2017届高考英语(牛津译林版)一轮复习课时提升作业:(十) 必修4 Unit 1 Advertising-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语(牛津译林版)一轮复习课时提升作业:(十) 必修4 Unit 1 Advertising

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  必修4 Unit 1


  . 单项填空

  1. This project ________ to help landless people just didn’t work out as planned.

  A. designedB. having designed

  C. to be designed

  D. being designed【解析】选A。句意: 设计这个项目本来是要帮助那些失去土地的人们, 结果却和计划的不一样。句子的主语this project与design之间是动宾关系, 因此用过去分词作定语。

  2. The message we’d like to ________ is that consumers should spend their money sensibly while shopping online.

  A. get through B. get across

  C. get over

  D. get along

  【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 我们想表达清楚的信息是消费者在网上购物时应该理智地花钱。get across把……表达清楚, 使被理解; get through通过; get over克服; get along进展。


  (2017·杭州模拟)What I want to ________ to teenagers is that being addicted to the Internet will to some extent harm both mental and physical health.

  A. get in

  B. get across

  C. get down

  D. get over

  【解析】选B。句意: 我想让青少年明白的是迷恋网络在某种程度上会对身心有害。get in到达, 收割; get across把……表达清楚, 使被理解; get down下来, 写下; get over克服。

  3. (2017·合肥模拟)According to a survey in 2017, over 30 percent of the population of the city ________ into shopping in the mall.

  A. persuaded

  B. were persuaded

  C. have persuaded

  D. was persuaded

  【解析】选B。考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意: 2017年的一项调查显示, 在这个城市超过百分之三十的人口已经被成功劝服, 到商场里购物了。名词被分数、百分数修饰时, 谓语动词的单复数取决于名词, population在这里指在这个城市中的人, 是集合名词, 是复数概念, 故谓语动词应用复数形式; 又因此处表示“被劝服”, 所以应用被动语态; 由“in 2017”可知应用一般过去时, 故选B。

  4. (2017·福州模拟)The president of the Royal Society recommended the system of selecting Nobel Prize winners ________ .

  A. not be changed

  B. would not change

  C. would not be changed

  D. could not change

  【解析】选A。句意: 英国皇家学会的会长建议, 筛选诺贝尔奖获奖者的制度不应该被改变。recommend推荐, 建议, 其后的宾语从句应用虚拟语气。即“(should+)动词原形”, 根据句意可知, 这里要用被动语态, 故选A。

  5. (2017·合肥模拟)The problem is so complex that I’m afraid it will take me several hours to ________ .

  A. figure out B. set out

  C. break out

  D. put out

  【解析】选A。句意: 问题很复杂以至于恐怕得花费我好几个小时才能计算出来。figure out弄清楚, 弄懂, 计算出; set out出发, 开始; break out(战争、火灾等)爆发; put out扑灭。

  6. (2017·南京模拟)President Xi Jinping urged that every effort ________ to rescue and treat the injured when the coalmine accident happened in Shanxi Province this year.

  A. was made

  B. must be made

  C. would be made

  D. be made【解析】选D。句意: 今年当山西煤矿事故发生时, 习近平主席敦促尽一切努力营救和治疗伤员。urge敦促, 力劝, 竭力主张, 后跟宾语从句时从句用虚拟语气, 即should+动词原形, should可以省略。

  7. The food served in this restaurant especially ________ health-conscious eaters because each dish is very healthy, made with limited fat and oil.

  A. appeals to

  B. adapts to

  C. belongs to

  D. sees to

  【解析】选A。句意: 这个餐馆里提供的食物对重视健康的食客们尤其具有吸引力, 因为每种食物都是用有限的油脂做成的, 十分健康。appeal to对……有吸引力; adapt to使适应; belong to属于; see to务必。


  (2017·台州模拟)The book written by Mr. Jackson ________ people from all walks of life, making it the best seller in England.

  A. appealed to

  B. contributed to

  C. adapted to

  D. owed to

  【解析】选A。句意: 杰克逊先生写的那本书对各行各业的人都有吸引力, 使得它成为英国最畅销的书。appeal to对……有吸引力; contribute to有助于, 捐献; adapt to适应; owe to归功于。

  8. (2017·淮南模拟)A new ________ urges everyone in the UK should learn at least 1, 000 words of another language.

