2016届高三英语一轮复习课时训练:39 特殊句式(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高三英语一轮复习课时训练:39 特殊句式(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时训练39 情景交际

  一、根据语境以及中文提示填空每空填一词。________ ________? (什么事)答案 what's upr holiday, Richard?

  —I'll go on a trip to the United States with my family.

  —________ ________ ________ ________.(玩得开心)答案 Have a nice/good timeing.

  —________ ________? As far as I know, (怎么会呢)答案 How come________ ________.(不急)答案 No hurry________ ________. If weather permits, I may go for a picnic. (视情况而定)答案 It depends________ ________ ________ ________.You were looking forward to it.(你一定很失望)答案 You must be disappointed________ ________. It was his fault. (没门)答案 No way________ ________ ________ ________. (我宁愿你不要)答案 I'd rather you didn't think of your present job, Henry?

  —________ ________.But I earn my living through it. (不怎么喜欢)答案 Not really________ ________ ________ ________ ________(你尽管放心)答案 You can count on it________ ________,

  Tommy. You can do it! (加油)答案 Come on tomorrow if possible.

  —I'm sorry, but I can't possibly start until Monday. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________?(那时间合适吗)答案 Will that be all right________ ________?We won the match 4:0. (猜猜怎么了)答案 Guess what________ ________ ________ ________ ________? (您点什么菜)答案 May I take your order________ ________! (祝你好运)答案 Good luck________ ________ ________! You must be careful next time. (真遗憾)答案 what a pity________ ________ ________. (以防万一)答案 Just in case________ ________. It won't kill you. (吃吧)答案 go ahead________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. I prefer music very much. (它不是我的菜)答案 It's not my cup of tea________ ________.(没问题)答案 No problem二、用下面方框中的交际用语填空。 Better not. Not really. I hope not. It's up to you.

  1.—I've decided to attend the English speech, but I'm a little nervous.

  —________ I believe that you will do well.

  答案 Go for it.________

  答案 Make yourself at home. progress without your help. Thanks.

  —________ We're good friends.

  答案 Don't mention it.________

  答案 It's up to you.il in the final match?


  答案 I hope not.________ It's none of his business.

  答案 So what?ting.

  —________ We should give it a try!

  答案 You said it.________ I think it's fine as it is.

  答案 Better not.________ I have done my work, and I'm going out for shopping.

  答案 Not really.________

  答案Oh, I'm glad to hear that.

  Hold on, please.


  That's the case.

  By all means. You may ask for help. Yeah, go ahead. At your service. Why not? Better luck next time. Thank you all the same.

  11.—Could I leave a message for him?

  —________ I'll get a pen and a piece of paper.

  答案 Hold on, ________

  答案 Why not?________

  答案 Better luck next time.ou think our national team will win first place at Stankovic Continental Champions Cup?

  —________ I think it is much stronger than before.

  答案 Absolutely.________ I've read it.

  答案 Yeah, ________

  答案 That's the case.________ I'm being served.

  答案 Thank you all the same________ But I must drop my daughter off at school first.

  答案 By all means.ry.

  — ________

  答案 You may ask for help.________ Madam. What is it then?

  答案 At your service.三、高考原题单项填空le pie is too sweet, don't you think so?

  —________. I think it's just right, actually.

  A. Not really B.I hope so

  C. Sounds good D.No wonder

  答案 A解析 考查情景交际。由答语中的“I think it's just right”可知第二个说话者认为这个苹果饼的甜度刚刚好所以答案应为A意为“不见得”。________! Somebody has left the lab door open.答案 A解析 考查情景交际。句意为:天啊有人竟然忘记了锁实验室的门!别看我。A项意为“天啊”表示惊讶符合语境。故A项正确。B项意为“你好”用于陌生人之间的打招呼;C项意为“谢天谢地幸亏”;D项意为“加油”表示鼓励都与语境不符。________.答案 D解析 考查情景交际。句意为:我很快就要去西班牙度假了。那真是不错啊。Good for you是对说话人的积极回应表示对于这个好消息的赞赏符合语境。It's my pleasure意为“不用谢”;Never mind意为“没关系”;Leave it alone意为“别碰它”都不符合语境。故选D项。________. Practice more.

  A. You're not alone B.It's hard to say

  C. I'm afraid not D.It's up to you

  答案 A解析 考查情景交际。句意为:我记不住这些语法规则。并不是只有你有这种感觉多练习就行。A项意为“不只是你有这种感觉B项意为“很难说”;C项意为“恐怕不行恐怕不能”;D项意为“取决于你”。故选A。me on the train.

  —________. I never go traveling without a book.

  A. You are joking B.That's true

  C. I don't think so D.It sounds like fun

  答案 B解析 考查情景交际。句意为:在火车上阅读是消磨时光的最好方式。不错。我旅行从来没有不带书的时候。You are joking意为“开玩笑”;That's true意为“不错”;I don't think so意为“我认为不是这样”;It sounds like fun意为“听起来很有趣”。根据语境“I never go traveling without a book.”可知答话人对对方的意见表示赞同。故选B。题眼:本题答句中双重否________. It's a spare one.

