山东省济宁市梁山一中2016-2017学年高一12月月考 英语 Word版含答案-查字典英语网
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山东省济宁市梁山一中2016-2017学年高一12月月考 英语 Word版含答案

发布时间:2017-05-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  第二部分:英语知识运用 (共节,满分45分)

  第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

  21. All the students in senior three are studying hard day and night ______they can be admitted by key universities.

  A. so that B. in case C. as if D. if

  22. ---- Hi, Terry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?

  ---- Sorry.


  A. It' s repaired

  B. It has been repaired C. It's being repaired

  D. It had been repaired

  23. I took my driving license with me on holiday,

  I wanted to hire a car.

  A. in case

  B. even if

  C. ever since

  D. if only

  24.---- In many developed countries, the old have already outnumbered (多于) children.

  ---- Yes, and China is reported ______ through a similar process of population aging now, and at a faster pace.

  A. to go

  B. to be going

  C. going

  D. gone

  25.The girl has a great interest in sport and ______ badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.

  A. took

  B. is taking

  C. takes

  D. has been taking

  26.If nothing _____, the oceans will turn into fish deserts.

  A. does

  B. had been done

  C. will do

  D. is done

  27.Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2017,

  made one of the Chinese people’s long-held dreams come true.

  A. it

  B. that

  C. what

  D. which

  28.He wrote a letter ______ he explains what had happened in the accident.

  A. what

  B. which

  C. where

  D. how

  29.— I don’t understand why you didn’t go to the lecture yesterday afternoon.

  —I’m so sorry. But I ______ my homework. A. had done

  B. was doing

  C. would do

  D. am doing

  30.—Could I use your car tomorrow morning?

  —Sure. I

  a report at home.

  A. will be writing

  B. will have written

  C. have written

  D. have been writing

  31.I ________ to visit you later that day, but I had to phone and cancel(取消).

  A. come

  B. came

  C. am coming

  D. was coming

  32. The school board is made up of parents who _______ to make decisions about school affairs.

  A. had been elected

  B. had elected

  C. have been elected

  D. have elected

  33. Growing all over the hills and around the lake _______trees of different kinds.

  A. are

  B. is

  C. were

  D. was

  34. Sometimes people make up such amazing stories. There is no hard evidence _______ aliens took him.

  A. which

  B. who

  C. that

  D. what

  35. Let your children voice their opinions ______they are quite different from yours.

  A. so that

  B. even if

  C. as if

  D. however

  第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  On a warm Monday, Jenny Neilson bought a sandwich and parked her car under some trees. Rolling down the


  to   let in fresh air, she settled back to enjoy her lunch. Suddenly she   37   a big bald man running through the parking lot. Before she came to realize  38   would happen, the man was there, shouting through her window. "Get out!" Neilson   39  .

  Pulling open her door, the man seized her   40   the neck and hair, and threw her out of the car onto the ground. She screamed,   41   her purse and the keys. Two reporters of the local newspaper, Robert Bruce and Jeff Jackson, just outside their office building on a   42  , heard the screams and began running. When they   43   Neilson's car, the attacker had jumped into the driver's seat and was   44   searching for the keys. Bruce opened the door, and he and Jackson dragged the man out. The attacker   45   back. But in a state of great  46  , he was no match for the two athletic men.

  Reggie Miller, a worker of the local newspaper, heard the screams, too. He rushed back to the office to   47   the police, and then ran back with some plastic ropes —— used to tie up newspapers.   48   his arms tied tightly behind him, the attacker looked up and said   49  , "I hope you guys feel good about yourselves – you just caught one of the most wanted men." They   50   him and waited for the police.

