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发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  This is a story that can teach us a good lesson. One day, a man in rags begged from door to door along the street. With an old wallet in his hand, he was asking for a few coins to buy something to eat. He kept complaining about his bad fortune and kept 1 why those who had so much money were never 2 and were always desiring more.

  “As far as I’m concerned, if I had only enough to 3 and to wear, I would not want anything more. ”

  Just at that moment Goddess Fortune, who came down the 4 saw the beggar and said to him, “Hi, I have wished to 5 you for a long time. Now, open your 6 and I will pour my gold into it. But I will do that only on this 7 : All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold; but every piece falling upon the 8 shall become dust. Do you understand? ”

  “I see. ”said the beggar.

  “Then you should 9 ! It’s obvious that your wallet is a(n) 10 one, so don’t load it too heavily, ”said the Goddess Fortune.

  The excited beggar could hardly 11 to have gold. He quickly opened his wallet, and a 12 of yellow coins was poured into it. The wallet grew heavier and heavier.

  “Is that enough? Isn’t it cracking? ”asked the Goddess Fortune.

  “Never 13 . It’s still strong enough now. ”answered the beggar.

  The wallet was filled with so many coins that the beggar’s hands began to 14 . “Ah, if only the golden stream would 15 forever! Just a little more, ”said the beggar, “ 16 just a handful or two. ”

  “There! It’s full. The wallet will 17 . ”warned the Goddess Fortune, but the beggar requested, “It will 18 a little more, just a little more. ”

  One more piece was added and the wallet split. The 19 fell upon the ground and became dust. The greedy beggar had now 20 but his broken wallet.

  【文章大意】一个沿街乞讨的乞丐遇到了财富女神, 财富女神给了乞丐许多金币, 同时告诫乞丐, 金币掉到地上则化为尘土。贪婪的乞丐不听劝告, 导致金币撑破钱包化为尘土, 乞丐又变得一无所有。故事告诫人们面对金钱不要贪得无厌。

  1. A. showing B. explaining C. proving D. wondering

  【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据第一段最后一句, 为什么那些人如此有钱却从不满足, 还想得到更多。可知乞丐对此百思不得其解, “keep wondering”(一直想知道)符合句意。

  2. A. relaxed B. satisfied

  C. worried

  D. depressed

  【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。还想得到更多, 所以不满足, B项符合句意。

  3. A. learn B. watch

  C. eat

  D. play

  【解析】选C。背景常识题。由常识可知, 乞丐最重要的是要解决吃和穿的问题。eat(吃)对应下面提到的“穿”, 符合语境。

  4. A. street B. bridge

  C. yard

  D. forest

  【解析】选A。词汇复现题。根据第一段, 乞丐在沿街乞讨, 所以财富女神降临到大街上才能看到乞丐。street(街道)符合语境。

  5. A. praise B. forgive

  C. help

  D. comfort

  【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据下文, “打开你的钱包, 我要给你一些金子”, 可知财富女神想帮助乞丐。所以选help(帮助)。

  6. A. coat

  B. pocket

  C. box

  D. wallet

  【解析】选D。词汇复现题。根据下文“All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold(所有进入你钱包的都是纯金)”可知乞丐打开的是一个钱包, 所以选wallet。前文也有提示。

  7. A. occasion

  B. suggestion

  C. situation

  D. condition

  【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。只有在这种条件下, “我”才会去做。“All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold; but every piece falling upon the shall become dust”解释上文提到的这种条件。condition“条件、状况”, 符合句意。

  8. A. hand B. feet

  C. ground

  D. street

  【解析】选C。词汇复现题。句意: 每一枚掉到地上的金币都会变成尘土。ground(地面)一词在最后一段中出现。

  9. A. look out B. look after

  C. look up

  D. look down

  【解析】选A。短语辨析题。根据下文财富女神告诫乞丐不要装得太多, 提醒乞丐注意、当心。所以选look out。look after照顾; look up仰视, 向上看; look down俯视。

  10. A. small B. empty

  C. worn

  D. full

  【解析】选C。词汇复现题。第一段中“With an old wallet in his hand”表明这是一个旧钱包, 所以选worn, 意思是: 用旧的。

  11. A. stand B. wait

  C. breathe

  D. think

  【解析】选B。固定搭配题。could hardly wait to do sth. 意为: 迫不及待做某事。句意: 激动的乞丐早已迫不及待地想拿到金子。

  12. A. stream B. piece

  C. pair

  D. variety

  【解析】选A。词汇复现题。根据倒数第三段中提到“golden stream”可知答案。

  13. A. stop B. request

  C. fear

  D. insist

  【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。通过乞丐告诉财富女神钱包现在还很结实, 可知不要为钱包担心。Never fear. 不要害怕。

