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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1. Since tasting the excitement of _____ big city life, she never wants to live in _____ country again.

  A. the, the B. 不填,不填

  C. the, 不填 D. 不填,the

  2. The operation is _____ success and the patient is now out of _____ danger.

  A. a, the B. a, 不填

  C. 不填, the D. 不填,不填

  3. As _____ writer, he was _____ complete failure.

  A. a, a B. a, the

  C. 不填,不填 D. a, 不填

  4. How strange! These years my birthday always falls _____.

  A. on the Sunday B. on a Sunday

  C. on Sunday D. at a Sunday

  5. This is _____ best kind of _____ pen you can get here.

  A. the, the B. the, a

  C. the, 不填 D. a, the

  6. As is known to us all, _____ tiger is in _____ danger of becoming extinct.

  A. the, a B. the, 不填

  C. a, 不填 D. 不填, the

  7. He spent too much time talking on ______ phone while we were all busy at _____ work.

  A. the, 不填 B. a, 不填

  C. 不填, 不填 D. the, the

  8. As _______ unemployment is very high at the moment, it’s very difficult for people to find _______ work.

  A. the, 不填 B.不填,不填

  C. the, a D. an, the

  9. Apartments in cities can be quite high. Renters are paying up to $1,000 per month for _______ bedroom apartment.

  A. one a B. the one C. one D. a one

  10. The education of ______ young is always ______ hot and serious topic.

  A. 不填, 不填 B. the, a

  C. 不填, the D. the, 不填

  11. I often have conversations with John over ______ telephone, while keep in touch with Tom by ______ letter.

  A. 不填;the B. 不填;a

  C. the;不填 D. the; a

  12. —John has put forward _______ most challenging question for us to answer.

  —Yes, it really is. I have never heard _______ harder one.

  A. the; 不填 B. 不填; the

  C. the; the D. a; a

  13. “What about ______ school?” “It is as good, as anybody can see, _____ school as No 1 Middle School Attached to Hunan Normal University.”

  A. a; the B. the; a

  C. a; a D. the; the

  14. The market for ______ used computers is getting larger and larger as______ years go on.

  A. 不填, 不填 B. the, 不填

  C. the, the D. 不填, the

  15. “Charley Oakley, ______ NBA All-star, hasn’t missed ______ game in the past three years.” “I can hardly believe it.”

  A. an; the B. a; the

  C. the; a D. an; a

  16. In the market, vegetables are sold by _______ kilogram, I mean, by _______ weight.

  A. the; 不填 B.不填; 不填

  C. the; the D.不填;the

  17. Many people agree that ______ knowledge of English is a must in _______ international trade today.

  A. the, an B. a, 不填

  C. the, the D. 不填, the

  18. The cakes are delicious. I’d like to have _______ third one as _______ second one I ate was too small.

  A. the, the B. a, the

  C. the, a D. a, a

  19. ________ England of those years was _______ England in peace.

  A. 不填, 不填 B. The, an

  C. The, 不填 D. 不填, an

  20. — Did you happen to see _______ black and _______ white cat?

  — Are they missing? I told you to take care of them.

  A. a; 不填 B. the; 不填

  C. the; the D. a; the


  1. 选D,big city life 表泛指,其前不用冠词;country 表示“农村”时,其前习惯上要用定冠词。

  2. 选B,success 在此指“成功的事”,为可数名词;out of danger(脱离危险)为习语,其中不用冠词。

  3. 选A,其中的 failure 在此指“失败的人”,为可数名词。

  4. 选B,Sunday 前用不定冠词,表示“某一个”。

  5. 选C,kind of 后的名词通常不用冠词。

  6. 选B,当概括事物的种类时,用定冠词,不用不定冠词;另外in danger of 是短语,不用冠词。

  7. 选 A。on the phone 和 at work 均为习语,其中一个带冠词,一个不带冠词。

  8. 选 B。unemployment 和 work 均为不可数名词,表示一般意义时其前不用冠词。

  9. 选 D。a one bedroom apartment 意为“一套只带一间卧室的套房”。

  10. 选B。the young 意为“年轻人”,定冠词用于某些形容词前表示一类人或事物;第二空填不定冠词修饰名词 topic。

  11. 选 A。over [on] the telephone 为习语,意为“通过电话”;若用 by telephone 则不用冠词,类似地,by letter(通过信件)也不用冠词。

  12. 选D。第一空后的most不是构成最高级,而是表示“很”、“十分”,故其前用a;第二空也填a,该句为 I have never heard a harder one than this one 的省略。

  13. 选B。第一空填the,表特指;第二空填a,表泛指,as good a school as No. Middle School Attached to Hunan Normal University 意为“与湖南师大附中一样好的一所中学”。

  14. 选A。used computers 与 years 均为复数名词表示泛指意思,其前不用冠词。

  15. 选D。NBA中的 N 读音为 [],即前面一个音为元音,故填an不填a;第二空填a表泛指,泛指任何一场比赛。

  16. 选A。介词by表示“以…计”时,若后接单数可数名词,其前要用定冠词,如:by the week 按周,按星期 / by the ton 按吨 / by the yard 按码 / by the meter 按米;若后接抽象名词,则通常不用冠词,如:by volume 按体积 / by weight 按重量。

  17. 选B。knowledge 虽为不可数名词,但其前却可用不定冠词,表示某种程度的知识,有类似some的意思;第二空不填冠词,是因为trade 为不可数名词,表示泛指时不用冠词。

  18. 选B。序数词前通常用定冠词,表示特指(如第一空);有时也用不定冠词,表示原有数量上的增加(如第一空)。

  19. 选B。原则上说,专有名词前不用冠词,但在些特殊情况下也可用冠词。此题第一空填定冠词,表特指,即指“那时的英国”;第二空填不定冠词,表示具有某种特征。

  20. 选C。Are they missing? 中的代词they 是一个很重要的信息词,它表明上文中的 _______ black and _______ white cat 是两只猫而不是一只猫,所以C。the black and white cat 可视为 the black cat and the white cat 之省略。若选A,则表示“一只黑白相间的猫”。


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