  Later, Bruce and Jackson were astonished to learn the man was the   51   carjacker and suspected murderer, whose picture had been recently printed   52

  their own newspaper. Neilson considers herself lucky   53   she suffered injuries. She believes the story might have had a   54   ending if those good people had not come to help her. "Unfortunately," she says, "  55   people would have done what they did, and that is the real truth." 36. A. doors

  B. windows

  C. glasses

  D. mirrors

  37. A. noticed   B. recognized C. watched D. felt

  38. A. which B. it C. what D. that

  39. A. escaped B. struggled C. obeyed D. refused

  40. A. around B. by C. with D. on

  41. A. burying  B. grabbing C. forgetting D. offering    

  42. A. break B. visit  C. holiday D. trip 

  43. A. started  B. stopped C. entered D. reached

  44. A. carefully B. disappointedly C. patiently D. madly

  45. A. turned B. jumped C. fought  D. shouted

  46. A. surprise B. excitement C. satisfaction D. panic

  47. A. remind B. invite C. persuade D. phone

  48. A. As B. For C. With D. Under

  49. A. kindly   B. coldly  C. happily D. warmly

  50. A. ignored B. punished C. comforted  D. laughed

  51. A. ordinary  B. professional  C. honest D. handsome

  52. A. on B. for C. in

  D. at

  53. A. because B. when C. although D. after

  54. A. different B. similar C. happy D. strange

  55. A. few B. many C. little D. some

  第三部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)

  第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


  A couple had a son eleven years after they married. They were a loving couple and the boy was the apple of their eye. When the boy was around four years old, one day the father was very tired after work so he asked his wife to pick up their son. The mother, who was very busy in the kitchen, totally forgot about it.

  Later the boy lost his way on the street. When the son was found missing, the mother hurried to look for him, but she didn’t find him. The mother felt very sad and didn’t know how to face her husband.

  When the father went to the police station after hearing that the son was missing, he looked at his wife and said just four words. What do you think the four words were? The husband just said "I love you, darling."

  The son was missing. If she had picked him up earlier, this would not have happened. There is no point in blaming (责备) anyone. His wife had also lost her only child. What his wife needed at that moment was comfort and understanding from her husband. That is what the husband gave his wife. Several weeks later, with the help of the police, the couple finally found their lost son. The family’s relationship became stronger over that time.

  Sometimes we spend lots of time asking who is to blame. We miss many chances to give each other support and let each other feel the warmth of human relationships. Get rid of all your unwillingness to forgive, selfishness, and fears and you will find the world is much more wonderful.

  56. What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “the apple of their eye”

  A. A person who always has a sweet smile in their opinion.

  B. A person who is as pretty as an apple in their opinion.

  C. A person who is loved more than anyone else in their opinion.

  D. A person who looks like an apple in their opinion.

  57. Why didn’t the father pick the boy up himself?

  A. He was very lazy.

  B. He thought the mother had picked him up.

  C. He forgot to pick him up.

  D. He was too tired to do it.

  58. What can we learn from this passage?

  A. Be careful in everything you do.

  B. Love is the most important thing.

  C. Learn to forgive others.

  D. Everyone can make mistakes.

  59. What do you think of the husband?

  A. Warm-hearted.

  B. Careful.

  C. Hard-working.

  D. Broad-minded.


  Batteries can power anything from small sensors to large systems. While scientists are finding ways to make them smaller but even more powerful, problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves. University of Missouri(MU) researchers are developing a nuclear energy source that is smaller, lighter and more efficient.

  “To provide enough power, we need certain methods with high energy density(密度)”,said Jae Kwon, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at MU. “The radioisotope(放射性同位素) battery can provide power density that is much higher than chemical batteries.”

  Kwon and his research team have been working on building a small nuclear battery, presently the size and thickness of a penny, intended to power various micro / nanoelectromechanreal systems (M/NEMS). Although nuclear batteries can cause concerns, Kwon said they are safe.

  “People hear the word ‘nuclear’ and think of something very dangerous,” he said, “However, nuclear power sources have already been safely powering a variety of devices, such as pace-makers, space satellites and underwater systems.”

  His new idea is not only in the battery’s size, but also in its semiconductor(半导体). Kwon’s battery uses a liquid semiconductor rather than a solid semiconductor.

  “The key part of using a radioactive battery is that when you harvest the energy, part of the radiation energy can damage the lattice structure(晶体结构) of the solid semiconductor,” Kwon said, “By using a liquid semiconductor, we believe we can minimize that problem.”

  Together with J. David Robertson, chemistry professor and associate director of the MU Research Reactor, Kwon is working to build and test the battery. In the future, they hope to increase the battery’s power, shrink its size and try with various other materials. Kwon said that battery could be thinner than the thickness of human hair.

