2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M2 Unit 2《Wish you were here》(译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M2 Unit 2《Wish you were here》(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1. — This kind of dress is now in fashion.

  — True. I'm considering buying ______ for my wife as her birthday present.

  A. it

  B. one

  C. that

  D. the one

  2.______ he might never be able to pay me back, I decided to lend Adam the money he badly needed.

  A. Once

  B. Unless

  C. Now that

  D. Even though

  3. — Peter looks so excited. He ______ have won the 100­meter race.

  — Of course. It's a piece of cake for him.

  A. must

  B. might

  C. should

  D. could

  4. — Haven't you decided whether or not to take the job?

  — Not yet. I need time to ______ their offer.

  A. depend on

  B. call on

  C. reflect on

  D. insist on

  5. The boss said he was satisfied with my work, adding that he ______ me a pay rise in the near future.

  A. was giving

  B. would give

  C. had given

  D. is to give

  6. Our headmaster ______ for me to show the visitors around our school.

  A. ask

  B. wanted

  C. arranged

  D. let

  7. Daisy had several of her poems ______ in various magazines. As a result, she became a little bit famous in the literary circle.

  A. published

  B. announced

  C. approved

  D. reserved

  8. There have been heated arguments ______ whether the chemical factory should be built by the lake.

  A. for

  B. with

  C. over

  D. in

  9. I saw a car advertised at a bargain price in the local paper but it ______ bought when I phoned the seller.

  A. has been

  B. had been

  C. was

  D. would be

  10. The tourists said that the UFO ______ from north to south at very high speed when they saw it that evening.

  A. has traveled

  B. traveled

  C. was traveling

  D. has been traveling

  11. Carl doesn't know ______ to judge between right and wrong. After all, he is only a child of seven years old.

  A. when

  B. why

  C. where

  D. how

  12. The road was clear, and we got to the ______ before dark, an ancient village located in a valley.

  A. destination

  B. mountaintop

  C. temple

  D. kingdom

  13. Alice will be very excited to hear the news that she has got the chance to go to France — she ______ forward to visiting the country for a long time.

  A. looked

  B. would look

  C. was looking

  D. has been looking

  14. The present situation is ______ satisfactory though some progress has been made. We still need to work harder.

  A. above all

  B. far from

  C. next to

  D. up close

  15. Large areas have been reserved for national parks these years, ______ are now home to bears, wolves, and other wild animals.

  A. when

  B. where

  C. that

  D. which



  (原创)Director James Cameron became the first solo(单独的) diver to visit Earth's deepest point.

  “We have to go there because we don't know what's there. Reaching the deep­sea floor would be the fulfillment of a __1__ of mine,” said Cameron before the dive, who directed “Titanic,” and “Avatar”.

  The dive, in a specially designed submarine (潜水艇)called the Deepsea Challenger, began at around 5.50 am Monday local time after being __2__ for several days due to bad weather. In the submarine, he gave his team the __3__ to begin the dive and send the submarine into the ocean by shouting: “Release, release, release.”

  The 12­ton submarine made a __4__ to the bottom in 2 hours, 37 minutes, much faster than expected. As he reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench, at a __5__ of 35,756 feet, he sent out a Tweet (微博) __6__: “I just arrived at the ocean's deepest point. I felt so good to have hit the ocean bottom. I can't __7__ to share what I'm seeing with you.”

  At the bottom of the ocean floor he spent three hours __8__ and filming the Mariana Trench(海沟) before he began his return to the surface. He had planned to spend another three hours on the sea floor, collecting __9__ for biologists and geologists to study. But he decided to leave the bottom ahead of time.

  A __10__ team was present when Cameron, 57, came out of the submarine. Having examined Cameron, a doctor claimed that he was fine and in good __11__.

  The lowest point of the Mariana Trench has been reached only once in 1960 when US Navy captain Don Walsh and Swiss scientist Jacques Piccard spent 20 minutes there. Walsh was on hand to send off Cameron on his __12__ record­setting mission.

