广东省2017届高考英语一轮复习必修模块2 unit 4-1 Cyberspace《Lesson 1 Tomorrow’s World》课件(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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广东省2017届高考英语一轮复习必修模块2 unit 4-1 Cyberspace《Lesson 1 Tomorrow’s World》课件(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-02-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Part 1 Of 2 come true


  His wish to be an actor has come true.


  与come true 同义的有realize, 但它是及物动词, 可用于被动语态。 She worked hard to realize her dream. 她为了实现她的梦想而努力工作。 2. cause, reason与excuse

  ①三个词都可以作名词,cause是自然造成某种结果的原因;reason指在事实的基础上通过逻辑判断出来的理由,常与for短语连用;excuse表示“辩解,借口”,指为某一行为所做的解释,可以是真的,也可以是托词。 make up an excuse 编造一个借口 Too much work is no excuse for not studying. 工作太多并不是不学习的借口。 Heart trouble is one of the most serious causes of death among old people. 心脏病是导致老年人死亡的最重要的原因之一。(不用reason) The reason (why) I was absent yesterday is that I was sick. 我昨天缺席的原因是我生病了。(不用cause) We have no reason to disbelieve him. 我们没有理由不相信他。(不用cause) ②cause可用作动词,cause trouble to/for people=cause people trouble表示“给人带来麻烦”, cause the patient much pain(使病人感到疼痛),也可用 cause sb. to do这一结构。 The drought caused the vegetable prices to go up. 干旱使得蔬菜价格上涨。 ③reason可以作动词,意为“推理,推论,评理,劝说”。 1. 起火的原因是不谨慎。 The ________ of the fire was carelessness. 2. 那些植物死于何种原因? What ________ the plants ________ die? 3. 我的电脑给我带来很多麻烦。 My computer has ________________________________________________________________________. 4. 我迟到的原因是误了车。 ________________ I'm late is that I missed the bus.

  【答案】 cause  2. caused; to 3. caused me a lot of troubles 4. The reason why

  3. affect v. 影响,作用;感动

  The climate affected his health.


  effect n. 结果,影响,效果

  请比较以下两句: How do you think the changes will affect you? 你认为这些变化会如何影响你? What effect do you think the changes will have on you? 你认为这些变化会给你带来怎样的影响? 1. 这个悲惨的消息使他非常难过。 He ________________ by the sad news. 2. 老师说的一定会对我们的将来有很大影响。 What the teacher said will ________________ our future. 3. 我们的努力开始见效了。 Our efforts are beginning ________________. 4. 下周开始实行新的管制。 New controls ________________ next week.

  【答案】 1. was much affected  2. have a great effect on  3. to have / take an effect  4. will bring into effect

  4. offer

  ①vt. 提供,提出某物供考虑;出价 offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. 为某人提供某物 offer sth. for $=offer $ for sth.

  给某物开出了……的价钱,某物要价…… offer to do

  自愿提出帮忙、资助、要求等 offer one’s hand

  伸出手和某人握手 offer one’s hand in marriage

  向女子求婚 She offered a reward for the return of her lost

  necklace. 她为寻回遗失的项链提出以酬金答谢。 She has offered 10,000 pounds for that house. 她已经出价10,000英镑买那栋房子。

  He always offers to help the others.


  Mother came towards me, smiled and offered

  her hand.

  母亲走向我,微笑着并且伸出她的手。 ②n. 开出的价钱,如:a special offer。 美国有份工作要聘请我去做。



  ______________________________________ I have been offered a job in America. He offered me 300 dollars for that computer. 5. feel like 想(干某事),愿意(做某事)



  I don’t feel like swimming very much today.

  今天我不太想游泳。 除feel like doing sth.以外,还可以用以下结构 表示“愿意干……”: ①would like to do sth. 愿意做某事

  would like后面常接不定式,不接动名词。

  I would like to have a talk with you.

  我想和你谈谈 ②would prefer to do 接不定式

  I would prefer to study alone home than study

  in groups.


  6. suggest v.建议;表明;暗示 ①suggest作建议讲时后接名词、动名词或that从句, that从句要用虚拟语气should+动词原形(should可以省略); 向某人建议某事用“suggest sth. to sb.”。 I suggested putting off the sports meet. 我建议将运动会延期。 ②当suggest表示“说明,表明,暗示”时, 不用虚拟语气。 His expression suggests that he didn't sleep well last night. 他的脸色说明他昨晚没睡好。 ③名词suggestion后的表示具体建议内容的表语从句或 同位语从句以及It is suggested that的that从句都应用 should+动词原形,should可以省略。 My suggestion is that the work should be started at once. 我的建议是立即动工。 1. 他向我们建议用另外一种方式来处理这个问题。 He suggested to us that ________________ the problem another way. 2. 有人建议我们在晚会上演一个短剧。 ________________ we put on a short play at the party. 

  【答案】 we should deal with  2. It's suggested that

  7. be situated on / in, be located in / on与lie in


  Guangdong is situated in the south of China.

  Guangdong is located in the south of China.

  Guangdong lies in the south of China.

  关于地理位置的表达,不同的方位用不同的介词, 以下就常用介词进行讲解: 介词 in, on, to都可以用来表示某个位置的方向, 它们的意义不同,故表示的方向及范围也不同:

  in表示方位,含义是“在……之内”,即一个小地 方处在一个大地方的范围(疆域)之内。 Inner Mongolia lies in the north of China.

  内蒙古在中国的北部。(内蒙古是中国北部的一 个省份,是中国的领土,在中国的疆域之内。) on表示方位,含义是“在……端/边”,即一个地方 在另一个地方的某一端或某一边,两个地方只是 相邻或接壤,互不管辖。 Canada is on the north of America.

  加拿大在美国的北边。(加拿大与美国在地理位 置上是连在一起的,即两者相邻,却互不管辖)

  表示某个地方的地理位置时,be situated, lie 以及

  be located 的意义是一样的,可以互换使用。

  to表示方位,含义是“在……面”,即一个地方在 另一个地方的范围之外,互不管辖。尤其当两个 地方相隔较远,且有湖泊、大海等区域相隔时, 通常用 to。 Greenland is to the northeast of Canada.

  格陵兰岛在加拿大的东北面。(格陵兰岛在加拿 大范围之外,且有戴维斯海峡分隔。)


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