2017届高考英语一轮复习基础巩固学案:Unit 5《Familiar Neighbourhood》(重大版必修4)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习基础巩固学案:Unit 5《Familiar Neighbourhood》(重大版必修4)

发布时间:2017-04-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ⅰ.重点单词识记 1.somehow /sʌmhaʊ/ adv.设法,想办法;不知道怎样 2.broadcast /brɔːdkɑːst/ vi./vt.广播;散布 3.contact /kəntækt/ vt.接触;联系 4.vain /veIn/ adj.徒然的,无益的 5.victim /vIktIm/ n.受害人;牺牲者 6.accustomed /əkʌstəmd/ adj.通常的,习惯的→accustom vt.使习惯于 7.sense /sens/ n.感官;感觉;知觉;意识→sensible adj.明智的;意识到的→sensitive adj.敏感的;易生气的 8.unusual /n′juːʒʊəl/ adj.不平常的;与众不同的→unusually adv.非常;异乎寻常地→usual adj.通常的;惯例的→usually adv.通常地;经常地 9.proof /pruːf/ n.证明,证据→prove vt./vi.证明;证明是 10.murder /mɜːdə/ vt.谋杀,凶杀→murderer n.凶手,谋杀犯 11.evident /evIdənt/ adj.明显的,显然的→evidently adv.明显地,显然地→evidence n.证据,证词;迹象 12.surroundings /səraʊndIŋz/ n.环境→surround vt.包围,围绕;与……紧密相关 13.ignore /Inɔː/ vt.不理睬,忽视→ignorance n.无知,愚昧→ignorant adj.无知的,愚昧的 14.pitifully /pItIfəlI/ adv.令人同情地→pitiful adj.值得同情的,可怜的→pity n.同情,怜悯;可惜的事 .重点短语识记 1.manage to达成;设法 2.become accustomed to习惯于 3.no matter (what)不论(什么)…… 4.consist of由……组成 5.a sense of……的感觉 6.show up露面,露出 7.greet to向……打招呼 8.ask for请求;寻求 9.make one’s way前进,一路前行 10.be ashamed to羞于…… 11.a stream of川流不息的……,络绎不绝的…… 12.turn away转过脸;避免 13.keep one’s mind on专心于 14.file away把……归档 .经典原句默写与背诵 1.We may look at the world around us,but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever it is we’ve become accustomed to suddenly disappears. 我们每天都注视着周围的世界,但是从某种角度上讲,只有那些我们习以为常的东西突然消失了的时候,我们才会真正注意到这个世界。 2.If,while walking to work,we mark where we are by passing a certain building,why should we not mark where we are when we pass a familiar,though unnamed,person? 我们走路上班时,是否会把途经的建筑物作为沿路的标志,那么为什么我们不能把经常遇到的一个熟悉的尽管叫不上名字的人作为沿路的标志呢? 3.I was standing in a coffee shop when a woman said hello. 我正站在咖啡店里,忽然一位女士冲我打招呼。 4.If only I’d gone to the window,perhaps I could have done something. 要是我当时走向了窗户就好了,我也许能做些什么。   1.The mouse sensed danger and slipped quietly.(sense) 2.You’ll have to accustom yourself to the new conditions.(accustomed) 3.He didn’t pay much attention to his surroundings.(surround) 4.I would always find her neatly dressed sitting in a chair right by the front door.(neat) 5.These prevent it dealing with its regular customers.(regularly) 6.The house had belonged to her family for three or four generations.(belonging) 7.It’s difficult for me to be casual about anything.(casually) 8.It was the most pitiful sight I had ever seen.(pity)   1 accustom oneself to (doing) sth.使习惯于(做)某事 be/get/become accustomed to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事 make oneself used to使习惯于 be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults. 我习惯了作为唯一一个小不点坐在一桌大人中间。 My eyes were becoming accustomed to the gloom. 我的眼睛渐渐适应了黑暗。夯实基础一句多译他习惯了这一习俗。 (1)He was accustomed to the custom./He accustomed himself to the custom.(accustom) (2)He was used to the custom./He made himself used to the custom.(used to) 2 It is evident that...很显然…… be evident to sb.对某人来说很明显 be evident in...在……方面很明显 evidence n.证据,根据 夯实基础同义句改写 Evidently,practice is important for everybody.(改为含有主语从句的复合句) It is evident that practice is important for everybody. 3 surrounding adj.周围的 surroundings n.环境 surround...with...使……包围…… be surrounded with/by被……包围 The small churchyard was surrounded by a rusted wrought­iron fence. 不大的教堂墓地周边围着一圈生锈的熟铁栅栏。 When the car stopped in the town square it was surrounded by soldiers and militiamen. 当汽车停在城镇广场时立刻被士兵和民兵包围了。夯实基础用surround的适当形式填空 (1)The surrounding villages have been absorbed by the growing city. (2)Some insects take on the color of their surroundings to protect themselves. (3)He tried to run away but gave up when he found himself surrounded. 