  60. Which of the following is true of Jae Kwon?

  A. He teaches chemistry at MU. 

  B. He developed a chemical battery.

  C. He is working on a nuclear energy source.

  D. He made a breakthrough in computer engineering.

  61. Jae Kwon gave examples in Paragraph 4_________.

  A. to show chemical batteries are widely applied.

  B. to introduce nuclear batteries can be safely used.

  C. to describe a nuclear-powered system.

  D. to introduce various energy sources.

  62. Liquid semiconductor is used to _________.

  A. get rid of the radioactive waste  

  B. test the power of nuclear batteries.

  C. decrease the size of nuclear batteries

  D. reduce the damage to lattice structure.

  63. The text is most probably a ________.

  A. science news report        B. book review   

  C. newspaper ad  

  D. science fiction story


  Friends play a very important part in everyone’s life. Friendship usually develops during childhood. New friends are made when you progress through school. Those friends that you make as a student can usually last long. Friends influence your development, maturity (成熟) and sense of responsibility. A familiar expression is “you can tell a lot about a person by knowing who his friends are.” Friendship is based on common interests. If you like sports, most of your friends are likely to be athletic. If you enjoy reading and shopping, most of your friends do the same.

  Some people call you their friends for the wrong reason. These people are not really friends. They are only “friends” on the outside, not the inside where it counts. They only want to be your friends if it is to their advantage. True friends are there whether you are rich or poor. It is easy to have many so-called “friends” if you are rich. By this time you should be able to separate your friends into the real or the “false”.

  True friends are most special. They are also difficult to find. You can consider yourself very lucky if you have one true friend. This friend is eager to help you whenever necessary. He or she knows you would do the same for them. A true friend is someone you can talk to about any subject or problem. You and your true friend have good understanding of each other. True friends support you, take your side, and build up your confidence.

  64. “So-called” friends refer to


  A. fair-weather friends

  B. those who want to benefit from you

  C. the friends who are on the surface only

  D. all of the above

  65. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. You should tell true friends from false ones.

  B. True friendship is too difficult to find.

  C. You can share your joys and sorrows with a true friend.

  D. A true friend will stand by you whatever happens.

  66. The proper title for this article may be “


  A. Friendliness

  B. What friends like

  C. True Friends

  D. So-called Friends


  If you’d like to go sightseeing, the following World Heritage Sites may be your best choices.

  Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area

  The Jiuzhaigou Valley, which lies in the northern part of Sichuan Province, reaches a height of more than 4,800 meters, with a series of different forest ecosystems(生态系统). There you can enjoy watching excellent waterfalls. Some 140 kinds of birds also live in the valley, as well as a number of endangered plants and animals, including the giant panda. For more information, please visit http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/637.

  Khami Ruins National Monument

  The city of Khami, which developed after the capital of Great Zimbabwe had been given up in the mid-16th century, is of great archaeological(考古的)interest. The discovery of objects from Europe and China shows that Khami was a major centre for trade over a long period of time. For more information, please visit http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/365.

  Henderson Island

  Henderson Island, which lies in the eastern South Pacific, is one of the few atolls(环礁)in the world whose ecology(生态)has not been touched by human beings. It is especially famous for the ten plants and four land birds that can only be seen on the island. For more information, please visit http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/487.

  The Old City of Jerusalem

  As a holy city for three different religions in the Middle East, Jerusalem has always been of great religious importance. It was given a World Heritage Status in 1981 and placed on the “List of World Heritage in Danger” the following year. For more information, please visit http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/148.

  67.What can we know about the Jiuzhaigou Valley?

  A.It sits at the foot of a 4,800-meter-high mountain.

  B.It has different forest ecosystems.

  C. of China’s endangered plants can be found there.

  D.In all about 140 kinds of birds and animals live there.

  68.The discovery of some of the objects in Khami shows that the city


  A.had a very short history

  B.was ruined in the mid-16th century

  C.was once Great Zimbabwe’s largest city

  D.once played a great role as a trade center

  69.From the passage we can learn that Henderson Island


  A.hasn’t been greatly influenced by human activities

  B.isn’t suitable for humans to live on

  C.has been open to visitors for years

  D.is made up of a few large atolls

  70.If you are interested in religion, you should visit










  The eyes are the windows of the soul (心灵) . Having a pair of bright, clear eyes is very important, so we should protect our eyes throughout our lives.

