2017年冲刺高考CRI英语听力素材练习(word):Beijings Air Pollution Returns to Hazardous Levels-查字典英语网
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2017年冲刺高考CRI英语听力素材练习(word):Beijings Air Pollution Returns to Hazardous Levels

发布时间:2017-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Smog levels in Beijing have hit the 'Hazardous' mark again just 2 weeks after recording one of the worst cases of air pollution.

  The PM 2.5 monitoring systems in the Chinese capital showed readings of around 400, which is considered hazardous.

  That's 16 times worse than the World Health Organization's standard of a daily average of 25.

  Earlier this month, the levels exceeded 900, with a number of people complaining of breathing problems.

  Beijing residents such as Zhang Shuqing, aren't happy with the situation either.

  "The air pollution is terrible. It's bad for citizens' health. They need to sort it out, the department responsible needs to sort out the environment."

  Environment authorities in China have pledged to cover more cities in monitoring the PM 2.5 – a system which basically measures air particles 2.5 micrometres in diameter.

  They have also promised to take high-polluting cars off the roads and improve the gasoline and diesel quality.


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