4 It is a great pity that...很可惜…… out of pity出于怜悯,出于同情 the pity is that...真遗憾…… What a pity!真可惜!真遗憾! what a pity (that)...……真是遗憾 It’s a great pity that you can’t come to the party. 你不能来参加这次聚会,真可惜。 What a pity!You missed the concert last night! 真遗憾,你错过了昨天晚上的音乐会!夯实基础 It’s a great pity that/What a pity it is that(真遗憾) you can’t help us. 1.The student writing down every data during his experiments. A.used to B.get use to C.is fond of D.is accustomed to 答案 D 解析 句意为:这个学生习惯于写下实验中的每一个数据。根据句意可知应选D项。 2.That Jill was worried seemed to everyone present at the meeting. A.constant B.evident C.precious D.rough 答案 B 解析 句意为:吉尔很担心,出席会议的每个人似乎对这一点都很清楚。evident清楚的,符合句意。constant持续不断的;precious珍贵的;rough粗糙的,困难的。 3.The baby was playing on the carpet by all kinds of toys. A.surrounding B.surrounded C.surrounds D.having surrounded 答案 B 解析 由句子结构可知此处应使用非谓语动词,排除C项;再由the baby与surround之间是被动关系可排除A、D两项;此处是过去分词短语作定语,故选B。 4.Some people said that the conference didn’t reach any official agreement. A.what was a pity B.what a pity it was C.how pity was it D.it was what a pity 答案 B 解析 考查pity 的用法。句意为:有人说遗憾的是该会议没有达成任何官方协议。what a pity it was... 表示“……真遗憾”。 5.—They are quiet,aren’t they? —Yes.They are accustomed at meals. A.to talk B.to not talk C.to talking D.to not talking 答案 D 解析 be accustomed to doing...的否定式为be accustomed to not doing...。 6.The surroundings of his house clean now. A.is B.are C.was D.were 答案 B 解析 以­ings结尾的名词,如belongings,bookings,earnings,findings,surroundings常用作复数。 1.He took the bag and made his way in silence. 2.He never turned away anyone who asked for his help. 3.The studying group consists of three girls and four boys. 4.A lot of bugs showed up when I ran the program. 5.They hope things may get better,but in fact they seem to be getting worse!   consist vi.组成;在于;一致 consist in=lie in在于……;存在于…… His breakfast consists of dry bread and a cup of tea. 他的早餐由不涂黄油的面包和一杯茶组成。特别提醒 consist of不使用被动语态和进行时。夯实基础同义句改写 This club consists of eight members. (1)This club is made up of eight members.(用make up of改写句子) (2)This club is composed of eight members.(用compose of改写句子) Ⅰ.单项填空 1.—Do you mind if I record your lecture? — .Go ahead. A.Never mind B.No way C.Not at all D.You’d better not 答案 C 解析 由答语中的“Go ahead.”可知此处表示“一点也不介意”,故选C项。 2.We give them our love,and ,they give us their all. A.in all B.in fact C.in short D.in return 答案 D 解析 in all共计;in fact实际上;in short简而言之;in return作为回报,符合句意。 3.New Zealand is a country lying off the eastern coast of Australia, two big islands and many smaller ones. A.making up B.consisting of C.belonging to D.making from 答案 B 解析 consist of由……组成,符合句意。 .汉译英良好的服务在于守时与可靠。(consist in) Good service consists in punctuality and dependability.   用may,might,should完成下列句子 (1)Sorry I’m late.I might have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. (2)Peter may/might come with us tonight,but he isn’t sure yet. (3)He should be here on time—he started early enough. (4)You’re always late for work!You should get up earlier. (5)Jane should have warned you earlier of the danger,but she didn’t. 1 I was standing in a coffee shop when a woman said hello.我正站在咖啡店里,忽然一位女士冲我打招呼。 be doing...when...正在……这时…… be about to do...when...正要做……此时…… be on the point of doing...when...正要……这时…… had (just) done...when...刚做了……这时…… He was sleeping when there was a knock at the door. 他正在睡觉,这时有人敲门。 The thief was on the point of putting his hand into the lady’s handbag when the bus suddenly stopped. 小偷正要把手伸进那位女士的手提袋中,这时公共汽车突然停了。夯实基础 We were swimming in the lake when(正在游泳时) suddenly the storm started. 2 (1)if only...意为“要是……就好了”。常用来表示强烈的愿望或遗憾,因此主要用于虚拟语气中,用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件。表示与现在相反的愿望用过去时;表示与过去相反的愿望用过去完成时;表示与将来相反的愿望用would/could/might+do。 (2)only if...只有……,引导真实条件句。 (3)if it were not for.../if it had not been for...要不是…… If only I knew her name! 我要是知道她的名字就好了!夯实基础用所给动词的适当形式填空 (1)If only she had lived(live) a little longer! (2)If it had not been for your help,we would never have found(never find) the station. (3)If only everyone here were(be) honest. Ⅰ.单项填空 1.She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday. A.when B.while C.after D.since 答案 A 解析 考查had (just) done...when...刚做完某事,在那时……。 2.—Did you meet with Liu Xiang? —No. I had come here earlier! A.If only B.If not C.But for D.For fear 答案 A 解析 答句句意为:没有,要是我早一点来就好了。if only要是……就好了,表示与过去相反的虚拟语气。 3.—I hear you’ve got a set of valuable Australian coin. I have a look? —Yes,certainly. A.Do B.May C.Shall D.Should 答案 B 解析 may表示请求对方允许,即“我可以做……吗?” 4.—The traffic is heavy now,so Mike come late. —Let’s wait ten more minutes. A.can B.need C.may D.shall 答案 C 解析 由语境知,此处表“可能,或许”,用may。 5.Look at the trouble I am in! If only I your advice. A.followed B.would follow C.had followed D.should follow 答案 C 解析 句意为:看看我现在所处的麻烦。要是我当时听了你的建议就好了。If only后跟与过去事实相反的句子,用过去完成时。 .汉译英要是我没在湖里游泳就好了!(if only)(2010·山东·写作) If only I hadn’t swum in the lake!  1.—The Modern Art Exhibition in the City Museum has been cancelled. —Oh,no! .(2017·重庆,26) A.It’s a pity B.It doesn’t matter C.I knew it already D.It’s not interesting at all 答案 A 解析 句意为:——在市博物馆的现代艺术展已经被取消了。——噢,天哪!太遗憾了。通过“Oh,no!”一句可推断,后者对展览被取消是惊叹、遗憾。而B项意为“没关系”;C项意为“我已知道”;D项意为“它一点儿意思也没有”,都不合语境。故只有A项“太遗憾了”符合语境。 2.I got close enough to hear them speaking Chinese,and I said “Ni Hao,” just as I do in China.(2017·四川,19) A.must B.might C.can D.should 答案 B 解析 考查情态动词。句意为:我靠他们足够的近去听他们说汉语,而且我会像我在中国可能做的那样说“你好”。might表示“可能”。故选B。 3.There is clear evidence the most difficult feeling of all to interpret is bodily pain.(2011·上海,35) A.what B.if C.how D.that 答案 D 解析 名词evidence后面用that引导同位语从句,解释说明evidence的内容。 4.The house was too expensive and too big. ,I’d grown fond of our little rented house.(2011·江西,27) A.Besides B.Therefore C.Somehow D.Otherwise 答案 A 解析 句意为:那所房子太贵且太大。此外,我已经喜欢上我们租住的那间小房子了。besides还有,此外;therefore因此;somehow不知怎么地;otherwise否则,不然。根据句意可知,应选A项。 5.Tom was about to close the window his attention was caught by a bird.(2010·大纲全国,7) A.when B.if C.and D.till 答案 A 解析 句意为:汤姆刚要关窗,这时他的注意力被一只鸟吸引住了。sb.be about to do sth.when...是一个固定句式,表示“某人正要做……这时……”。   .单项填空 1.—What do you think of question? —Well, most difficult one indeed. A.不填;the B.不填;a C.the;a D.the;the 答案 C 解析 考查冠词用法。第一个空为特指,故用the。答语中most并非是最高级,而是非常的意思,故用a。 2.—Honey,this is a present for your birthday. —Ah! A pair of shoes,Nike!I think it comfortably. A.wears B.is worn C.is wearing D.has worn 答案 A 解析 此处用主动表被动。 3.They want to take possession of my house,but they not have it. A.shall B.must C.would D.need 答案 A 解析 考查shall用法。shall用在第一、三人称和疑问句表示征询意见,用在第二、三人称和陈述句表示命令、警告和允诺等含义。 4.Every minute when made full use of does good to us students. A.studying B.to study C.study D.being studied 答案 B 解析 主要考查make full use of every minute to study这一结构。 5.—Could I get the passport in 20 days? —It depends.Anyway,you have my answer tomorrow. A.could B.must C.shall D.need 答案 C 解析 由句意知此处表示对对方的承诺,故用shall。 6.—The food here is nice enough. —My friend me a right place. A.introduce B.introduced C.had introduced D.was introducing 答案 B 解析 考查时态。由句意知应用一般过去时。 7.-I’ve asked only one person to come and help us-Sam. — he doesn’t come? A.How about B.What if C.If only D.What about 答案 B 解析 what if...要是……会怎么样? 8. good,the food was soon sold out. A.Tasted B.Being tasted C.Tasting D.Having tasted 答案 C 解析 区分二者需要考虑:非谓语动词充当哪种句子成分(主语、定语还是状语);非谓语动词与逻辑主语(被修饰名词)是主谓关系还是动宾关系;从时间上看,该动作是正在进行还是已经发生。 9.