  ___71____ Don’t read while lying down or walking. Relax after every hour of reading .

  Keep a distance from the TV set when you watch TV and give your eyes a rest every 30 minutes.

  Don’t stare at (盯着看) the sun or try to read in the darkness. ___72___ This can damage your eyes easily.

  Get your eyes checked often. Not many people have this habit, but it is necessary. If you feel that there is something wrong with your eyes, get them checked quickly. ___73___.

  ___74___. You can close your eyes for a few seconds or look into the distance for one or two minutes. A small break will relax your eyes and help to stop you from getting eye problems.

  Be careful when you choose your glasses.___75____. Make sure your glasses are right for you . If they don’t feel right, get your glasses changed.

  A. Develop good reading habits.

  B. Rest your eyes whenever you can.

  C. Make sure you get enough sleep every night.

  D. Glasses that aren’t suitable for you could bring you trouble.

  E. Even if you’re wearing sunglasses, never look directly at the sun.

  F. Eye problem can be found and treated early with regular checks.

  G. Drink green tea every day as a way to protect your eyes against eye problems.







  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  Dear Mary,

  We’ve been pen friends for a year now. It is a fun, isn’t it? This year I’m starting my college life. I’m real excited. Everything will be different with things in high school. I’ll have more classes, and each of the class will be in a different classroom. In the dormitory I will have a locker which I can keep my textbooks, notebooks, coats and other thing. This is my favorite thing about going college. Two students will have to share a locker. I will like my friend Kim to be my locker partner. We’re thinking of put up our favorite pictures on the locker door. Please sending me a new picture of yourself! Ok ?

  Well, write soon. Bye

  Best wishes




  假如你叫魏华, 最近收到你过去同学王萍的一封来信, 诉说不知道如何交朋友、交什么样的朋友。请你根据以下信息给她回一封回信, 提出你的一些建议。注意事项 择 友 慎 重

  不该交的朋友 1.性格、行为、心地不好的人



  应该交的朋友 1.让人信任、喜爱和尊敬的



  参考词汇:逆境 adversity


  Dear Wang Ping,

  I’m glad to receive your latter. Thanks to your trust in me.

  Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy._________________________________________________________________________


  I hope that you can find a good friend as soon as possible.

  Best wishes!

  Wei Hua


  21-25 ACABD

  26-30 DDCBA

  31-35 DCACB

  36-40 BACDB

  41-45 BADDC

  46-50 DDCBA

  51-55 BCCAA

  56-59 CDCD

  60-63 CBDA

  64-66 DBC

  67-70 BDAA

  71-75 AEFBD


  We’ve been pen friends for a year now. It is a fun, isn’t it? This year I’m starting my college life.


  I’m real excited. Everything will be different with things in high school. I’ll have more classes,



  and each of the class will be in a different classroom. In the dormitory I will have a locker which I



  can keep my textbooks, notebooks, coats and other thing. This is my favorite thing about going^



  college. Two students will have to share a locker. I will like my friend Kim to be my


  locker partner. We’re thinking of put up our favorite pictures on the locker door.


  Please sending me a new picture of yourself! Ok ?


  Dear Wang Ping,

  I’m glad to receive your latter. Thanks to your trust in me.

  Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy. A true friend does indeed find pleasure in our joy and share sorrow in our grief. So we should be very careful in our choice of a friend. We shouldn’t choose someone who has a bad character, whose activities are not good and who shows little kindness. What’s more, don’t make friends with those who tell anyone else when you tell them your secrets. We should avoid those shallow people who are easily changed by adversities or misfortune.

  A true friend can always be trusted, loved and respected. Friends share each other’s joys and sorrows. They help each other when they are in trouble, and cheer each other up when they are sad. The most important thing is that a friend always understands you. In conclusion, when you have made a good friend, don’t forget him or her.

  I hope that you can find a good friend as soon as possible.

  Best wishes!

  Wei Hua


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