  1. A. promise

  B. requirement

  C. potential

  D. dream

  2. A. canceled

  B. delayed

  C. revised

  D. organized

  3. A. construction

  B. intention

  C. instruction

  D. restriction

  4. A. face

  B. difference

  C. change

  D. trip

  5. A. height

  B. depth

  C. width

  D. length

  6. A. reading

  B. signing

  C. adding

  D. declaring

  7. A. fail

  B. stop

  C. help

  D. wait

  8. A. measuring

  B. checking

  C. visiting

  D. exploring

  9. A. rocks

  B. samples

  C. animals

  D. materials

  10. A. chemical

  B. commercial

  C. medical

  D. technical

  11. A. order

  B. shape

  C. use

  D. mood

  12. A. historic

  B. athletic

  C. academic

  D. classic


  This summer, I took part in a summer camp in Canada. CIC (Columbia International College) is the host of the summer camp. 1.__________ the summer camp, we met some volunteers who are the students of CIC. They were friendly and helped us a great deal. Thanks to 2.__________ help, everything went on smoothly.

  Our summer camp began 3.__________ the Eastern Canada tour. We visited Montreal and Quebec, 4.__________ I was completely fascinated by classical houses and old castles. We then toured Niagara Falls. When we travelled by ship, the water drops from the falls fell into the ship like rain.

  After the tour, we took 5.__________ one­week course in CIC. We studied Canadian culture. Our lesson was interesting and lovely. I felt relaxed. Of course, the test was 6.__________ challenging than ever.

  Outside class, we went to Bark Lake.

  There we had great fun. We went boating 7.__________ fishing. We held a campfire party with Canadian students.

  I had a wonderful time in the summer camp. The camp allows me to know 8.__________ important teamwork is. It also helps me cultivate my communication ability, making me more confident and outgoing.


  (原创)The endless grassland in Masai Mara is one of the most popular attractions in Kenya, but watch out for the dangerous wild animals hidden in the bushes while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery.


  Bears behave aggressively when they are surprised. Your guides will tell you to wear a bell in order to scare away any bears that may be nearby. Do not go near bear cubs as their mothers will attack violently in order to protect them. Play dead if the bear attacks.


  Snakes kill their prey(猎物) by slowly squeezing(缩紧)until it can no longer breathe. Should you find yourself being taken in by a snake, you are advised to remain still as struggling will prompt the snake to squeeze. Use one arm as protection for your ribs and use your other arm to unwind the snake.


  Your guides will require you to wear a bell or another device that will make noise. Do not run away as this is likely to result in the animal making chase. Big cats generally will not attack prey that stands its ground and fights back. In the animal kingdom, displays of size and power are used to frighten away potential attackers. Make yourself look big by spreading out your jacket, yell at the cat and show your teeth. Cats often kill their prey through sustained blood loss. Protect your neck if the cat jumps on you.


  Avoid lying on the water's surface in an area known to be populated with sharks. Your figure may look like a seal or another vulnerable animal that is common prey for sharks. They can detect vibrations(震动)from hundreds of metres away so swimming is likely to draw sharks towards you. Make slow movements and try to get to shore. Fight back if you are attacked by the shark. Target the eyes.

  Wild Dogs

  Occasionally wild dogs can be more of a threat than most people think. As with big cats, frightening the dog with loud sounds and making yourself appear larger can prevent a possible attack. If an attack does occur, remain standing and try kicking the dog in the face, focusing on the nose.

  1. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

  A. Do's and Don'ts in time of danger.

  B. Some tips when animals attack.

  C. How to prevent wild dogs' attacks?

  D. The most popular attraction in Kenya.

  2. Who is the passage meant for?

  A. Tourists.

  B. Swimmers.

  C. Guides.

  D. Drivers.

  3. Your are advised to wear a bell to scare away the following animals EXCEPT ______.

  A. bears

  B. tigers

  C. wild dogs

  D. snakes

  4. The underlined “ cubs” refer to ______.

  A. adult bears

  B. big bells

  C. young bears

  D. squeezing snakes

  5. If you are attacked by a shark, you should ______.

  A. play dead by lying still

  B. hit the shark in its eyes

  C. kick the shark in the nose

  D. spread out your jacket


  Camping goes back to trendy in the UK. With students and parents tightening their belts in the face of the global economic crisis, the overseas holiday tourism around the world is suffering a lot. For many young Brits, during uncertain times, cheap, traditional, homemade alternatives are the choice.

  A lot of these people are developing a particular taste for camping holidays. The Camping and Caravanning Club is reporting a 40 percent increase in bookings this year, as well as an increase

  in new membership applications.

