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发布时间:2017-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  21. — We had ______ really damp October this year.

  — I can’t remember ______ autumn when it rained so much.

  A. a; 不填

  B. 不填; the

  C. the; an

  D. a; an

  22. — The party will start at 7:00 sharp. Come earlier!


  _______. Thanks for your mention.

  A. Good idea

  B. I will

  C. I think so

  D. You’re right

  23. My neighbor is very kind. I’ll never forget the ______ she’s done for me.

  A. actions

  B. favors

  C. deeds

  D. help

  24. The place he suggested to us ______ the meeting is a five-star hotel.

  A. holding

  B. to hold

  C. hold

  D. should hold

  25.What you told me the other day is really true,_______?

  A. isn’t it

  B. isn’t what

  C. didn’t you

  D. wasn’t it

  26. — Why does the lake smell terrible?

  — Because large quantities of water______.

  A. have polluted

  B. is being polluted

  C. has been polluted

  D. have been polluted

  27. If you find yourself ______ no one will help you, please call me.

  A. where

  B. when

  C. which

  D. what

  28. Do you consider it any good _____ the truck again ?

  A. to repair

  B. repairing

  C. repaired

  D. being repairing

  29. They ______ so tired if they ______ for a whole day.

  A. wouldn’t feel, didn’t walk

  B. wouldn’t feel, weren’t walking

  C. wouldn’t be feeling, weren’t walking

  D. wouldn’t be feeling, hadn’t been walking

  30. The conclusion _____ the police came to _____ the boss was as much to blame as anyone else for the great fire didn’t satisfy everyone.

  A. where / that

  B. which / it

  C. that / when

  D. that / that

  31. When she got to know that she had passed the interview, the girl went to bed with a great weight _____ off her mind.

  A. taking

  B. taken

  C. to take

  D. being taken

  32. -- I’m frustrated after so many failures. I can’t see any hope.

  -- Behind every misfortune _____!

  A. does an opportunity lie

  B. is an opportunity lying

  C. lies an opportunity

  D. an opportunity lies

  33. How long do you think it will be _____ I can go back to work?

  A. before

  B. when

  C. until

  D. that

  34. The companies are working together to create _____ they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century.

  A. which

  B. that

  C. what

  D. who

  35. According to some scientist , every human being, _____, gives off body heat.

  A. what he is doing

  B. however he is doing

  C. whatever is he doing

  D. no matter what he is doing


  请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  A few weeks after my first wife, Georgia, was called to heaven, I was cooking dinner for my son and myself. For a


  , I had decided on frozen peas. As I was cutting open the bag, it


  from my hand and crashed to the floor. The peas, like marbles,


  everywhere. I tried to use a broom,


  with each sweep they just rolled across the kitchen.

  For the next week, every time I was in the


  , I found a pea---in a corner, or behind a table leg. They kept


  . Eight months later I pulled out the refrigerator to clean behind it, and


  12 frozen peas hidden underneath.

  At the time I found those few remaining


  , I was in a new relationship with a wonderful


  I’d met in a support group. After we married, I was reminded


  those peas under the refrigerator, and realized that my


  had been like that bag of frozen peas. It had shattered. My wife had died; I was in a new city with a busy job, and with a son having trouble


  his new surroundings and the 48

  of his mother. I was a bag of spilled frozen peas; my life had come apart and scattered.

  When life gets you


  , when everything you know comes apart, and when you think you’ll never


  , remember that it’s just a bag of scattered frozen peas. The peas can be


  , and life will move on. You’ll find all the peas


  , including the ones that are hardest to find. And when you’ve got them


  you’ll start to feel whole again.

  The life you know can break apart at any time. But you’ll have to


  , and how fast you collect your peas depends on you. Will you keep scattering them around with a broom,


  will you pick them up one by one and put your life back together?

  36. A. drink

  B. fruit

  C. vegetable

  D. meat

  37. A. moved

  B. walked

  C. ran

  D. slipped

  38. A. rubbed

  B. rolled

  C. grew

  D. existed

  39. A. but

  B. and

  C. although

  D. so

  40. A. bedroom

  B. living room

  C. kitchen

  D. storeroom

  41. A. getting up

  B. turning up

  C. taking up

  D. using up

  42. A. found

  B. ate

  C. left

  D. planted

  43. A. presents

  B. cans

  C. vegetables

  D. peas

  44. A. man

  B. child

  C. woman

  D. boy

  45. A. of

  B. for

  C. with

  D. in

  46. A. wife

  B. life

  C. son

  D. friend

  47. A. turning to

  B. leading to

  C. adjusting to

  D. adding to

  48. A. thank

  B. love

  C. help

  D. loss

  49. A. down

  B. near

  C. close

  D. wide

  50. A. get it

  B. make it

  C. take it

  D. leave it

  51. A. grew

  B. bought

  C. collected

  D. frozen

  52. A. eventually

  B. fortunately

  C. properly

  D. specially

  53. A. both

  B. all

  C. either

  D. each

  54. A. call on

  B. put on

  C. bring on

  D. move on

  55. A. while

  B. because

  C. since

  D. or




  Interviewing someone for a job is not as easy as it looks. First, as the interviewer, you're tasked with finding the person who will not only do the job well but also fit in well with the other employees.