  A. Good idea B.Just go ahead

  C. You're welcome D.You'd better not

  答案 B解析 考查情景交际。句意为:我可以用这本字典吗?用吧。这本是备用的。Just go ahead意为“用吧”符合题意。故选B项。Good idea意为“好主意”;You're welcome意为“不用谢”;You'd better not意为“最好别用”均与语境不符。________ ! Your English is so good.

  A. You can't be serious

  B. You got it

  C. I couldn't agree more

  D. I'm stuck

  答案 A解析 考查情景交际。句意为:学英语多久了?大约四个月。你开玩笑呢吧!你的英语很棒。根据题干语境可知此处表示说话者不相信对方只学了四个月英语就这么好。故选A意为“你开玩笑呢吧你不是认真的吧”表示惊讶不相信对方所说内容。B项意为“你说对了”;C项意为“我完全同意”;D项意为“把我难住了”。________! That's good news.ers

  C. Congratulations D.Come on

  答案 C解析 考查情景交际。Go ahead去做吧干杯;Congratulations恭喜你;Come on快点加油。根据语境可知前者说自己找到了C项正确。________, but I really have to go.

  A. Never mind B.I'd love to

  C. Pleased to meet you D.I can't find any reason

  答案 B解析 考查情景I'd love to意为“我想(再待一会儿)”其后省略了“stay here a little longer”符合语境。故选B项。Never mind意为“没关系”;Pleased to meet you意

  为“见到你很高兴”;I can't find any reason意为“我找不到任何理由”均与语境不符。 It's on me.

  —________. right

  答案 B解析 考查情景交际。句意为:今晚一起去吃饭怎么样?我请客。哦我愿意去。You are welcome意为“不用谢”;Oh意为“哦我愿意去”;Well意为That's all right.意为“别客气没关系”。故选B。________. If she were to come, she would have called me.

  A. Go ahead B.Certainly

  C. That's right D.I don't think so

  答案 D解析 考查情景交际。由答语中的“If she were to come可知没有给答话者打电话。由此可推知答话者认为Anne明天不会来。故选D。-up call at 7:00 a.m. , ________.答案 D解析 考查情景交际。句意为:请给我设置早上7点的叫醒服务。好的我会帮你设好的。根据答语中的“OK”可知答话人答应这样去做。故D项符合语境。 ________.答案 D解析 考查情景交际。句意为:我几乎每天至少锻炼半小时。哦不错!坚持下去。Good luck意为“祝你好运”;Cheer up意为“振作起来高兴起来”;Same to you意为“你也一样”;Keep it up意为“坚持下去”。根据“Oh!”可知答话人赞同对方的做法因此鼓励对方坚持下去D。________. But I have one suggestion.

  A. That's a good idea

  B. You are too modest

  C. It looks fine to me

  D. You should check it first

  答案 C解析 考查情景交际。句意为:Jack我想听听你对我书面报告的意见。依我看挺好的。但我有一个建议。It looks fine to me意为“依我看挺好的”符合语境。故选C项。That's a good idea意为“是个好主意”;You are too modest意为“你太谦虚了”;You should check it first意为“你应该先检查”均与语境不符。________.答案 A解析 考查情景交际。nothing much在此处意为“没干什么”;nothing else意为“没有其他的东西了”;nothing不与ever搭配;nothing yet意为“还没有什么”。问句句意为:你上周末干什么了?由此结合选项可知项符合语境。故选A。-shirt I received is not the same as is shown online.________? But I promise you we'll look into it right away.答案 B解析 考查情景交际。句意为:我收到的那件T恤衫跟网上展示出的不一样。怎么会那How come意为“怎么会”符合语境。A项意为“谁说的”;C项意为“为何目的”;D项意为“为何担忧”均与语境不符。故选B项。ask you a favor?


  A. here you are. B.just as I thought.

  C. how is it going? D.what can I do for you?

  答案 D

  解析 考查情景交际。句意为:嘿你能帮我个忙吗?当然可以我能为你做什么?此处D项与前面“ask you a favor”相照应而A项意为“给你”;B项意为“正如我想的一样”;C项意为“事情进展得怎么样”均不符合题意。故选D项。题眼:ask sb. a favor意为“寻求帮助”。________.long as it doesn't take long

  答案 D解析 考查交际用语。句意为:你介意我问一些关于购物习惯的问题吗?不介意只要不花太多的时间。分析各个选项可知、B、C三项前后不一致表示不介no回答表示介意应用yes回答故排除。D项回答前后一致且符合语境故答案选D。________. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  A. All the best B.It is nothing

  C. No thanks D.Very well

  答案 B考查交际用语。句意为:非常感谢你给我的书我发现它很有趣。这没什么很高兴你喜欢。All the best意为“一切顺利万事如意”;It is nothing意为“这没什么”;No thanks意为“不用谢谢(用于礼貌地谢绝)”;Very well意为“非常好很好”。此处It is nothing表示“我给你书没什么的没必要感谢”。故答案选B。________. I don't drink.

  A. No, thanks B.Yes, please

  C. I don't like it D.It's my favorite

  答案 A解析 考查情景交际。句意为:你要来杯葡萄酒吗?不了谢谢。我从不喝酒。由“I don't drink”可知说话人从不喝酒故“No用于拒绝对方并表示感谢符合语境。B项意为“是的请”;C项意为“我不喜欢”;D项意为“这是我的最A。


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