  Campsites in the UK generally fall into one of two categories: holiday parks and wild camping.

  The holiday parks are usually large, and accept caravans (野营屋拖车) and tents and have many facilities, from swimming pools to laundry services to bars and shops. For example, young people can find much fun in the Wild Boar Inn campsite in Cheshire, northwest England. There's live music every Saturday, with 60s, 70s and 80s­inspired acts for an evening of laughs. These places are good for young Britons to get social. And it's cheap, only around 5 pounds for entry and people can use all the facilities.

  For others, the beauty of camping is in enjoying nature and tranquility(宁静), so a wilder camping experience is also attractive. These people choose anywhere remote, with no light or noise pollution — or other people. The campers often choose relatively small campsites. For example, the Highlands of Scotland, and Dartmoor in southern England.1.__________ become popular again in UK

  Facts ◆a 2.__________ in booking camping and caravanning Club

  ◆more new membership applications this year

  3.__________ ◆global economic crisis→students can't afford the 4.__________

  ◆5.__________→it is a cheap, traditional, homemade alternative


  6.__________ Features Examples

  holiday parks park ◆large

  ◆accepting caravans and tents


  ◆funny, cheap Wild Boar Inn campsite

  8.__________ wilderness ◆small

  ◆enjoying nature


  ◆remote, dark,

  9.__________ ◆the Highlands of Scotland


  Unit 2

  Ⅰ.1. B 本题考查代词辨析。one指代同类事物中的某一个,表泛指,相当于“a/an +单数可数名词”,在这里相当于a dress (of this kind)。

  2. D 本题考查状语从句。语境中“我还是决定借给亚当钱,因为他急需用钱”和“他可能永远无法偿还”之间意义上是转折关系,故用even though 引导让步状语从句。

  3.A 本题考查情态动词。由答句Of course. It's a piece of cake for him. 可知,答话者同意对方所说,说明第一个说话人对于“彼得赢得百米赛跑”这一过去的事作出肯定的推测,故用 must have done。should have done 表示过去本该做而实际上没做; might/ could have done表示语气较弱的推测。

  4. C 考查短语动词辨析。答语意为“我还没有决定是否接受这份工作。我需要时间来考虑。” reflect on 考虑,思索,符合语境,故选C项。depend on 依靠; call on 号召; insist on 坚持。

  5. B 本题考查时态。根据时间in the near future 和关键信息The boss said 可知,这里用过去将来时表示从过去的某一时间来看将来要发生的动作。

  6. C arrange for sb. to do sth. “安排某人做某事”符合题意。其他三项的搭配为:ask sb. to do sth., want sb. to do sth., let sb. do sth.。

  7. A 本题考查动词辨析。句意:黛西在各类杂志上发表了一些诗歌,这使得她开始在文学界小有名气。publish 出版,发表,符合语境,故选A项。 announce 通知,宣布; approve 批准; reserve 保留。

  8. C 本题考查固定搭配。 argument over…是习惯搭配,意为“就……争执,在……方面争论”,这里指“在是否应该在湖边建化工厂方面有争议”,故选C项。

  9. B 考查时态。句意:我在当地报纸上看到一则广告,说有一辆汽车要廉价出售,但我打电话给卖家时,那辆车早已被人买了。bought所表示的动作发生在phoned之前,故用过去完成时。

  10. C 考查时态。句意:“这些游客说,那天晚上当他们看到时,不明飞行物正在自北向南高速飞行。”表示过去某个时刻或某一阶段正在进行的动作时要用过去进行时,故选C 项。

  11. D 本题考查连接副词辨析,由语境“毕竟,他只是个7岁的孩子”推断,卡尔还不知道“如何判断是非”,故选how。

  12. A 本题考查名词辨析。句意:道路畅通无阻,我们在天黑前就到达了目的地,这是一座位于山谷间的古村落。题干中an ancient village located in a valley 是空格所填词的同位语,再结合句意可知,destination 目的地,终点,符合语境,故选A项。mountaintop 山顶; temple 寺院; kingdom 王国。

  13. D 本题考查时态。由语境“艾丽斯知道她有机会去法国会非常兴奋的”推断,她期待这件事好久了。此处用现在完成进行时强调艾丽斯从过去到现在一直都在期盼去法国旅行。

  14. B 本题考查短语辨析。句意:尽管已经取得了一些成就,但当前形势还远未达到令人满意的地步。我们还需要加倍努力。 far from远远不,完全不,符合句意,故选B项。 above all 首先; next to 紧挨着,仅次于; up close 靠近地。

