2017高考英语二轮复习高考倒计时——30天系列课件 高考倒计时25天-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语二轮复习高考倒计时——30天系列课件 高考倒计时25天

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  精彩回扣 似曾相识 必考语法 读写绝招 倒数第25天(5月12日) 高频词汇 核心短语 1.deliver vt.递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说等) 2.direct vt. & vi.导演;指示;指挥 adj.直的;直接的;直率的 3.distinguish vi. & vt.显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别;使杰出  4.dive vi. & n.跳水(的动作);潜水(的动作);俯冲  5.inspect vt.检查;视察 1.sweep up打扫,横扫;涌向;快速地抱起 2.be free from...摆脱,不受……约束 3.belong to属于(无进行时和被动语态;to为介词) 6.deserve vi. & vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得 7.ignore vt.不理睬;忽视 8.indicate vt.指出;指示;表明;暗示 9.inspire vt.鼓舞;激发;启示 10.expand vt. & vi.使变大;伸展 shrink vt. & vi.收缩;(使)皱缩,缩短 4.consist of...由……组成(无进行时,无被动语态)=be made up of... 5.more than多于,大于,超过;不只是;不仅仅是;非常 more...than...与其说……不如说…… 课文金句 常考句型六 1.She was very beautiful and could run faster than any man in Greece.

  她长得很美,跑得比希腊的任何男人都快。 2.As a result these endangered animals may even die out.

  因此,这些濒危动物甚至有可能灭绝。 3.According to a UN report,some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years.

  根据联合国的一份报告,在过去500年里,有844种动植物消失。 句型13 中文:“世上没有什么比……更令我高兴。” 英文:Nothing in the world can delight me so much as... 仿写:世上没有什么比在快餐店吃汉堡更令我高兴。 Nothing in the world can delight me so much as eating hamburgers in fastfood restaurants. 句型14 中文1:“每当我……,我就忍不住兴奋。” 英文:Whenever I...,I cannot but feel excited.=Every time I...,I cannot help feeling excited. 4.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.

  王鹏坐在空无一人的饭店里,感到非常沮丧。 5.She went to Africa and studied chimps instead of going to university.

  她没有上大学,而是去非洲研究黑猩猩。 6.That was a generation when girls' education was always placed second to boys'.

  那可是一个女孩子教育总是排在男孩子教育之后的年代。 中文2:“每当我……,我就忍不住悲伤。” 英文:Whenever I do...,I cannot but feel excited.=Every time I...,I cannot help feeling excited. 仿写1:每当我看电视,我就忍不住兴奋。 Whenever I watch TV,I cannot but feel sad.=Every time I watch TV,I cannot help feeling sad. 仿写2:每当我想到我父亲,我就忍不住悲伤。 Whenever I think of my father,I cannot but feel sad. =Every time I think of my father,I cannot help feeling sad. 43.blanket(熟义:n.毯子)

  The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow.(vt.以厚层覆盖) 44.bless(熟义:v.保佑,祝福)

  Fortunately we're both blessed with good health.


  Having a healthy body and a sound mind,I consider myself blessed.(adj.幸福的) 45.blue(熟义:adj. & n.蓝色)

  I felt blue when I failed.(adj.忧伤的) 46.board(熟义:n.木板,布告牌;n. & v.登上(交通工具))

  He sits on the hospital management board.(n.委员会)

  The students board during the week and go home at weekends.(v.在校寄宿) 47.bound(熟义:adj.一定会)

  I don't like being deskbound all day.

  (adj.受……约束的) 48.brain:(熟义:n.脑子,智力)

  Some of our best brains are leaving the country to work in the US.(n.智者,极聪明的人) 49.bridge(熟义:n.桥)

  He did much to bridge the gulf between himself and his deskmate.(v.消除) 50.build(熟义:v.建设)

  The athlete has a solid build.(n.身材;体形) 51.build up(熟义:增强……的体质;建立)

  Taking exercise helps us build up our body and keep a clear mind.(增高;加强) 形容词与副词(二) 5.考查形容词和副词的比较等级。同级比较用as...as,not as/so...as;比较级的考查主要在:

  (1)固定句型“the+比较级……the+比较级……”越……,越……;“比较级+and+比较级”越来越……;“the+比较级+of the two+名词”两个中较……的。(2)比较级的修饰语 常见的有:rather,much,far,any,a little,a great deal等。(3)否定词和比较级连用表示最高级的含义。如:Nothing is more valuable than health.健康最重要。 6.倍数的表达:其句型有:(1)倍数+as+形容词(或副词)的原级+as+其他;(2)倍数+形容词(或副词)的比较级+than+其他。(3)倍数+the size/height/length/width.etc.+of+其他。(4)The+名词+be+倍数+that/those+of+其他。如:The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the previous one.新扩建的广场为以前的四倍大。(5)The+名词+be+倍数+what从句。如:The production is now three times what it was ten years ago.现在的产量是十年前的三倍。 命题陷阱:隐含比较级 易错指数☆☆☆☆☆ 1.How much ________(好) she looked without her glasses!



  此题巧妙地利用虚拟情况(介词短语without her glasses不戴眼镜)与现实情况(戴眼镜)作比较。虽是比较,但不见than这个标志性单词,学生会误以为考查原级而填good,应填better。 命题陷阱:比较结构中名词的位置 易错指数☆☆☆☆☆ 2.Our neighbor has ________ (同样大的房子) ours.

  易误填the same big house as或a house the same big as


  考查比较结构中的名词位置。此处符合“as+adj.+a/an+名词单数+as”结构,故填as big a house as。the same形容词修饰名词或副词修饰动词;学生会根据汉语思维“同样大”,而误填the same big house as或a house the same big as。 命题陷阱:比较级中的对象 易错指数☆☆☆☆☆ 3.The director gave me a better offer than ________(他给Dick的).



  “他提供给Dick的建议”与前面的“他提供给我的建议”进行比较,故填that he gave Dick。在表示比较的句型中,考生常常因为搞不清比较的对象而出错。 1.—The film is,I have to say,not a bit interesting.

  —Why?It's ________ than the films I have ever seen.

  A.far more interesting

  B.much less interesting

  C.no more interesting

  D.any less interesting

  答案 A 2.—How are your recent trip to Sichuan?

  —I've never had ________ one before.

  A.a pleasant

  B.a more pleasant

  C.a most pleasant

  D.the most pleasant

  答案 B 3.The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be ________ the present one.

  A.as three times big as

  B.three times as big as

  C.as big as three times

  D.as big three times as

  答案 B 固定搭配题 熟练掌握《考试大纲》中所列的短语、习语,尽可能多地积累这方面的知识,以提高自己的应试能力。 [小试身手] Unfortunately,in 1993,during the civil war in her home country,a bomb __1__ her left leg. After two years'treatment in the U.S.,Maja received her first artificial leg,but because it didn't fit well,walking for Maja was very painful.However,she managed to graduate from a local high school.Then after receiving a __2__ from Saint Francis University,she got a job at an insurance firm and __3__ started her own company. To relax,Maja __4__ often watch the dolphin play at an aquarium near her home.A young dolphin,who had lost its tail,caught her __5__. 1.A.took away

  B.took over

  C.cut down

  D.cut out 2.A.scholarship



  D.notice 3.A.gradually



  D.naturally 4.A.might



  D.would 5.A.eye




  答案 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 精彩回扣 似曾相识 必考语法 读写绝招


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