  14. A. spread B. close

  C. loose

  D. shake

  【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。句意: 钱包装了如此多的金币, 乞丐的手开始发抖。shake(发抖), 符合语境。spread伸展; close关闭; loose放松, 均不符合语境。

  15. A. pour

  B. end

  C. dry

  D. melt

  【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。乞丐希望金子源源不断地流出, 四个选项中只有pour(流出)能形象地描绘出乞丐的贪婪。

  16. A. take B. add

  C. lend

  D. send

  【解析】选B。词汇复现题。最后一段的第一句话有原词复现: One more piece was added and the wallet split。

  17. A. flow B. burst

  C. disappear

  D. change

  【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。钱包已经装满了, 而且是一个旧钱包, 继续装可能会裂开。所以选burst“破裂”。下文中的“split”为同义词复现。

  18. A. attract B. permit

  C. include

  D. hold

  【解析】选D。词义辨析题。贪婪的乞丐认为钱包还能多装一点。hold“容纳”, 符合语境。

  19. A. present B. food

  C. treasure

  D. metal

  【解析】选C。背景常识题。treasure(财宝)这里指代金币。钱包破裂后金币自然会掉到地上。present礼物; food食物; metal金属, 均不符合句意。

  20. A. nothing B. anything

  C. everything

  D. something

  【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。句意: 现在贪婪的乞丐除了破裂的钱包一无所有了。nothing什么也没有。


  ’s house,big and untidy,stood alone at one end of a huge garden.The place was totally uncared for,quite


  and overgrown with all sorts of useless things. I


  my way through bushes and tall weeds to the front door and rang the bell.

  I was glad that I had found him. In twenty minutes he


  me right on all the


  that had puzzled me. I was on the


  of leaving when I looked out of his study window and said,“You’re very fond of gardening,I see.”

  “No,I’m not,” he said.“


  ,I love this garden,though. It’s


  I always wanted it to be. I never touch it at all.”

  “It could be made lovely. It


  a pity to let all this ground go to waste. But perhaps you don’t


  that way?” said I.

  “I don’t. I lived here when I was a child,and I had


  of gardening then. It was my father’s hobby,you see. Unfortunately,he wasn’t


  enough to do it himself. My brother and I did all of it between us year after year. There was one right way and many wrong ways. Each blade(叶片) of grass was an enemy to be


  by hand, not just cut off. I’ve spent a good part of life at work here.”

  “I see. You took a dislike to it, and now you’re getting even!”

  “I dislike it. Then, of course, I didn’t understand the


  it had. It used to


  me. It appeared in my dreams—a mistake here, something not quite straight here, the enemy showing its head in a place I was


  to have cleaned. The work was too much. It seemed endless. The size of the place was itself a fight to a boy.”

  “And now it’s yours,you’re just letting it go to... ”



  ?” he said.“No,I don’t agree with that. This garden and I are now the best friends. I like


  it grow


  its own way. I make no demands on it. I never disturb it, and it never disturbs me. It has


  at last, and so have I.”

  “But the path is over grown. It’s inconvenient for you,isn’t it?”

  “That’s part of my


  ,” he laughed.“You can go out the back way. The weeds are shorter there because they don’t get the sun.”

  21. A. wild

  B. crazy

  C. large

  D. nice

  22. A. lost

  B. felt

  C. took

  D. made

  23. A. let

  B. put

  C. taught

  D. explained

  24. A. gardening

  B. plants

  C. problems

  D. solution

  25. A. time

  B. point

  C. permission

  D. request

  26. A. Even if

  B. So

  C. As though

  D. Even so

  27. A. as

  B. where

  C. why

  D. whether

  28. A. seems

  B. is

  C. proves

  D. sounds

  29. A. recognize

  B. sense

  C. see

  D. know

  30. A. fond

  B. short

  C. free

  D. enough

  31. A. interested

  B. fit

  C. content

  D. demanding

  32. A. fought against

  B. cleared up

  C. rooted out

  D. cut down

  33. A. effect

  B. reason

  C. cause

  D. result

  34. A. astonish

  B. shock

  C. worry

  D. disappoint

  35. A. thought

  B. supposed

  C. ordered

  D. expected

  36. A. Sell

  B. Develop

  C. Grow

  D. Ruin

  37. A. noticing

  B. attending

  C. watering

  D. watching

  38. A. on

  B. in

  C. with

  D. of

  39. A. freedom

  B. time

  C. sunlight

  D. space

  40. A. life

  B. pleasure

  C. job

  D. research


  21-25 ADBCB

  26-30 DAACD

  31-35 BCACB

  36-40 DDBAB



  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  My husband and I were cleaning windows together yesterday. We have the double-hung(双吊钩)________36 that you can pull forward and flip(翻转), allowing us to _______37 the inside and the outside surfaces.

  My husband was______38 one window---and it popped out(跳出) of its frame! Well, our _____39 is for sale and the last thing we needed was for something to_______40.

