2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:2 必修1 Unit 2(北师大版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:2 必修1 Unit 2(北师大版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练2(必修1 Unit 2)



  Japanese sailor Minoru Saito jumped out of the old boat quickly,though he was 77 years old.Cheering crowds greeted him.

  It was in October 2008 that Mr.Saito set off from Yokohama on a trip that he had never thought would be his longest one.He had sailed alone around the world seven times but it was his first time travelling west to east—a challenging route as it goes directly against strong winds and currents(水流),and there is also a risk of crashing into floating icebergs.

  His 28,500-mile journey ran smoothly until Cape Horn,where 30-foot waves led to great damage to his boat and he was saved by the Chilean Coast Guard.He spent the winter months in a small port,repairing damage to his boat;at the darkest moment of the trip,he was worried he might die from stress and the cold.

  It was also while in Chile that bad health delayed his trip even further.He narrowly missed disaster when more problems that developed on his boat required him to stop again for repairs.He would otherwise have sailed exactly to the epicenter(震中)of the 2010 Chile earthquake just as it struck.Although damaged by the flowing tsunami(海啸),once again his boat survived and following further repairs,Mr.Saito was back on his way.

  For repairs he stopped in Hawaii,but was knocked down in the street by a car,resulting in a knee operation in hospital.He was still there on March 11,2011 when his boat survived another tsunami,caused by the Tohoku earthquake in his homeland.And then,he had patiently to wait for a total of five typhoons to pass through the area before being able to sail on to Japan.

  After the 1080-day journey he sailed in Yokohama port to a hero’s welcome,weighing a little less,but feeling very good.As the oldest person to sail around the world,Mr.Saito would encourage younger generations always to try their best.

  1.Which of the following shows the correct order of the events that happened to Mr.Saito?

  a.A car knocked him down.

  b.He suffered from stress and the cold.

  c.His bad health delayed his journey.

  d.He was saved from the sea.

  e.The first tsunami did damage to his boat.


  C.d-b-c-e-a D.d-c-b-a-e

  2.Where was Mr.Saito when the earthquake in Japan happened?

  A.In Tokyo. B.In Yokohama.

  C.In Cape Horn. D.In Hawaii.

  3.According to the text,Mr.Saito’s trip was slowed down by all the following EXCEPT  . 

  A.typhoons B.icebergs

  C.an operation D.two earthquakes

  4.When Mr.Saito returned to Japan,he appeared  . 

  A.very tired B.quite lonely

  C.in poor health D.in good condition


  I was at Kendriya Vidyalaya in Bambolim,Goa,in the 1980s.On Inspection Day one year,an officer and his team from the Board of Education were coming to see how our school was run.As usual,our teachers asked us to be prepared.

  At the end of the day,Mrs Sushila Tyagi,our Hindi(印地语)and Sanskrit teacher,walked in and told us that the inspector had come and quietly observed the class from the back door.He had also left an adverse remark!That was sad for us.Would we now be punished for having failed our teachers?There were no answers from Mrs Tyagi.Instead,she wrote the Hindi word “dukh” on the blackboard.And then she did something I have never seen a teacher do in my entire school life.She apologized.

  “I am sorry for having taught you something wrong,” she said.“There should be dots between the letters ‘du’ and ‘kh’.I hope you will not make this mistake in future.The inspector told me this in the staffroom and I realized that I used to miss out the dots as I wrote fast.”

  That admission had a significant effect on me.If our teacher can say sorry to us when she is wrong then why can’t we?This incident helped me get rid of two common vices(恶习)— ego(自负)and dishonesty.

  Twenty-three years passed.I had to let my teacher know what that lesson meant to me.I recently located Mrs Sushila Tyagi using the Internet.She was still a teacher and living in Ghaziabad with her family.I went to meet her with my husband.

  She smiled when she heard my story of how her small,decades-old apology had transformed me for good.“It is tough being a teacher,” she said,“But every once in a while,when an old student comes along and tells us that we did something right,it makes up for everything else.”

  5.The underlined word “adverse” in Paragraph 2 probably means “ ”. 

  A.offensive B.unfavorable

  C.encouraging D.unforgettable

  6.At the end of the Inspection Day,Mrs Tyagi  . 