  15. D 本题考查定语从句。关系代词which指代先行词 national parks, 引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语。

  Ⅱ.A 1. D 到达深海海床将实现“我”的一个梦想。

  2. B 这次深潜因为天气不好推迟了几天。delay 意为“推迟”,符合句意。cancel 取消; revise 修订,检查; organize 组织。

  3. C 在潜水艇里卡梅隆给他的团队发出了“下潜”的指示。instruction 意为“指示,指令”,符合句意。construction 建设; intention 意向,意图; restriction 限制。

  4. D make a trip 意为“去旅行,开始旅程”,符合句意。make a face 做鬼脸; make a difference 发生变化,有所作为; make a change 修改。

  5. B 这里应该指马里亚纳海沟的深度。

  6. A read在此意为“写道,载明,写上” ,符合句意。sign 标明;示意; add 接着说; declare 宣布。

  7. D can't wait to do sth.意为“迫不及待地做某事”,符合句意。

  8. D explore是“勘探,探测;探险”之意。符合句意。

  9. B 他原本打算再呆三个小时为生物学家和地质学家收集一些供他们研究用的标本。sample“样品,标本”之意,符合句意。

  10. C 后面提到Having examined Cameron, a doctor claimed that he was fine, 可见有一支医疗队在海面待命。

  11. B in good shape意为“健康状况良好”,符合句意。in good order 秩序井然; in good use 好使用; in good mood 心情好。

  12. A historic意为“具有历史意义的”,符合句意。athletic 运动的,体育的; academic 学术的; classic 古典的,高尚的,传统的。

  B 1. During 考查介词。during表示“在……期间”之意。

  2. their 考查代词。这里指“这些志愿者的帮助”,故用形容词性物主代词their。

  3. with 考查动词短语。begin with意为“从……开始”。

  4. where 考查定语从句引导词。where引导一个定语从句,修饰Montreal and Quebec。

  5. a 考查冠词。不定冠词在此表泛指。

  6. more 考查形容词比较等级。根据后面的than可知此处应用形容词比较级。

  7. and 考查连词。两个并列动名词需用连词and连接。

  8. how 考查强调句型。强调形容词应用how。

  Ⅲ.1. B 主旨大意题。根据全文的内容可知本文主要介绍当遭到动物攻击时的一些自我保护措施。

  2. A 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句Your guides will tell you to wear a bell in order to scare away any bears that may be nearby.可知短文的读者对象是游客。

  3. D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句,第四段第一句和最后一段第二句等内容可知可以用铃声吓跑熊、老虎和野狗。D项没有提及。

  4. C 词义猜测题。后面的their mothers有提示,可见,cubs指“幼熊”。

  5. B 细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句Fight back if you are attacked by the shark. Target the eyes.可知当遭到鲨鱼的攻击时,可以攻击它的眼睛。

  Ⅳ.1. Camping holidays 概括信息题。根据Camping goes back to trendy in the UK.可知本文主要讲野营度假又重新受到了英国年轻人的青睐。

  2. 40 percent increase 直接信息题。根据The Camping and Caravanning Club is reporting a 40 percent increase in bookings this year可知答案。

  3. Reasons 概括信息题。根据右边的内容可知本处讲这种现象的原因。

  4. overseas holiday tourism 直接信息题。根据With students and parents tightening their belts in the face of the global economic crisis, the overseas holiday tourism around the world is suffering a lot.可知答案。

  5. Lower cost 整合信息题。根据cheap, traditional, homemade alternatives are the choice可知野营度假价格低廉。

  6. Campsites 概括信息题。根据本列的内容可知,本处讲野营的地点。

  7. having many facilities 直接信息题。根据The holiday parks are usually large, and accept caravans (野营屋拖车) and tents and have many facilities可知答案。

  8. wild camping 概括信息题。根据右边的内容可知本处介绍第二种野营的方式wild camping。

  9. noise­pollution free 整合信息题。根据with no light or noise pollution可知野外宿营没有光线或噪音污染。

  10. southern England' Dartmoor 直接信息题。根据For example, the Highlands of Scotland, and Dartmoor in southern England可知答案。


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