  He was so_____41 and tried with all his strength to get it ______42 together, using a few less than pleasant words(I am sorry to say). After twenty minutes he still could not get it______43. that’s when my 23-year-old_______44 told his dad to ______45 for a minute and he would try to fix with me.

  It’s amazing how you can see things more clearly and do things more______46 when you are _____47. He and I fixed the window in three minutes! I called my husband in to see! He couln’t_____48 it!

  I know this isn’t really a gift_______49, in a way, it was. My son_____50 my husband to leave, to cool down, and______51 him from

  the worry for a moment. And my son fixing it with me was a ______52 to me, because I saw him as a man instead of the kid he always seems to be in my________53.

  Calm is good. Breathe through _______54 times and maybe even take a break from stressful times. Return with a clear mind and things will usually______55 much better!

  36. A. doors

  B. chairs

  C. tables


  37. A. destroy

  B. smooth

  C. clean

  D. dry

  38. A. washing

  B. painting

  C. repairing

  D. changing

  39. A. furniture

  B. house

  C. home

  D. car

  40. A. break

  B. dirty

  C. lose

  D. fly

  41. A. interested

  B. delighted

  C. worried

  D. excited

  42. A. up

  B. away

  C. out

  D. back

  43. A. separated

  B. delivered

  C. fixed

  D. added

  44. A. son

  B. nephew

  C. student

  D. daughter

  45. A. put away

  B. walk away

  C. give away

  D. take away

  46. A. fortunately

  B. difficulty

  C. slowly

  D. easily

  47. A. calm

  B. equal

  C. nervous

  D. frightened

  48. A. hate

  B. doubt

  C. believe

  D. satisfy

  49. A. or

  B. so

  C. and

  D. but

  50. A. asked

  B. forced

  C. ordered

  D. promised

  51. A. kept

  B. freed

  C. saved

  D. protected

  52. A. surprise

  B. wonder

  C. gift

  D. hurt

  53. A. power

  B. hand

  C. turn

  B. eyes

  54. A. easy

  B. happy

  C. exciting

  D. difficult

  55. A. break out

  B. turn out

  C. pull out

  D. make out

  36.D 由文章第一句话“My husband and I were cleaning windows together yesterday.”可知,“我


  37.C 第一段提到:昨天“我”和丈夫一起擦窗子。由此可知是便于“我们”“擦洗”窗户的里面和外面。故clean“把……弄干净”符合语境。

  38.A 由文章第一段可知,夫妻二人正在擦洗窗户,此处指的应该是“我”的丈夫正在“洗”一扇窗户。故wash“冲;洗”符合语境。

  39.B 由语境可知应该是“我们”的“房子”要出售。

  40.A 由前面的“…and it popped out of its frame!”可知,窗子坏了。故此处应该表示“我们”最不需要的事情就是东西“坏了”。break“打破、弄坏”符合语境。

  41.C 由下文中的“…, using a few less than pleasant words (I am sorry to say).”可知,丈夫感到那么的不安(worried)。

  42.D 由上文中提到的“it popped out of its frame!”应该使窗户恢复原样。get …back意为“恢复”符合语境。

  43.C 由下文中的“…and he would try to fix it with me.”可知,丈夫尽力把窗户“安装”在一起。

  44.A 由倒数第二段中的“And my son fixing it with me”可知答案。

  45.B 由下文中的“I called my husband in to see!”可知,儿子告诉他的父亲走开一会……。walk away“走开”符合语境。

  46.D 由前面的“clearly”及后面的语境可知应该用“easily”合适。

  47.A 由最后一段中的第一句话“Calm is good.”可知当你“镇定的”时候,看事情更清晰,做事情更容易。48.C 由上一段中的“After twenty minutes he still could not get it….”可知丈夫二十分钟后仍没能把窗户安装好。再由下文中的“He and I fixed the window in three minutes!”可知,他无法“相信”!

  49.D 由上下文语境可知是转折关系。故选but。

  50.A 由上下文语境可知,应该是儿子“让”自己的父亲走开一会……。

  51.B 儿子帮助父亲从焦虑中摆脱出来。free …from …意为“使……摆脱……”符合语境。而keep…from…,阻止某人……;protect …from…,保护……免受;save …from…,从……挽救……均不符合语境。

  52.C 由本段第一句知,“我”知道这并不真的是一份礼物,但是在某一方面,它又是。故推知,“我”的儿子和我一起修理窗户,对“我”而言是一份“礼物”。

  53.D 由上文中的“a man ”可知下文中与之对应的应该是“the kid”,故选instead of“而不是”。

  54.D 在母亲眼中的儿子。故用“in one’s eyes”。其它三项均不符合语境。

  55.B 带着清醒的头脑返回并且事情将通常产生更好的结果。


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