2017高考英语人教版一轮学案:必修一 Unit2 English around the world-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语人教版一轮学案:必修一 Unit2 English around the world

发布时间:2017-04-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit2 English around the world

  1、command n. & vt.


  (1)The fire officer took_command,_ordering everyone to leave the fire.

  (2)He has studied in the USA and has_a_good_command_of spoken English.

  (3)Kathleen walked in, tall, slim, confident and in total command of herself.

  (4)The commander commanded that everyone die rather than give in.


  A. 命令

  B. 控制

  C. 精通

  D. 指挥

  (1) D (2) C (3) B (4) A

  command n. 控制;指挥;掌握;精通 v. 赢得,博得;眺望

  commandant n. 司令官;指挥官

  commander n. 长官under sb's command 在……的指挥下

  be in command of sth. 控制

  take command of 指挥

  have a good command of 掌握;精通

  at one's command 娴熟地;运用自如

  be in command of oneself 神态自若的

  command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事

  command that + sb. +(should)+ do sth.单项填空

  ()(1) In my opinion, I can be fit for the position as an English secretary because I have an excellent ______ of English.

  A. command

  B. order

  C. master

  D. direction

  A 考查名词短语。能形成名词短语的只有have a good command of 表示“精通”,其他名词都不能构成短语,所以答案是A。()(2) The teacher commanded that all the students ______ the classroom before he returned.

  A. mustn't leave

  B. didn't left

  C. not leave

  D. wouldn't leave

  C 考查虚拟语气。动词command后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,其形式为should do sth. 其中的should可以省去但动词原形不得改变,所以答案为C。

  2、include vt.


  (1) The tour includes a visit to the Science Museum.

  (2) The team is looking strong, especially now they have included Yao Ming.


  A. 包括;包含 B. 使……成为整体的一部分

  (1) A  (2) B

  including prep. 包括,包含

  included adj. 包括,包含

  inclusive adj. (价钱或费用) 包括一切的

  contain/ include/ hold

  contain 强调其中的内容或成分

  include 强调整体的一部分

  hold 能容纳



  Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it ______.

  A. collected

  B. contained

  C. loaded

  D. saved

  B 考查动词词义辨析。collect收集;load装载;save节省。根据语境:好奇地想知道书包里装的东西。所以答案是B。

  ()(2) — How come a simple meal like this costs so much?

  — We have ______in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.

  A. added

  B. included

  C. contained

  D. charged

  B 考查动词词义辨析。include 使……成为一部分;contain包含,含有; add增加;charge收费。根据语境:我们包括了你刚才摔碎的杯子的费用,所以答案是B。


  (1)Ten students will pay a visit to the Science Museum, Tom and John included.

  (2)Ten students will pay a visit to the Science Museum,   includingTom and John.

  3、request n. & vt.



  (1)He fulfilled his task at_the_request_of the leader.

  (2)We will make_a_request for help if necessary.

  (3) His_request_is_that the work (should) be finished as soon as possible.

  (4) You are_requested not to smoke in public.

  (5) The guide requested_that the visitors not park the car at the gate.


  A. 补充说 B. 增加,增添 

  C. 把……加到……上;往……添加…… 

  D. 总计达 E. 合计; 加起来

  (1) D (2) B (3) C (4) A (5)E

  It is requested that…根据要求……

  demand / require/ request/ appeal/ ask

  demand 上级对下级的一种不折不扣地要求

  require 客观需要的要求

  request 比较委婉地请求,较客气

  appeal 恳请



  (1)He was there at the request of his manager (按经理的要求).

  (2)She requested that no one (should) be told of her decision (被告知她的决定).

  (3)You are requested not to smoke (被要求不要吸烟) in the restaurant.

  用demand / require/ request/ appeal 填空

  (4) The captain demanded that we take action at once.

  (5) Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.

  (6) It's a matter that requires very careful handling.

  但凡有“要求”语义的词所带的所有从句都要使用虚拟语气“(should) do sth.”形式,should 可以省略,但动词原形不得改变。英语中有6个动词表示“要求”。它们是demand / require/ request/ appeal/ ask/ urge。

  4、present n., adj.&vt.


  (1) There were 200 people present at the meeting.

  (2) Levels of pollution present in the atmosphere are increasing.

  (3) What can get him for a birthday present?

  (4) You've got to forget the past and start living in the present.