  A. process B. movement

  C. campaign

  D. conflict

  【解析】选C。句意: 一场新运动极力主张英国的每一个人都应该学会另外一种语言至少1 000个单词。campaign运动; process过程; movement活动; conflict冲突。


  (2017·武汉模拟)Finally President Obama won the presidential election, beating Republican challenger Mitt Romney after a long and bitter election ________ .

  A. compromise

  B. negotiation

  C. campaign

  D. promotion

  【解析】选C。句意: 漫长而痛苦的竞选运动后, 最终奥巴马总统赢得了总统选举, 击败了共和党挑战者米特·罗姆尼。campaign运动; compromise妥协, 和解, 折中; negotiation谈判; promotion晋升。

  9. —Would you like to make comments ________ our football team’s performances during the whole year?

  —Sorry, but I am not in a position to do so.

  A. atB. onC. withD. in

  【解析】选B。考查短语搭配。句意: ——你能就我们足球队一年的表现发表点儿评论吗? ——抱歉, 我没有资格这么做。make comments on“对……加以评论”, 符合语境。


  Just before his death in 1930, Taft made an interesting ________ on his life. He said, “I don’t remember that I was ever President. ” A. suggestion B. explanation

  C. achievement

  D. comment

  【解析】选D。句意: 1930年就在塔夫脱弥留之际, 他对自己的生活作了一个非常有趣的评论。他说: “我不记得自己曾经当过总统。”comment评论; suggestion建议; explanation解释; achievement成就。

  10. (2017·杭州模拟)Sarah got this skirt at half price on the Internet. That’s a real ________ .

  A. exchange B. business

  C. bargain

  D. deal

  【解析】选C。句意: 萨拉在网上半价买了这条裙子。真便宜。bargain便宜货; exchange交换; business生意, 交易; deal交易。

  11. (2017·福州模拟)I was greatly ________ at how he worked out the ________ problem in a creative way.

  A. amazed; confused B. amazed; confusing

  C. amazing; confusing

  D. amazing; confused

  【解析】选B。句意: 我对他怎样以创造性的方式解出那道令人困惑的问题大为吃惊。amazed大为惊奇; amazing令人惊讶的; confusing令人困惑的; confused困惑的。

  12. ________ with the effect of the color change, the woman smiled with satisfaction.

  A. Pleased B. To please

  C. To be pleased

  D. Having pleased

  【解析】选A。句意: 这位女士对颜色变化的效果感到很高兴, 她满意地笑了。此处非谓语动词的逻辑主语是the woman, 与please之间构成动宾关系, 所以用过去分词pleased。

  13. (2017·扬州模拟)I hope the newly-built library will ________ both students and teachers.

  A. educate B. reward

  C. benefit

  D. convince

  【解析】选C。句意: 我希望新建的图书馆对学生和老师都有利。educate教育; reward回报; benefit有利于; convince使信服。

  14. ________ you disagree with her, she’s worth listening to.

  A. Even if B. In case

  C. Only if

  D. Ever since

  【解析】选A。句意: 即使你不同意她的意见, 她的意见还是值得听一听。even if即使, 常引导让步状语从句; in case假使; only if只要; ever since自从。

  15. In terms of teachers, the school is very good. However, when it ________ building, the school is poor.

  A. refers to

  B. speaks of

  C. comes to

  D. talks about

  【解析】选C。句意: 从教师的角度看, 这所学校是非常好的。然而, 就建筑而言还比较贫穷。when it comes to一谈到……; 就……而言, 是固定搭配。refer to提到, 涉及; speak of谈到; talk about谈论。

  . 阅读理解

  Red Sorghum, a most talked about TV series, directed by Zheng Xiaolong, best known for helming Legend of Zhen Huan, is popular again in China.

  It’s adapted from the novel Red Sorghum Clan(家族)by Nobel Prize-winning author Mo Yan, which already had a renowned film adaptation in 1987. It’s the same story of the brutal(残暴的)unrest of rural China in the late 1920s and 1930s. But if you’ve read the novel or watched Zhang Yimou’s film version, it’s easy to get confused early in the show. There’re quite a few newly added characters, such as Jiu’er’s first lover and sister-in-law, and more storylines that you’re just not familiar with.

