近日,澳洲女主播娜塔莎•伊瑟比 Caught in a blooper on live television, Australian newsreader Natasha Exelby was always likely to become an internet star.
But her awkward moment also had a second act.
Exelby had been gazing at a pen in her hands, unaware she was live, when a broadcast cut back to her in an Australian Broadcasting Corp (ABC) studio.
当节目镜头切回到澳大利亚广播公司 She gave an alarmed reaction when she realised the error, but settled quickly to read the next story.
video video A clip of the blooper was widely shared online, with most observers appearing to sympathise with Exelby. She addressed the subject in a tweet.
The saga might have ended there, but on Monday night, Sydney's Daily Telegraph reported Exelby had been sidelined from her newsreading duties.
It did not quote the ABC, but a spokesperson soon told local media: "Natasha Exelby is a casual contributor, not a staff member. She has been booked for occasional on-air shifts when needed, and also does other occasional shifts for the ABC News channel."
Commentators noted the ABC did not directly address whether Exelby had been benched, fuelling a backlash online.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and actor Russell Crowe were among many who criticised the report.
“这是电视直播。这太荒谬了。” “拜托,ABC对于一个惊讶的表情反应过度啦。放过@娜塔莎·伊瑟比吧!!!”
"Give her a break," one of Mr Shorten's senators, Sam Dastyari, told Fairfax Media.
"The idea that someone would be punished for what is a very innocent mishap is extraordinary."
It was not long before a petition began calling on the ABC to "reinstate" Exelby.
Other journalists began telling their own embarrassing stories in solidarity.
“我曾经在天空资讯电视台直播时忍不住傻笑,因为托尼·阿伯特说他在‘两坨翔中间’。 “我曾经工作的社区报纸不幸把人名Liz Cox错写成Lix Cox。”
The Project, a light-hearted news programme on another network, also joined in.
另一家电视台的娱乐资讯节目《The Project》也加入其中。
On Tuesday, ABC Director of News Gaven Morris denied Exelby had been punished, but said she was not currently scheduled for any news reading shifts.
"Media reports that Natasha has been 'banned', 'barred' or 'fired' are untrue," he said.
"While she is not currently doing any on-air shifts, this will be subject to normal performance management. I have spoken to Natasha and conveyed our regret that this has attracted such attention."
The broadcaster was committed to offering Exelby "various shifts" in the future, he said.
前不久,BBC电视台也发生了一起直播事故。3月10日,在BBC资讯台就韩国前总统朴槿惠的弹劾案进行直播连线时,接受采访的嘉宾罗伯特•E•凯利 事实上,电视直播中有很多偶然、突发因素,而主持人也不是播报机器,因此不小心犯错误是在所难免的,我们在呼吁专业精神的同时,也要对他们报以适当的理解。最后,附上网友整理的央视资讯直播失误合集,看完你可能会认为自己看了“假央视”。
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