  (5) He has presented all he has to the students who are too poor to go to college.

  (6) Are you presenting your paper at the conference?

  (7) It is essential that we present a more modern image.

  (8) She used to present a gardening program on TV.


  A.主持 B. 提交 C. 目前 D. 展现,呈现 

  E. 礼物 F. 到场,出席 G. 捐赠 H. 存在

  (1)F (2)H (3) E (4) C 

  (5) G (6) B

  (7)D (8)A

  presence n. 在场;出席

  presentable adj. 像样的;体面的;符合要求的

  presentation n.展示会;发布会;颁奖仪式

  presenter n. (节目)主持人

  presently adv. 目前;眼下

  at present = at the present time目前

  for the present 暂时

  make a present of sth. to sb. = make sb. a present of sth. 向某人赠送某物

  be present at 出席;参加

  present sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb. 向某人捐赠某物

  gift / present

  gift 一般指贵重礼物或捐赠之物,也可指“天赋”,可以是具体的也可指抽象的。构成短语:have a gift for sth.表示“有哪方面的天赋”。

  present 往往指具体的,亲戚朋友间所送之物。

  The foundation made a gift of a million dollars to the university.

  Each child brought a present to the teacher on Teachers' Day.


  I'll (1) present all the students (2) present with my works as (3) presents for the graduating ceremony.


  Having a (4) ______for music, he received a piano as his birthday (5) ______.

  赠予 (2)出席 

  (3)礼物 (4) gift (5)gift

  5、come up


  (1)A child came_up to me and showed me the way to the station.

  (2)The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came_up.

  (3)Your question came_up at the meeting.


  A. 走近,走向前去 B. 升起 C. 提出

  (1) A (2) B (3) C

  come along 到达,一起来,过来;进步

  come about 发生come across 邂逅;偶遇

  come at 攻击,向……扑来

  come from 出身于

  come out 出版;开花

  come over过来,克服

  come to 达到;苏醒;谈到

  come after 跟在……后面

  come down 下来,败落,降价

  come on 加油,跟我来,进行,进展

  come in 进来

  come true 实现

  come up with (针对问题等)提出,想出,提供


  The other day when I was walking in the street, I (1) came across Wang Lei, an old friend of mine. She told me a story of her brother's. He once saw a dog (2) come at a boy, which made the boy die of a disease related to a dog disease. At that time, he (3) came up

  with the idea to learn medicine and find a cure for the disease. In the next 10 years, he(4) came over a lot of difficulties and his dream finally (5) came true. Last month, his experiment for the drug(6) came out very successful and it was predicted that the number of people who can benefit from his research will(7) come to 1,000,000 a year.



  There is no such thing as a free lunch.


  There are three such mistakes in your composition.


  such与 all, no, some, any, few, little, many, much, several, one 等词连用时,应位于它们的后面。 ①在“no such + 单数可数名词”这一结构中,千万别受汉语的影响而多加不定冠词或one,例如:


  There is no such a student in our class. (×)

  There is no such one student in our class. (×)

  There is no such student in our class. (√)

  ② 注意many 与such的问题:

  英语中不存在“such many+可数名词复数”或“such much+不可数名词”结构,但存在“so many +可数名词复数”或“so much+不可数名词” 以及“many such+ 可数名词复数”,例如:

  so many students 这么多的学生

  so much water 这么多的水

  many such students 许多这样的学生

  (2)“such + 名词 + that”与“such + 名词+as或其他”。试填下空:

  ①It was such an attractive school B we visited years ago.

  ②It was such an attractive school A we visited it years ago.

  ③It is such an attractive school D we worked years ago.

  A. that

  B. as

  C. which

  D. where


  句①我们可以把such an attractive school代入到从句作visited的宾语,所以答案是B; 句②我们不能把such an attractive school代入到从句中,所以是结果状语从句,因此答案是A; 句③我们可以在such an attractive school前加介词in代入到从句中作地点状语,是定语从句,所以答案是D。

  (3) 倒装问题

  ① Such is…

  Such is Shen Hao, a diligent, warm­hearted and selfless man. 这就是沈浩,一个勤奋,热心而又大公无私的人。


  ② “such + 名词 + 助动词+谓语 +that”的结果状语从句

  Such loud noises did they make that they were heard out in the street.

  such as/for example/that is

  such as 意为“例如,诸如……之类的”,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个。放在被列举的事物前面或名词之间,as之后切不可有逗号。

  for example 举例说明,列举同类人或事物中的“一个”。 在句中的位置较灵活,可位于句首、句中或句尾, 也可以使用for instance或e.g.替代。

  In general, boys like football very much. Tom, for example, is a football fan.

  that is如果要把同类人或事物全部列举出来,用that is,namely或i.e.。

  A lot of things can be recycled, such as waste paper, waste plastic bags, and old batteries.



