国内英语资讯:FM: Parties in Korean Peninsula nuclear issue want no conflicts, wars-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:FM: Parties in Korean Peninsula nuclear issue want no conflicts, wars

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIJING, April 20 (Xinhua) -- Relevant parties in the Korean Peninsula's nuclear issue want no conflicts nor wars, and the world hopes for peace, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said Thursday.

Media reported that U.S. President Donald Trump said in an interview that the United States wants peace, and hopes Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, longs for peace as well. How much Kim Jong Un also wants peace will be a deciding factor in easing tensions between the two countries.

Commenting on this, Lu said that China has always believed that dialogue and consultation is the only effective approach to solving the nuclear issues and maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

"We hope all the related parties can reach a consensus and make practical efforts," Lu said.


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