—What happened to you? —I in the street when someone patted me on the shoulder,which frightened me. A.was walking B.had walked C.was about to walk D.was on the point of walking 答案 A 解析 答句句意为:我正在街上走着,这时有人拍我的肩膀,吓了我一跳。be doing...when...正在做……这时……,符合语境。 10.— does the computer belong to? —It belongs to . A.Whose;mine B.Whose;my C.Who;Tom’s D.Who;me 答案 D 解析 belong to后接代词时应用宾格。故只能选D项。 .阅读理解 A Being the eldest son of my parents,I became the “big boy” of the family.My parents gave me the status of a “big boy” and started giving me the tasks that were somewhat challenging for me at that young age.Whenever I had some hesitation in doing a certain task,they used to encourage me by saying,“you are a big boy,you can do it”.Though I was a small boy at that time but my confidence level grew to the new heights and I started behaving myself as a big boy.That “big boy” concept slowly developed into the “I can do” philosophy which has helped me a lot throughout my life. The “I can do” philosophy prepares you mentally,as well physically,and helps you to do what otherwise you think you cannot do.The “big boy” concept boosts your inner energy level to such an extent where you start believing “you can do”.And that is the starting point which opens the doors of success for you. Whenever I have to face a challenge,I say to myself “I can do it because I am a big boy” and that encourages me a lot in overcoming my fears and provides my body with the extra energy needed to do that “impossible” task. The “big boy” concept is always helpful to anyone.It takes away all your weaknesses and thus enables you to accept big challenges.By accepting big challenges,you invite big opportunities and thus get big rewards. Success in life comes to the people who think big,act big and are willing to accept big responsibilities.Make yourself feel big.Plan something big.Surprise your colleagues by accepting big responsibilities.Be always willing to do big tasks.Once you accept yourself as a big boy or a big girl then nothing can come in your way of success. 1.Why did the author’s parents give him the status of a “big boy”? A.To make him feel proud of himself. B.To ask him to behave well at school. C.To encourage him to be confident. D.To challenge his ability to do things. 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。根据文章第一段倒数第二句中的“...but my confidence level grew to the new heights and I started behaving myself as a big boy.”可知,作者父母的做法是为了激励作者,使他充满自信。 2.What do we know about the author’s parents from the first paragraph? A.They were quite strict with the author. B.They expected too much from the author. C.They gave the author much pressure. D.They were wise in some way. 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句中的“...which has helped me a lot throughout my life.”可知,作者父母的激励使作者形成了“我能”的哲学思想,使作者受益终生,由此可推知,作者的父母相当英明。 3.What does the author think of the “big boy” concept? A.It gives him great energy. B.It is especially useful to a small boy. C.It wastes so much of his time. D.It has its disadvantages as well. 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句可知,“大男孩”理念给了作者无穷的力量,故选A项。 4.What could be the author’s purpose in writing the passage? A.To describe a special experience. B.To explain a concept. C.To make a comment. D.To give us advice. 答案 D 解析 写作意图题。综合分析全文可知,作者首先通过自己的经历说明“大男孩”理念在自己成长过程中的作用;文章最后两段又强调了“大男孩”理念的好处。由此可知,作者的目的是建议我们也要有“大男孩”理念,故D项正确。 