They say the early bird catches the worm, and research suggests there might be some truth to the old adage.
Waking up with (or before) the sun allows executives like Apple CEO Tim Cook and "Shark Tank" investor Kevin O'Leary to get a head start on the day, knocking out tasks before the rest of the world has rolled out of bed.
Those "extra" hours with less distractions and fresh energy also give them a chance to do some creative thinking, fit in a workout, and spend time with family. And it should be noted that waking up early doesn't necessarily mean losing sleep — some of the smartest leaders understand that being effective means getting a full night's sleep.
Here are 7 early risers who may convince you never to hit snooze again.
Apple CEO Tim Cook wakes up at 3:45 am and gets a head start on email.
The tech titan is known for getting up early.
According to a Time profile, "He wakes up at 3:45 every morning ('Yes, every morning'), does email for an hour, stealing a march on those lazy East Coasters three time zones ahead of him, then goes to the gym, then Starbucks (for more e-mail), then work. 'The thing about it is, when you love what you do, you don't really think of it as work. It's what you do. And that's the good fortune of where I find myself.'"
FLOTUS Michelle Obama is working out by 4:30 am
While the president is known for getting very little sleep, he's got nothing on the first lady, who tells Oprah she starts her days with a 4:30 am workout before her kids wake up.
"If I don't exercise, I won't feel good. I'll get depressed," she says, noting that it's easier to pull that off at the White House, where she has "much more support" than the average person.
NextDesk director Dan Lee starts his day at 3:30 am
The standing desk company leader tells Tech Insider he wakes up at 3:30 am. "It's not for everyone," he says.
The first thing Lee does when he wakes up is drink two liters of water followed by two cups of coffee and a smoothie. Then he spends 30 minutes with his dog followed by an hour of reading time.
By 5:15 am, Lee is at the gym, where he works out until 6:15 am. He spends the next hour showering, shaving, and traveling to his office, and by 7:15 am, he's ready to start the workday.
Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey wakes up before dawn for a 6-mile run.
According to New York Magazine, the Twitter cofounder wakes up at 5:30 am to meditate and go for a six-mile jog.
Disney CEO Bob Iger wakes up early to think without interruption
Iger told Fortune he gets up at 4:30 every morning.
"It's a time of day when I can be very productive without too much interruption. I ride a bike and use aerobic equipment twice a week, and work out with a trainer, lifting weights. It's a good time to think. I believe that exercise relieves stress and contributes to an improvement in stamina, which in a job like this you absolutely need."
In another article for Fortune, Harvard Business School professor and former Medtronic CEO Bill George observes that mindful practices such as Iger's help leaders be more creative and open to new ideas.
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is at the office by 6 am
Schultz starts his day with a workout, which is usually a bike ride with his wife, but still gets to the office by 6 am, according to Portfolio.com.
'Project Runway' cohost and fashion consultant Tim Gunn begins his day at 5:30 am with an espresso.
The fashion icon starts his days at 5:30 am with an espresso, which he sips while reading the newspaper, he tells the New York Post.
He's a big fan of those early morning hours. "I love getting up before the sun's up," he explains, telling The Times that he starts even his Sundays with "50 sit-ups, in bed."
上一篇: 如何准确了解作者的意图
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