2017届高三英语一轮复习:Unit 4Cyberspace 单元测试(北师大版必修2)-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语一轮复习:Unit 4Cyberspace 单元测试(北师大版必修2)

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届高三英语一轮复习:Unit 4 Cyberspace [对 点 题 组] Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.We are________(可能的) to place a large order with you if the price is suitable. 2.Please________(集中) your minds on the following problem. 3.Your smoking can do ________(伤害) to the health of your children. 4.It was ________(确定) that Jim would visit us on the weekend. 5.You get a wonderful________(景色) from the top of the tower which can date back to five hundred years ago. 答案 1.likely 2.focus 3.harm 4.settled 5.view Ⅱ.选词填空 as well as,likely,up to,focus...on...,do harm to,in one's view,fancy oneself,get in touch1.Your smoking________the health of your children. 2.It is eleven o'clock and father

  is________to be back at any moment. 3.________,you're wrong to impose your idea on others. 4.The teacher________the students likes football. 5.He________as a great general. 6.It's________you whether we accept the present or not. 7.It is very difficult to________with those old friends overseas. 8.The recent wave of bombings has________public attention________the region. 答案 1.does harm to 2.likely 3.In my view 4.as well as 5.fancies himself 6.up to 7.get in touch 8.focused;on Ⅲ.完成句子 1. ________________(真是可惜) he missed the opportunity to travel abroad. 2.Dad ________________(使早起成为一种习惯) in the morning. 3.I felt a little dizzy, as if I________________(刚刚醒来) from a long sleep. 4.I finally________________(取得联系) him after getting separated for ten years. 5.The children are quiet;I wonder________________(他们在搞什么鬼)! 答案 1.It is a pity that 2.makes it a habit to get up early 3.had just woken up 4.got in touch with 5.what they are up to Ⅳ.微写作(先翻译下面的句子,然后连成一篇50词左右的小短文) 1.我父亲喜欢抽烟,抽烟给他造成了很大伤害。(harm) 2.我们全家人及朋友都劝他放弃,但是他不听。(as well as) 3.很明显,几年后他身体变的虚弱。(It is clear that...) 4.他终于接受了我的建议。(suggestion) 5.我们的愿望终于实现了。(come true) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文】 My father liked smoking.As a result,smoking harmed him greatly.His friends as well as my family tried to persuade him to quit it,but he wouldn't listen.Several years later it was clear that he became too weak.Finally he had to follow my suggestion and in the end our dream come true.


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