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发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练9(必修3 ThemeC)



  1.In the south there were large cotton farms called plantations.Growing cotton was very hard work,so slaves were brought from Africa to work in the fields.The white slave owners did not let the slaves have drums because they knew that Africans could use drums to send messages.

  Most slave owners did not let the slaves keep their African dances or their religions.All the slaves had to become Christian.They sang white religious songs but they added African rhythms to the music.We call these songs“spirituals”.Some spirituals told about the hard life of the slaves or their wish to run away.Although the slaves could not do African dances,in church,they clapped their hands and moved their whole bodies.Today black religious music is called gospel music(福音音乐).

  In Louisiana and the city of New Orleans the slave owners were French.They let the slaves and the free blacks play drums and horns;they also let them keep their African dances.Black musicians in New Orleans put European musical instruments and songs together with African rhythms.They made a new musical sound that was later called jazz.

  Many of the first jazz instruments were home made.Black people also made rhythm with their hands,feet,and bodies.Later black brass bands(黑人铜管乐队),in the French style,became common.These bands played at special times like weddings and funerals.You can still hear early form of jazz in the city of New Orleans.

  The slaves were set free in 1865,ahead the Civil War between the North and the South.Since that time black gospel music and jazz have become an important part of the popular music in America.


  This passage is mainly about  . 

  A.the origin of gospel music and jazz music

  B.how the slaves were badly treated by the whites

  C.how the black got their freedom

  D.the origin of American pop music



  2.The white slave owners did not let the slaves have drums because  . 

  A.they thought drums would distract slaves from work

  B.they expected that all slaves became Christians

  C.they were afraid that drums would help slaves escape

  D.they believed slaves had no right to play it



  3.It could be inferred from this passage that  . 

  A.the early jazz came from New Orleans

  B.jazz was only played in the wedding and funeral

  C.black musicians made jazz by using African rhythms and religious songs

  D.jazz became popular only after the American Civil War



  4.The primary purpose for this passage is to  . 

  A.describe the hard life of early black Americans

  B.introduce the early black music

  C.discuss the relationship between spiritual and gospel

  D.tell us the birth of jazz




  1.Life is to be lived.No excuses.No holding back.

  A story about the violinist Fritz Kreisler tells how he once  1  a beautiful instrument he wanted to get.When he  2  raised the money for the violin, he returned to  3  it and learned that it had already been sold to a(n) 4  

  He went to the new owner’s home in order to try to  5  him to sell the violin. 6 ,the collector said it was one of his possessions and he could not let it go.The  7  Kreisler turned to leave,but then asked a favour.“May I play the instrument once more  8  it is put away?” 

   9  was given and the great musician began to play.The  10  sang out a quality of music so beautiful that the collector himself could only listen in  11 “I have no  12  to keep that to myself,”he said after the musician finished.“The violin is yours,Mr Kreisler.Take it into world,and let people  13  it.” 

  For you and I are excellent violins—our  14  is meant to be heard. 

  I want to live my  15  that way—to take it into the world and live it fully.I’d rather be  16  than die not having done whatever I could...wherever I would. 

  I’m not talking about  17  ourselves by doing too much.Happiness is never found in overmuch busyness.But it is found in applying our lives to helping others.Say yes when asked for a hand. 18  to work for a charity organisation.Spend an hour with a  19  relative. 

  In the end,I know that my happiness is not about what I can or cannot do.It is about how much I  20  to others.My life is meant to be lived. 


  A.found out B.gave up

  C.took over D.came across



  2.A.possibly B.recently C.finally D.seriously



  3.A.show B.pick C.buy D.play



  4.A.collector B.musician C.performer D.inventor



  5.A.expect B.persuade C.help D.force



  6.A.Besides B.Otherwise C.However D.Therefore



  7.A.angry B.disappointed

  C.helpless D.brave



  8.A.so that B.unless C.as if D.before



  9.A.Permission B.Judgment C.Award D.Money



  10.A.owner B.radio C.violin D.singer



  11.A.pain B.amazement C.secret D.sorrow



  12.A.right B.freedom C.time D.interest



  13.A.discuss B.use C.know D.hear



  14.A.story B.music C.message D.voice



  15.A.word B.instrument

  C.life D.work



  16.A.dressed up B.used up

  C.beaten up D.woken up



  17.A.protecting B.controlling

  C.amusing D.exhausting



  18.A.Volunteer B.Struggle C.Continue D.Wait



  19.A.lonely B.busy C.special D.proud



  20.A.talk B.turn C.give D.adapt




  Bennet Cerf tells this 1 (touch) story about a bus that was bumping (颠簸而行) 2  a back road in the South. 

  In one seat sat an old man holding a bunch of fresh flowers.Across the aisle (通道) 3  a young girl whose eyes came back again and again 4 the man’s flowers.The time came 5 the old man to get off.Without much thinking,6  thrust the flowers into the girl’s lap.“I can see you love 7  flowers,” he explained,“and I think my wife 8  like for you to have them.I’ll tell her I gave 9to you.” The girl accepted the flowers,10  then watched the old man get off the bus and walk through the gate of a small cemetery (墓地). 

  答案:1touching 2along 3was/sat 4to 5for 6he 7the8would 9them 10and


  What is your favourite kind of music?Do you like jazz,popular music,classical music,folk songs,blues,and so on?In high school I took one course calling music appreciation which I great enjoyed.This was not only to learn how to play a specific instrument but learn how to read and listen to music as an art form.We read the stories about the life of many composers and the history of the music instruments themselves.Sometimes we listen to tapes in the language laboratory or concerts.Music is sometimes called an universal language.A composer whom cannot speak a single word of our language can make us feel joy and pride,excitement and despair,peace and mystery along his music.


  What is your favourite kind of music?Do you like jazz,popular music,classical music,folk songs,blues,and so on?In high school I took one course calling music appreciation which I great enjoyed.This was not


  to learn how to play a specific instrument but

  learn how to read and listen to music as an art form.We read the stories about the life of many composers and the history of the music instruments themselves.Sometimes we listen to tapes in the language laboratory or concerts.Music is sometimes called an universal language.A composer whom cannot speak a single word of our language can make us feel joy and pride,excitement and despair,peace and mystery along his music.


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