B Last Sunday I made a visit to some new neighbours down the block.No specific purpose in mind,just an opportunity to sit at the kitchen table,have some tea and chat.As I did so,it occurred to me how rare the Sunday visit has become. When I was a kid in the New Jersey of the 1960s,Sunday visits were routine.Most stores were closed and almost nobody worked.My family normally traveled eight city blocks to the home of my grandmother,where adults would sit on the front porch and chat while we children played hide­and­seek. The Sunday visit was something to desire strongly.It was the repetition to church,our reward for an hour of devotion,an opportunity to take advantage of the fact that Dad was not at work,we were not in school,and there were no chores that couldn’t wait until Monday.Sunday was,indeed,different from all the other days of the week,because everyone seemed to be on the same schedule,which means that there was one day when everyone seemed to have time for everybody else. Sunday as a day of rest is,or was,so deeply rooted in the culture that it’s surprising to consider that,in a short span of time,it has almost entirely lost this association.In my childhood,it was assumed that everyone would either be home or visit someone else’s home on Sunday.But now the question is,“What do you plan to DO this Sunday?”The answer can range from going to the mall to participating in a road race to jetting to Montreal for lunch.If one were to respond,“I’m making a Sunday visit to family,”such an answer would feel strange,an echo from another era. I suppose I should be grateful to live in Maine,a state of small towns,abundant land and tight relationships.Even though folks work as hard here as they do anywhere else,the state’s powerfully rural cast(特质) still harbors at least remnants(剩余部分) of the ethic of yesterday’s America,where people had to depend on one another in the face of economic vagaries(反复无常的情况) and a challenging environment. 5.The writer’s general impression of the Sunday in the past was a day when . A.everyone would pay a visit to some relative far away B.everyone seemed to be free and could have some leisure C.Dad was not at work while Mom was busy cleaning the house D.nearly every adult would go to church and children were not at school 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。由文章第二段和第三段描述可知。 6.What can we learn from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4? A.People nowadays prefer staying at home on Sunday. B.People in the city dislike being disturbed on Sunday. C.Such answers are rarely heard in our modern society. D.Visiting someone on Sunday might take a lot of time. 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。该句大意为:像“在星期天去拜亲访友”这样的回答现如今已经很少听到了。 7.From the last paragraph we may infer that people in Maine . A.suffer more from economic depression and the changed environment B.have abandoned their tradition and lived an absolute new life C.have tense relationships with each other D.always help each other when they are in need 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句中的“...where people had to depend on one another in the face of economic vagaries(反复无常的情况)...”可知,在Maine人们互相帮助。 8.What is the writer’s attitude towards the Sunday today? A.Unsatisfied. B.Confused. C.Respectful. D.Thankful. 答案 A 解析 观点态度题。根据文章内容可知,通过对比过去的和现在的星期天生活,作者对目前的星期天生活感到不满。 .写作素材(关于人物描写) 1.一天当我下班走在回家的路上的时候,有人让我帮忙寻找一个喝醉了的人。 2.于是我到周围的村庄去寻找,终于找到了他。 3.我发现他围着羊毛围巾,脚蹬长统靴,戴着墨镜。 4.慢吞吞地走在铺满小雪的路上。 5.很明显他丝毫没有意识到前面的危险。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用主语从句,状语从句。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文) One day,when I made my way home after work,someone asked me to help to look for a drunk man.So I went to the surrounding villages to look for him and finally found him.I found he wore woolen scarf,heavy boots and sunglasses.He was jogging on a road covered with light snow.It is evident that he wasn’t sensible to the danger ahead.


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