  A.praised the students for their hard work

  B.expressed her disappointment in the students

  C.told the students that she had made a mistake

  D.punished the students for their bad behaviour

  7.What did the author learn from Mrs Tyagi?

  A.Honesty is the best policy.

  B.Comfort is better than pride.

  C.One can never be too careful.

  D.It is better to be safe than sorry.

  8.The author’s words during the visit made Mrs Tyagi feel  . 

  A.guilty B.contented

  C.surprised D.embarrassed



  It is important to have good study habits. 1 Here are a few tips to help you in your studies. 

   2 It’s OK to spend a little extra time studying right before a big test,but you don’t want to try to learn everything that night.Give yourself plenty of time to get things done.Figure out when you study best and then study at that time every day,which will make you energetic. 

  Study the most difficult subjects first.Doing this allows you to devote all of that fresh power to the materials that give you the most trouble. 3  

  Don’t study in a room that is too hot or too cold,and make sure there is adequate lighting.Be aware of what things take your attention away the most and avoid them at all costs during study time.Don’t do homework in front of the TV.Don’t try to study if you are tired,depressed,angry,or feeling rushed. 4  

  Friends can be a great resource.You can compare notes and ask each other questions at the end of a period of study.Friends can also keep you motivated to study.

  It has been proved that short bursts of concentration repeated frequently are more effective than one long period of concentration.Studying for hours on end is boring. 5  

  While studying,try to relate the information to things you already know or to your own experiences.Making that connection can make new information more interesting and memorable.

  A.So you can save up more time.

  B.Schedule some daily study time.

  C.And it stresses out your body and mind.

  D.Make some changes in your study habits.

  E.It is worthwhile spending more time on the harder subjects.

  F.With the proper study skills,you can significantly improve your grades.

  G.It is better to study when your brain is not affected by other emotional issues.




  In life people make many important decisions.












  .1.C 排序题。根据第三段的内容可知,最先发生的事件是他在Cape Horn,30英尺的大浪毁了他的船,他被Chilean Coast Guard所救,即d项所表达的内容;接着在那儿过冬,他担心自己会因压力和寒冷而死,即b项所表达的内容;再由第四段可知,随后他的不良健康状况让他拖延了旅行,即c项表达内容;同一段后面说明了他的小船在后来的海啸中逃生,即e项表达内容;最后根据第五段内容可知,他在夏威夷修理船只时差点被一辆车撞死,即a项的内容。故选C项。

  2.D 细节理解题。根据第五段内容可知,2011年3月11日日本发生海啸地震时他因被一辆车撞了而在夏威夷住院,故选D项。

  3.B 细节理解题。文章中说明了因台风、地震及他住院手术而延误行程,没有谈及因冰山而延误,故选B项。

  4.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“After the 1080-day journey he sailed in Yokohama port to a hero’s welcome,weighing a little less,but feeling very good.”可知,他回到日本时感觉很好,故选D项。

  5.B 词义猜测题。由第二段中的“That was sad for us.Would we now be punished for having failed our teachers?”可推断,检查员对作者所在学校的班级给出了不利的评论,故选B项。

  6.C 细节理解题。由第三段的“I am sorry for having taught you something wrong...”可知,在检查日即将结束时,老师向学生承认自己犯了一个错误。

  7.A 推理判断题。由第四段中的“If our teacher can say sorry to us when she is wrong then why can’t we?...get rid of two common vices(恶习)—ego(自负) and dishonesty.”可推断出,作者从老师身上学到了“诚实为上策”的道理。

  8.B 推理判断题。由最后一段末的“...it makes up for everything else.”可推断,作者拜访老师时说的话使老师感到很满足。

  .1~5 FBEGC

  Ⅲ.One possible version:

  In life people make many important decisions.Right decisions are so important that they affect us greatly. 

  My latest decision was made when I entered Senior 3 in Miss Zhang’s English class.Since I was not good at English,Miss Zhang asked me to listen attentively in class and put down some important notes.But I was never a good listener.I went on my own way ignoring her suggestion completely until Miss Zhang had a talk with me.She made me realize the importance of note taking.Then I decided to follow her to take notes in her class.Since then,my English has improved greatly.

  From this experience,I have realized a good decision benefits people.We should learn to take people’s advice and do the right thing.


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