2016届高三英语一轮复习课时训练:24 Society(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高三英语一轮复习课时训练:24 Society(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时训练24 Society

  一、单元扣点单词拼写________(丰富的) in this part of the world.答案 abundant the floor, he ________(挤) the cloth out.答案 squeezed________(存储) a sum of money in the bank each month.答案 deposits________(签名).答案 signature________(空的).答案 vacant________ by market demand.

  答案 governed________ Tom as their representative.

  答案 elected________ of the dictionary will come out soon.

  答案 edition________ research.

  答案 undertake________ with tasks.

  答案 burdened完成句子她负责整个计划的组织工作。________ the organization of the whole scheme.

  答案 undertook科学家们说他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破。________ ________ in the fight against cancer.

  答案 break through应该是孩子们睡觉的时候了。________ that the children ________ ________ to bed.

  答案 time; should go我们只好离开国家了。________ ourselves ________ leaving the country.

  答案 resign; to他们对仇敌无怜悯之意。________ ________ ________ ________ their enemies.

  答案 showed little mercy to二、七选五阅读__1__

  One is your physical footprint.

  The other is what is known as your carbon footprint. __2__

  Often people consider their carbon footprint to be the result of their immediate use of fossil fuels and energy usage, like cooking with natural gas or using petrol to run their automobile. __3__ This may include the fossil fuel used to transport the food that you buy at your local grocery store, or the energy used to deal with the waste produced in your household.

  Taking small steps to reduce your carbon footprint and saving energy is actually fairly simple. __4__

  It requires the burning of fossil fuels to make the bottle, transport it and get rid of it if it's not recycled.

  Compared with it, in-house filtration(过滤) systems can reduce your influence and cost for water.(待机模式) that wastes energy even when they're not in use.

  __5__ew energy efficient light bulbs, filters, and appliances could also help reduce your carbon footprint.

  In a word, less energy used means less greenhouse gas produced. With easy steps, you are on your way to reducing the size of the carbon footprint left behind.

  A. Cutting off power is the best way to ensure that unnecessary energy is not lost.

  B. For instance, the use of bottled water leaves a rather significant carbon footprint.

  C. What fossil fuels may lead to carbon footprints?

  D. However, wherever we go, we actually leave two sets of footprints.

  E. We often forget footprints sometimes consequently do harm to the environment.

  F. However, your carbon footprint consists of many activities that can be far less obvious.

  G. That refers to the level of greenhouse gases your lifestyle and activity produce and send out.

  答案 1.D 2.G 3.F 4.B 5.A三、语法填空Hello, Julie. Where are you going?

  Julie: To the cinema.



  coming with me?

  Jack: I'd love


  But I haven't finished my work yet.

  Julie: What a

  __3__! I believe it's a very good film.Do you go to the cinema a lot?

  Julie: Once a month.

  Most nights I stay at home __4__(surf) the Internet.

  Jack: Sounds

  __5__(relax). By the way,


  are you going for your holiday this year?

  Julie: I haven't decided yet.

  My husband is going to his mother's for a couple of weeks.

  She __7__(live) in the countryside, you know.

  Jack: Oh, does she? It __8__ be a quiet place.

  Julie: Yes,


  I want to go to the seaside.

  Jack: Don't you like the country?

  Julie: Yes, very much. But I want to get a suntan and go

  __10__(swim) in the sea this holiday. What are you going to do?

  Jack: I'm staying at home.

  Julie: Aren't you going to have a holiday abroad this time?

  Jack: No, I want to buy a car, and that's going to take every penny I've got.

  答案与解析通过语境可知此处是提出建议询问对方“和我一起about。 此处动词不定式符号to后面省略了go to the cinema。 根据前面的对话可知不能去看电影所以表示遗憾用pity。 此处用-ing作伴随状语。 这是一个省略句句子的主语是it要用-ing形式的形容词来修饰意为“令人放松的”。 从下文可知是where。 此处陈述客观情况应用动词的一般现在时态。must 根据语境可知那一定是一个很安静的地方。情态动词must意为“一定必须”符合语境。 根据语境可知虽然说话者认为那是个安静的地方但却更愿意去海边表示语意的转折应用but。 go swimming意为“游泳”是固定用法。四、短文改错

  Dear David,

  I have been expected to travel to the UK. Thus, I can experience the English Culture personal. I'm writing to ask for some advices. My family plan to travel there during a coming winter vacation. We were to spend a week in London, where is a large city, and this is the first time for us to travel abroad. I want to know what places of interest there are worthwhile seeing. Can you offer to me some suggestions and recommend some attractions? I would appreciate if you could reply to me soon. I'm also looking forward to see you in London.


  Li Hua

  答案  to travel to the UK. Thus, I can experience the English Culture . I'm writing to ask for some . My family plan to travel there during

  coming winter vacation. We

  to spend a week in London,

  is a large city, and this is the first time for us to travel abroad. I want to know what places of interest there are

  seeing. Can you offer to

  me some suggestions and recommend some attractions? I would appreciate

  if you could reply to me soon. I'm also looking forward to

  you in London.


  Li Hua


  有统计资料显示今年春节期间全国发送短信170亿条。有关短信拜年用“原创”还是“克隆(群发)”的争论很多。一种观点怀疑“克隆(群发)短信”拜年的真诚度另一种观点则与之相反认为不管短信是否是原创祝福也一样真诚。请结合这一现象用英语写一篇100~120词的短文发表你的看法。注:短信text message 克隆的cloned______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  范文 text messages during the Spring Festival. People hold different views about exchanging greetings by text message. Some think it's better to use original text messages instead of “cloned ones”.

  In my opinion, it doesn't matter much whether text messages are original or not.

  It's acceptable to deliver the same message to a group of people. To mark the Year of Horse in 2017, plenty of messages were witty remarks using “ma”, or horse in Chinese, as a homophone to tease recipients for fun or to convey humorous greetings. Actually, text messages are just kind signals to bless you. If one cares too much about the originality of text messages, he misunderstands the motive of others. After all, it is truly heartfelt greetings not where the greetings are from that really count.


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