  This doesn’t mean it’s a bad adaptation, though. Whereas the film focuses more on social and political dynamics(动力)to reflect the spirit of the novel, the TV series pays more attention to detail and reflects lesser explored aspects of the book. To some extent, it has no choice—a TV series requires more substance to fill in long hours with content. Meanwhile, it’s more accessible to a television audience.

  The biggest surprise in Red Sorghum is undoubtedly Zhou Xun, who returns to the small screen after more than a decade. Although she’s mostly known for making movies, Zhou has portrayed a couple of classic TV characters, such as Huang Rong in Legend of the Condor Heroes and the young Princess Taiping in Palace of Desire(《大明宫词》). Obviously, her elegant features haven’t kept her from pulling off the role of the 19-year-old Jiu’er. Not as natural as Gong Li’s performance, though, Zhou certainly delivers a powerful new voice through the character.

  【文章大意】作为莫言经典作品的改编之作, 并由《甄嬛传》导演亲自执导的电视剧版《红高粱》能否再现经典?

  1. What does the underlined word mean in Para. 1?

  A. Controlling.

  B. Directing.

  C. Wearing.

  D. Leading.

  【解析】选B。词义猜测题。由句意知, 郑晓龙执导了《甄, 故画线词此处的意义为“导演, 执导”。

  2. The reasons why TV series Red Sorghum is popular in China are that EXCEPT ________ .

  A. it is adapted from Mo Yan’s novel

  B. it is directed by Zheng Xiaolong, a famous director

  C. it is a most talked about TV series

  D. Zhou Xun performs again after more than 10 years

  【解析】选C。推理判断题。由第一段知, 执导《甄, 由第二段知本剧改编自莫言的小说《红高粱家族》, 由第四段知周迅十多年后重回电视屏幕, 这都是电视剧《红高粱》受欢迎的原因。而“这是一部谈论最多的电视剧”不是其受欢迎的原因。

  3. Which of the following is NOT Zhou Xun’s advantage?

  A. She returns to the small screen after more than a decade.

  B. She’s mostly known for making movies and several classic TV characters.

  C. She has elegant features in her roles.

  D. She delivers a new voice different from Gong Li.


  4. The author’s attitude towards Zhou Xun’s performance is ________ .

  A. neutral B. critical

  C. supportive

  D. negative

  【解析】选C。观点态度题。通读全文, 尤其是最后一段可推测, 作者对周迅的表演持赞扬态度, 故选C项。

  . 任务型阅读


  请阅读下面短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

  注意: 每个空格只填一个单词。

  Few Americans stay in one place for a lifetime. We move from the city to the suburbs, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one area to a better job elsewhere, from the home where we raise our children to the home where we plan to live after retirement. With each move we are forever making new friends, who become part of our new life.

  For many of us the summer is a special time for forming new friendships. Today, millions of Americans go on vacation abroad, and we go not only to see new sights but also—in those places where we don’t feel too strange—with the hope of meeting new people. No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendship is possible. Surely in every country people think highly of friendship.

  The word “friend” to American people can be applied to various relationships—to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place, to a close business companion, to a childhood playmate, to a man or a woman, or to a trusted workmate. There are real differences among these relations for Americans—a friendship may be informal, situational or deep and lasting. But to a European, who sees only our surface behaviour, the differences are not clear.

  As Europeans see it, all kinds of “friends” flow in and out of Americans’ homes in a very informal way. They may be parents of the children’s friends, house guests of neighbours, members of a committee, business partners from another town or even another country. Coming as a guest into an American home, the European visitor finds no obvious openness to different styles of relationship makes it possible for us to find new friends abroad with whom we feel at home.


  Chance for

  Americans to

  make friends Most Americans(2) ________ from place to place

  Many Americans go abroad on vacation for(3) ________ or meeting new people.

  American approaches

  to(4) ________ the

  word “friend” American people use “friend” for different(5) ________ .

  Americans know the(6) ________ among relations clearly while Europeans can’t.


  about American

  friendship Friends flow in and out of Americans’ homes(8) ________ .

  Being guests in American homes(9) ________ European visitors.

  Due to their(10) ________ characteristics, Americans find new friends all over the world.

  答案: 1. Friendship/ friendship 2. move 3. sightseeing4. applying/using

  5. relations/relationships

  6. differences 7. understanding/idea/opinions/views8. informally 9. relaxes 10. op


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