


True friends




As a Latin proverb says, "true friends are those who could touch each other's heart from the other end of the world", China and Chile are good friends like this.


China is willing to work with Chile to improve the top-level design for bilateral ties, improve their FTA, broaden investment cooperation, strengthen sci-tech and innovation cooperation, lay a solid foundation of public support, and lift their strategic coordination,the Chinese side supports its enterprises in seeking a spot in Chile's infrastructure and clean energy industries.


Tourism cooperation between China and Chile is conducive to people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries, the two sides should enhance communication and coordination within multilateral institutions.


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