  2)在句中的位置;3) 举例说明还是列举。

  用such as, for example, that is填空

  (1)Some students, for example John, lives in the neighborhood.

  (2)Many great men such as Lincoln and Edison have risen from poverty.

  (3)I visited several cities such as New York, Chicago and Boston. (4)He knows three foreign languages, that is/namely English, French and Japanese.

  (5)For example , the same number of steel workers produced 53 percent more steel in 1925 than they did in 1914.

  7、recognize vt.


  (1) I recognized him as soon as he came in the room.

  (2) Can you recognize this tune?

  (3) They recognized they need to take the problem seriously.

  (4) He is recognized as the best teacher because of his broad knowledge.


  A. 公认为 B. 认出 C. 听出 D. 承认

  (1)B (2)C (3)D (4)A

  recognizable adj. 可辨认出的

  recognition n. 认出;辨认;认可recognize sb. / sth. by/ from…根据……认出某人

  recognize sb. as / to be 认为……是……

  beyond / out of one's all recognition 完全认不出;面目全非

  It's recognized that…人们公认为……recognize/know

  recognize 强调通过对记忆的搜索而认出;辨认出(某人的声音、字迹、方位等);承认。是一时的动作,因此是非延续动词。

  know 强调持续的状态,是延续性动词,表示“认识;知道;了解”。

  I had known her well, but I couldn't recognized her at once because she had changed that much. 完成句子

  (1)The moment I picked up the phone, I recognized him (听出来他是谁).

  (2)He has changed so much that I can hardly recognize him (几乎认不出来他了).

  (3)It is recognized (人们一直认为) that environment pollution has become one of the most serious problems that people face.

  —Hello, can you recognize me?

  —Sorry, I can't see you at all. How can I know who you are?



  ______________________他们误会的根源在于:对方误解了recognize是“认出”,而实际上,这是打电话的一个情景,对方的recognize 的意思是“听出我是谁”的意思。原来英语中还有小品啊!

  8、even if / even though


  (1)Even if we can go out for a play, we won't do.

  (2)Even if it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will still not be able to go.


  (2)即使明天不下雨,我们还是不能去。根据例题你体会出even if / though的语义了吗? 你发现主从复合句中的时态问题了吗?



  根据例题,even if / though是“即使;即便”的意思,引导让步状语从句。当从句的动作发生在将来时,从句应该使用一般现在时代替一般将来时。(1)even if 与even though

  二者可以互换,但even if 更强调假定性。

  Even if/ though we could afford it,we wouldn't go abroad for our vacation. (2) even if 与as if /though

  Even if you take a taxi, you will still miss your flight.


  He talks as if he had known everything in the world.


  通过对比我们不难发现他们的语义是不同的, even if是“即使;即便”的意思,而as if/though是“好像”的意思。(3) even if 与 even as

  He realized, even as he spoke, that no one would ever believe him. 就在他讲话时,他意识到根本没有人会相信他。

  even as中的even是用来加强as的语气的,表示“正当……的时候;恰好在……的时候”。

  even now 尽管这样;即使现在

  even then尽管那样;即使那时

  even so 尽管如此B 考查连词辨析。句意“我决心得到一张音乐会的座位票,即使意味着整夜排队。”


  ()(1) I'm determined to get a seat for the concert ______it means standing in a queue all night.

  A. as though

  B. even if

  C. in case

  D. so thatC 连接词引导状语从句的用法。本题的语义是:即使他们知道他的建议十分有价值,他们中的许多人仍对它置若罔闻。as if 好像;now that 既然;so that 为了,以便; 以至于;even though = even if表示让步,所以答案是C。

  ()(2)Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, ______ they knew it to be valuable.

  A. as if

  B. now that

  C. even though

  D. so that

  9、more than


  (1)There are more_than 100 students in our class.

  (2)I'm more_than pleased with you.

