China's State Council has approved a "Chinese Brands Day," to be held on May 10 each year starting this year, according to a statement made public Tuesday.
2016年6月20日,国务院办公厅发布《关于发挥品牌引领作用推动供需结构升级的意见》,提出设立“中国品牌日”(Chinese Brands Day),大力宣传知名自主品牌(publicize brands owned independently by Chinese companies),讲好中国品牌故事。
“中国品牌日”鼓励各级电视台、广播电台以及平面、网络等媒体,在重要时段(prime time)、重要版面(front page)安排自主品牌公益宣传,定期举办中国自主品牌博览会(holding expositions for Chinese domestic-owned brands on a regular basis),在重点出入境口岸设置自主品牌产品展销厅(setting up exhibition halls for products of domestic-owned brands at major entry and exit ports),在世界重要市场举办中国自主品牌巡展推介会(hosting promotional tours for domestic-owned brands at major global markets),扩大自主品牌的知名度和影响力(expand visibility and influence of domestic-owned brands)。
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