  You have to make an evaluation of abstract qualities that can't be found on a résumé. Because you have to repeat the process for every potential employee, you end up asking question after question, applicant after applicant.

  Still, interviewers need to be told something,“What is your biggest weakness?” is not a good question. It just isn't.

  Now, job seekers have to understand that interviewers want to find some way to know what makes an applicant different from others. Asking questions that are seemingly impossible to answer is one way to see who can think creatively. Then what may be a proper way to respond to such a question?

  Honesty, with a twist(新手法)

  “‘What are your three strengths and three weaknesses?’ is a classic,

  but not too many people know how to answer this,” says Kenneth C. Wisnefski,

  founder and CEO of WebiMax, an online marketing company.

  “As an interviewer, we want to hear strengths that describe initiative(主动性), motivation and dedication. The best way to respond is to include these qualities into specific ‘personal statements’.”

  “Similarly, weaknesses should be positioned as a strength that can benefit the employer.”

  “I like to hear applicants state an exaggerated strength, and put an interesting twist on it. An example of this is, ‘My initiative is so strong, that sometimes I take on too many projects at a time.’”

  This answer leads with a strength that employers want—initiative—and still acknowledges that you're not perfect.

  Although you might consider this acknowledgement too honest, it works because it proves you're being honest.

  Honesty, with progress

  When you consider what your weaknesses are, think about how you have attempted to overcome them. No one is perfect, so pretending that you are a perfectionist will come across as insincere.

  Debra Davenport, author of “Career Shuffle”, believes citing(引用) examples are the best approach.

  “My preferred response for this question is to tell the truth without damaging the applicant's image.” Davenport explains.

  “A better response might be, ‘I've had some challenges with work­life balance in the past and I realize that a life out of balance isn't good for me, my family or my employer. I've taken the time to learn better time and project management, and I'm also committed to my overall wellness.’”

  The answer adds some dimension to the question, and proves you're thought beyond the answer. You've actually changed your behavior to address the situation, even if you haven't completely overcome the weakness.

  Put yourself in the interviewer's shoes

  However you decide to answer, Debra Yergen, author of “Creating Job Security Resource Guide”, recommends job seekers imagine themselves sitting on the other side of the desk.

  “If you were doing the hiring, what would you be looking for? What would be your motivation for asking certain questions? Who whould you be trying to weed out? If you can empathize(共鸣) with the interviewer, you can better understand what they want and need, and then frame your qualifications to meet their needs for the position you seek.”

  Once you consider what the goal of the question is and figure out what your honest answer is, you'll be able to give the best possible answer to a tricky question.

  Job Interviews

  Tasks for a job interviewer ☆ Find the person both doing the job well and (71)________ along well with other employees.

  ☆ (72)________ abstract qualities of applicants by asking one question after another.

  (73)________ to interviewees for replying to a tricky question ☆ Understand that the interviewers want to (74)________ between applicants and that asking a question seemingly impossible to answer is one way to see an applicant's (75)________.

  ☆ Be (76)________ and inventive when asked about your weaknesses, and respond properly.

  ☆ Never (77)________ you are perfect, which may be believed to be insincere.

  ☆ Try to show that you've changed a lot (78)________ you haven't completely get rid of your weaknesses.

  ☆ Put yourself in the interviewer's shoes and have a better (79)________ of their needs for the job.

  Conclusion ☆ With the goal of the question (80)________ into account and the honest answer in your mind, you will be able to give the best possible answer.







  A survey about the relationship between students and teachers,family members or classmates is being made by a research study group of our school.________________________________

  21-25 DBBBA

  26-30 DABDD


  36-40 CDBAC

  41-45 BADCA

  46-50 BCDAB

  51-55 CABDD

  71. getting  72. Evaluate  73. Tips/Suggestions 74. distinguish 

  75. creativity 

  76. honest  77. pretend 

  78. though/although  79. understanding 80. taken

  A possible version:

  A survey about the relationship between students and teachers,family members or classmates is being made by a research study group of our school. Generally speaking,we are getting on well with each other. However,there exist some problems. Some students are easy to lose their temper because of anxiety and study burden. Sometimes they are too self­centered. What’s worse,they sometimes quarrel with others,and even turn a deaf ear to their parents and teachers and speak against their parents and teachers,which is very disappointing.

  In my opinion,we middle school students should make our efforts to improve the situation. First,we should respect our parents and teachers as well as our classmates. Second,when we are not feeling happy,we can have a heart­to­heart chat with our friends or teachers or even parents. It is likely that they can understand us better and give us some reasonable advice.















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