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发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

   核 心 单 词 1.

  plastic n.& adj.塑料(的) 2.________ n.措施 3. ________ vt.威胁 4.low­carbon adj.低碳(的) 5.energy n.能源 6.waste vt.& n.废弃物;浪费 7.pollution vt.污染 8.polluted adj. _________ 9. ________ n.污染 10. ________ n.生活方式 measure threaten 受污染的 pollution lifestyle 11.reusable adj.可重复使用的 12. _________ n.生存 13.renewable adj. _________ 14.environment n.环境 15.ecological adj. _______ 16. _____________ adj.环境的 17.environmentally­friendly adj.环保的 18. _____________ n.运输(工具);交通 19.recyclable adj.可回收利用的;可再循环的 20.environmentalist n.环境学家 21.pollutant n.污染物 existence 可再生的 生态的 environmental transportation 核 心 短 语 1.

  run out_____ 2.result ___导致 3.go up 上升 4.attitude ________ wards对……的态度 5.a majority of大多数 6.private cars私家车 7.the limited amount of有限数量的 8.take measures _________ 9.public transportation 公共交通工具 10.as much...as尽可能多的

  用完 in towards 采取措施 11.instead of而不是 12.be reluctant to ___________ 13.adjust ___适应 14. ___ one's opinion在某人看来 15.pay no attention ___不注意 16.ecological balance生态平衡 17.turn off _____ 18.enhance the awareness of提高……意识 19.save energy节约能源 20.electrical appliances电器 不情愿…… to in to 关掉 (1)major in主修

  ①He majors in chemistry.他主修化学。 ②The majority were in favour of banning smoking.



  特别关注 majority(3年2考)★★★★

  核 心 语 句 1.

  It is high time for us to take measures to prevent the earth from getting warm.

  该是我们采取措施来阻止全球变暖的时候了。 2.Last week a survey concerning environmental protection was carried out in our class.

  上星期,我们班开展了环保调查。 3.Public transportation has already been well developed in most urban areas of China.

  公共交通在大多数中国城市已经很发达。 4.It is necessary for us to protect our environment.


  5.Some people pay no attention to the environment that they live in.有些人对于他们居住的环境毫不在意。 6.It is our obligation to keep our environment clean.

  保持环境整洁是我们的职责。 7.It's important to recycle the things that can be recyclable.回收利用可再循环的东西是很重要的。 8.The students formed the good habit of picking up the litter that they saw in the school.学生养成了在校园里拾起他们见到的垃圾的好习惯。 9.It is a shame that students leave the water running without turning off the tap after washing.洗漱完毕后没关龙头而让水流个不停的学生是可耻的。 美 文 连 线


  (2011·浙江卷)假设你是高中生李越,有感于校园中存在的随意涂写(to scribble)和乱丢垃圾(to litter)的行为,请用英语给校长写一封100~120词的信。信中应包括以下内容: (1)说明写信目的;(2)对这些行为进行批评;(3)提出建议。 June 8,2011 Dear Mr.Headmaster,

  I am Li Yue,a student from Class 1,Senior 2.I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behaviour among us students:littering and scribbling.It makes our school dirty and unpleasant,and does harm to the image

  of our school.I always feel ashamed whenever I see this.It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about.I wonder if the school could place more dustbins around and set up specific rules against such behaviour.At the same time,students

  should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves.I believe that,with the joint efforts of both teachers and students,our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future.

  Thank you for your consideration.

  Yours faithfully,

  Li Yue


  (1)高级词汇和短语:draw your attention to,improper,image,feel ashamed,appropriate,set up,joint,enjoyable (2)高级句型:...whenever...,It is+adj.+for sb to do (3)语篇过渡语:at the same time (4)多样性表达:表达建议

  1.文章要点齐全,切合试题要求。 2.全文行文流畅,地道地使用高级词汇。

  a)I wonder if...

  b)...should be encouraged to do... 【佳作习得】 翻译句子 句型:……疑问词+ever...(让步状语从句) 无论你多富有,都要遵守法规。 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案 However rich you may be you must observe regulations. 名 师 招 招 鲜


  c.根据构词法(合成、派生、转化等)进行猜测 在英语中,有很多词可以在前面加前缀,在后面加后缀,从而构成一个新词,掌握了一定的构词知识,就不难猜出它的词义。例如:

  ●“Our parties are aimed for children 2 to 10,” Anaclerio said,“and they're very interactive and creative in that they built a sense of drama based on a subject.”

  文中 interactive是由前缀inter­(相互的)和active(积极的,活跃的)构成的,根据上下文的意思可以判断,该词的含义应是“互动的”。



  ●The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken.Sometimes the weakness was permanent.So the player could never play the sport again.


  ●The low test score,they think,will make it impossible for them to get into a good college.And without a degree from a prestigious university,they fear that many of life's doors will remain forever closed.

  学生认为考试分数低就不可能进入一所好大学,而没有“名校”的毕业文凭,将来生活中的很多大门可能就会对他们永远关闭。由此推知prestigious university应是famous university(名校)。



  ●However,the question that “moon people” asked is still an interesting one.A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.

  it指的是月球人(moon people)所问的问题(the question)。


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