  (3)He is more_than our teacher. He is our closed friend.

  (4)The book is more_than you can read. 根据语义找匹配


  B. 超过;多于 

  C. 十分地

  D. 超出……的范围

  (1) B (2) C (3) A (4) D(1)more than



  +形容词 十分地

  +句子超出……的范围(2)more than

  less than

  no more than

  not more than

  = over 超过 少于

  = only 仅仅


  + 数词(3)more than

  no more than

  (4)rather than


  other than




  + 名词

  (5)more A than B 与其说是B,倒不如说是A; 是A,不是B

  He is so easy­going and warm­hearted. He is more our brother than a teacher.


  ()(1)In that case, there is nothing you can do ______ wait.

  A. more than

  B. other than

  C. better than

  D. rather than()(2)“Life begins at forty” is more often an expression of hope ______ a state of fact.

  A. instead of

  B. than

  C. rather than

  D. other than()(3)The Nato's bombing the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia is ______ a mistake, it's a big crime.

  A. more than

  B. no more than

  C. not more than

  D. less than()(4)We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style ______ in a personal one.

  A. rather than

  B. better than

  C. more than

  D. less than

  ()(5)The population of many Alaskan cities has ______ doubled in the past five years.

  A. larger than

  B. more than

  C. as great as

  D. as many as

  9、more than


  because of/because/thanks to/due to/ owing to/as a result of/on account of

  because of 后是名词或动名词,也可以接宾语从句。

  She left the classroom angrily because of what the teacher had said.


  She left the classroom angrily because the teacher had said that. thanks to “多亏,由于”,只能作状语,含有情感意义。

  Thanks to your advice, much trouble was saved.

  due to 可以作表语、状语,不可位于句首。

  The accident was due to the storm.

  owing to 可以作状语或表语,作状语时常用逗号隔开,作表语相当于due to。

  Tom's failing in the exam was owing to his carelessness.

  as a result of “由于”,作状语。

  on account of “因为”,作状语。

  这是the way作为先行词后接定语从句的特殊句式。当我们不能把the way直接代入到定语从句时,我们就用that, in which或省略(此时一定当心别受汉语的影响而误用how,因为定语从句连接词中没有how);当the way代入从句中作主语或宾语,我们就要用that或which,作宾语时,也可省略。11、the way后的关系词选择


  ()(1)Can you tell me the way ______ I can improve my English?

  A. that

  B. which

  C. what

  D. how

  ()(2)Can you tell me the way ______ helps me improve my English?

  A. what

  B. that

  C. in which

  D. how

  12、This_is_because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. (P13)

  这是因为早期的电台节目里,人们期望资讯播音员所说的英语是最好的英语。此处because用来引导表示原因的表语从句。because, why以及that都可以用来引导表示原因的表语从句,但用法各有侧重,不能混淆。 请根据语境体会其用法

  He was late. That's_because his car was blocked on the way.

  His car was blocked on the way. That's_why he was late.

  The_reason_why he was late is_that his car was blocked on the way.表示“那就是……的原因”,就用that's why…;表示“那是因为……”,我们就用that's because…; 当主语是the reason…那么引导表语从句的引导词就用that。

  另外,what引导的主语从句,涉及原因时,引导表语从句的连接词也是that。() 1. (2007·浙江)The open­air celebration has been put off______ the bad weather.

  A. in case of

  B. in spite of

  C. instead of

  D. because of

  D 考查介词短语辨析。in case of假如……的话;in spite of 尽管;instead of 而不是,代替。按照句意此处是指原因。Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because_of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries. (P9)

  ()2. (2010·安徽)The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, ______they have the interest.

  A. wherever

  B. whenever

  C. even if

  D. as if

  C 考查从属连词。wherever无论哪里;whenever无论何时;as if似乎;even if 即使。句意“工程师们都很忙,他们没有时间进行户外运动,即使他们有这样的兴趣。”

  Native English speakers can understand each other even_if they don't speak the same kind of English. (P10)()3. (2009·安徽)I'm amazed to hear from my school teacher again. ______, it is ten years since we met last.

  A. In a word

  B. What's more

  C. That's to say

  D. Believe it or not

  D 本题考查连接词的用法,答案不是太难看出。其他三个选项与语境不符,选D表示“信不信由你了。”

  Believe_it_or_not,_there is no such thing as standard English. (P13)


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