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发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Life is filled with challenges. As we get older we 36 realize that those challenges to the very things than 37 us and make us who we are ,it is the same with the challenges that come with 38 .

  When we are faced with a challenge, we usually have two 39 . we can try to beat it off, or we can decide that the thing 40 the challenge isn’t worth the 41 and call it quits. Although there are certainly 42 when calling it quits it the right thing to do, in most 43 all that is needed is 44 and communicable.

  When we are communed to something, it means that no matter how 45 or how uncomfortable something is ,we will always choose to 46 it trough instead of running away from it. Communication is making a 47 for discussion and talking about how you feel as opposed to just saying what the other person did wrong. 48 you can say to a friend, “I got my feelings hurt.” 49 “You hurt my feelings,” you are going to be able solve the problem much faster.

  In dealing with many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try to see them for 50 they me: small hurdles you need to jump or 51 on your way through life. Nothing is so big that it is 52 to get over, and hurt only 53 to make us stronger. It s all part of growing up, it 54 to everyone, and some day you will 55 all of this and say, “Hard as it was, it make me who I am today. And that a good thing.”

  36.A.seem to

  B.come to C.hope to D.try to

  37.A.design B.promoteC.direct D.shape

  38.A.confidenceB.pressure C.friendshipD.difficulty

  39.A.opportunitiesB.expectations C.choicesD.aspects

  40.A.demandingB.deserving C.predictingD.presenting

  41.A.commentB.loss C.troubleD.expense





  43.A.casesB.fields C.partsD.occasions

  44.A.assessmentB.commitment C.encouragementD.adjustment

  45.A.doubtfulB.shameful C.harmfulD.painful

  46.A.keepB.control C.faceD.catch

  47.A.spaceB.plan C.topicD.room

  48.A.IfB.As C.WhileD.Unless

  49.A.other thanB.rather than C.or ratherD.or else

  50.A.whatB.who C.whereD.which

  51.A.pass byB.come across C.get throughD.run over

  52.A.unnecessaryB.necessary C.impossibleD.possible

  53.A.servesB.means C.aimsD.attempts

  54.A.opensB.appeals C.goesD.happens

  55.A.lock down onB.look back on C.look forward toD.look up to





















  Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. However, I was not thinking about the golden chain when I had to help people who


  their way and parked in front of my house.

  I was growing tired of helping so many people. Almost every


  I was awaken during a sound night’s sleep and had to


  someone out. Many times I was


  by some penniless motorists who did not even thank me for the helps that they received and some even complained that I could have done

  25_ .

  One day, a young man with a week – old beard climbed out of a


  automobile. He had no money and no food. He asked if I could give him some

  27_, offering him gasoline and a meal. I told him that if he wanted to work for me, he could cut the grass, but


  the work wasn’t necessary.

  Though sweaty and hungry, he worked hard. After working all day, he sat

  29 to cool himself. I thanked him for his work and gave him the money he

  30 . I then offered him some

  31 money for a task particularly well done, but he

  32, shaking his head.

  I never saw him again. He probably thinks I helped him out that day, but that is not


  it was. I didn’t help him. He helped me to


  people again to repay their trust in me. He helped me to once again want to do something for those who are

  35 . I wish I could thank him for


  some of my belief in the basic


  of others and for giving me back a little of the


  I had lost. Because of him, I once again felt part of a golden chain of kindness that


  us to others I may have fed his body that day, but he fed my

  40 .

  21.A.fought B.found C.made D.lost

  22.A.morning B.afternoon C.night D.evening

  23.A.bring B.help C.carry D.drive

  24.A.taken for granted B.put up with C.turned down D.taken up with

  25.A.less B.more C.worse D.enough

  26.A.fashionable B.famous C.flashy D.shabby

  27.A.money B.food C.water D.work

  28.A.actually B.specially C.particularly D.generally

  29.A.in the sun B.in the shade C.in the field D.in the car

  30.A.asked B.begged C.needed D.charged

  31.A.old B.extra C.small D.good

  32.A.accepted B.received C.refused D.denied

  33.A.the condition B.the thing C.the issue D.the way

  34.A.believe in B.watch over C.look after D.care about

  35.A.in trouble B.in danger C.in tears D.in fear

  36.A.forgetting B.losing C.restoring D.finding

  37.A.goodness B.happiness C.pleasure D.nature

  38.A.weakness B.strength C.optimism D.pessimism

  39.A.adapts B.adjusts C.devotes D.connects

  40.A.heart B.soul C.head D.mouth

  答案:21—25 DCBAB

  26—30 DDABC

  31—35 BCDAA

  36—40 CACDB

  A recent experiment held in Japan shows that it is almost impossible for people to walk exactly straight for 60 meters. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology found 20 healthy men and 36 them to walk as straight as possible to a target 60 meters away at normal speed. Each man had to walk on white paper fixed flat to the floor wearing wet colored socks. The footprints revealed that all walked in a winding


  straight line. Researchers found that people

  38 the direction of walking every few seconds. The amount of the winding differed from subject to subject. This suggests that


  of us can walk in a strictly straight line. We walk in a winding way mainly because of a slight structural or functional imbalance of our limbs. 40

  we may start walking in a straight line, several steps afterwards we will have changed the direction.

  41 helps us to correct the direction of walking and leads us to the target. Your ears also help you walk.After turning around a lot with your eyes closed, you can hardly stand still,


  walk straight. It’s all because your ears help you balance. Inside your inner ears there is a structure which contains liquids. On the sides of the organ are many tiny hair-like structures that move around as the liquid

  43 . When you spin, the liquid inside also spins. The difference is that when you

  44 , the liquid continues to spin for a while. Dizziness is the 45 of these nerves in your inner ears. When you open your eyes, although your eyesight tells you to walk in a straight line, your brain will


  your ears more, thus you walk in a



  36. A. made

  B. ordered

  C. asked

  D. had

  37. A. more than

  B. rather than

  C. other than

  D. less than

  38. A. rearrange

  B. make

  C. find

  D. readjust

  39. A. none

  B. any

  C. few

  D. some

  40. A. As

  B. While

  C. Because

  D. For

  41. A. Eyesight

  B. Hearing

  C. Touch

  D. Feeling

  42. A. believe it or not

  B. let alone

  C. what’s more

  D. to tell the truth

  43. A. flees

  B. flies

  C. floats

  D. flows

  44. A. stop

  B. walk

  C. run

  D. spin

  45. A. sign

  B. signal

  C. result

  D. secret

  46. A. trust

  B. deny

  C. suspect

  D. depend

  47. A. direct

  B. twisted

  C. straight

  D. smoothed

  答案:36-40 C B D A B

  41—45 A B D A C





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