The electronic screen set up at the intersection of Xinzhou Rd. and Lianhua Rd. in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. [Photo: weibo.com]
An intelligent identification system (IIS) has been set up on an intersection in Shenzhen, Guangdong province tasked with exposing pedestrians who jaywalk on red lights.
该系统全称为“智能行人闯红灯取证系统”(intelligent system for jaywalking identification),是由深圳交警结合视频识别技术研发的,通过对斑马线进行24小时不间断的监管(24-hour non-stop supervision)。如果有行人闯红灯,监控摄像头会自动抓拍(taking shots of pedestrians who ignore red lights),并实时显示在电子显示屏上滚动播放(displaying photos of pedestrian traffic offenders on an electronic screen)。
该系统主要通过视频检测到行人闯红灯的行为(identify jaywalking pedestrians via video),深度学习人脸技术,对人脸进行实时提取和识别(retrieve and recognize human faces),自动储存闯红灯的人脸数据,并通过实时搜索比对,结合大数据运算,查找出同一个人是否有多次闯红灯行为(a repeat jaywalker),通过数据对接手段,核实其身份。
此外,针对驾驶员违规乱鸣笛的行为(random horn honking),深圳市交警引进“声呐抓拍”设备('sonar imaging' equipment),把声呐和高清镜头配合使用,当车辆在监控区域违规鸣笛后,首先声呐会对声源进行探测与定位(locate the source of the sound),之后高清镜头会捕捉违规鸣笛的车牌图像,然后将违规车辆牌照曝光在电子显示屏上。
jaywalking/ to cross the road in Chinese style/ Chinese style road crossing 中国式过马路
driving without license 无证驾驶
running through restricted areas 禁行区行驶
dangerous lane changes 强行超车
fatigue driving 疲劳驾驶
tailgating 追尾
hit-and-run 肇事逃逸
avoid police checkpoints 逃避交警检查
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