2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:7 必修3 Unit 7(北师大版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:7 必修3 Unit 7(北师大版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练7(必修3 Unit 7)


  The Polynesian voyaging canoe guided only by nature as it circles the globe has reached South Africa,the most dangerous distance partly because of complicated ocean conditions.

  The canoe Hokulea left Hawaii last year,and its crewmembers are sailing without modern navigation(导航)equipment.They are using the waves and the position of the stars to help,sailing the way that brought the first Polynesians to the Hawaiian Islands.

  Hokulea was first built and launched in the 1970s in an attempt to revive Polynesian finding way in the sea.The first voyage to Tahiti in 1976 was successful and the canoe became an icon.The latest voyage is called Malama Honua,which means “to care for our Earth.”

  By the time the voyage is expected to end in 2017,crewmembers will have sailed more than 60,000 miles.They arrived in Cape Town,where crewmembers are teaching the local community about traditional navigation,native Hawaiian culture and ways to care for the ocean.

  Nainoa Thompson described a moment when Hawaii students who have joined up with the voyage met with children in Cape Town.The members didn’t know how to connect until their own children danced,and then the local children followed,which gave them a chance to witness what world peace looks like and sounds like.The stop was made possible with permission from a Nobel Peace Prize winner,Archbishop Desmond Tutu,who blessed the canoe during a 2017 visit to Hawaii.

  The canoe will spend two weeks off the water before going across the Atlantic Ocean for the first time to South America.Up to 200 crewmembers have sailed with Hokulea so far,joining and leaving the journey at various points.

  1.How could the members find their way to South Africa?

  A.With the help of the compass.

  B.With the help of the local guides.

  C.By using the power of nature.

  D.By using navigation equipment.

  2.The underlined word “revive” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by  . 

  A.repeat B.refresh

  C.resist D.reflect

  3.What happened when they arrived in Cape Town?

  A.Many local students volunteered to join them.

  B.They met a Nobel Peace Prize winner in a village.

  C.They talked about world peace with the local people.

  D.Children played a role in connecting with the local people.

  4.The next destination of Hokulea is  . 

  A.South America B.the Atlantic Ocean

  C.Hawaii D.South Africa


  On the first day of school we were ready to meet a new classmate.I  1  around when someone gently touched my shoulder.I found a little  2  lady with a warm smile. 

  She said,“Hi!I’m Kerry and I’m 78-year-old.Can I give you a hug?”I smiled and heartily  3 ,“Of course!” 

  “Why are you here?” I asked.

  She  4  replied,“I’m here to meet a rich husband,get married and then travel around.” 

  “ 5 ?” I wondered.I was curious why she  6  this challenge at her age. 

  “I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” We became instant friends.

   7 ,Kerry became a campus idol and she easily made friends wherever she went.She also enjoyed the  8  from the other students. 

  At the end of the term we invited Kerry to give us a speech.I’ll never forget what she  9  us. 

  “We do not stop dreaming because we are old;we grow old  10  we stop dreaming.Here are the secrets to staying  11 .You have to laugh and find  12  every day.You’ve got to have a dream.When you  13  your dream,you die. 14  we have many people like this walking around!They should have lived a more meaningful life.” she said. 

  “There is a huge  15  between growing older and growing up.Anybody can grow older.That doesn’t  16  any talent or ability.But growing up requires  17  the opportunity in change and have no  18 .The elderly usually don’t regret what they did,but rather things they didn’t do.” 

  Two months after her  19 ,Kerry died peacefully in her sleep.She has taught us that it’s never too  20  to be what and who you can possibly be. 

  1.A.traveled B.showed

  C.looked D.played

  2.A.funny B.old

  C.strange D.nervous

  3.A.responded B.claimed

  C.added D.cried

  4.A.wisely B.seriously

  C.jokingly D.simply

  5.A.How B.What

  C.When D.Where

  6.A.took up B.put up

  C.got up D.gave up

  7.A.As usual B.All of a sudden

  C.Once again D.Over the year

  8.A.jokes B.attention

  C.request D.burden

  9.A.taught B.expected

  C.requested D.praised

  10.A.as if B.so

  C.because D.although

  11.A.delighted B.healthy

  C.frightened D.young

  12.A.humor B.help

  C.experience D.performance

  13.A.doubt B.achieve

  C.challenge D.lose

  14.A.Naturally B.Unfortunately

  C.Generally D.Fairly

  15.A.division B.change

  C.difference D.cross

  16.A.take B.spare

  C.compare D.prefer

  17.A.dropping B.finding

  C.replacing D.improving

  18.A.regrets B.surprises

  C.failure D.trouble

  19.A.settlement B.employment

  C.retirement D.graduation

  20.A.early B.cautious

  C.late D.young


  One day the king of the Gods,Zeus,decided that he would populate the world with women as well as men.So he ordered Hephaistos,the God of crafts,1. (create) the first woman.Hephaistos thought a great deal and eventually came up 2. a solution using water and earth.The first woman’s arrival on the earth was the opportunity for a splendid party and the gods decided to celebrate by giving her some presents.So they each gave her one talent:for example,Aphrodite,the Goddess of love,gave her beauty;Apollo,the God of music,gave her musical ability;and Hermes,the messenger of the Gods,gave her persuasion.As a result Zeus decided that she would be called Pandora,which means “all-gifted”. 

  So Pandora was sent to the earth to live with the rest of mankind.3. she went she was given a box which she was ordered never to open under 4. circumstances.However,being 5.  (nature) curious,Pandora,opened the box,and all the evils of the world such as war,disease,famine and floods 6. were contained within it escaped and spread over the earth.Pandora was horrified to see such things escaping but she found it impossible to close the lid.At last when almost the entire contents of the box 7. (escape),and there was only one thing lying at the bottom of the box,Pandora managed to close the lid.Immediately there was a tiny voice 8. (call)“Let me out!Let me out!” Frightened as she was,Pandora cautiously opened the box in time to see the small object within—Hope—wing its way out into the world.So that was 9. the earth was filled with evil as a result of Pandora’s 10. (curious).Fortunately,there is HOPE on earth as well. 


  Dear Frank,

  How is it going?It has been a month before you left China for your home town.We missed you very much.Is here anything wrong?We are eager to know what has been happened to your family or when you will return to our school.By a way,don’t worry about your study because all of us are willing to help you with your subject once you are back.I believe you can catch up us very soon.Our teachers are also worried about you,so please write back as soon as possibly.Hope everything go well.





  .1.C 细节理解题。从第一段的“The Polynesian voyaging canoe guided only by nature as it circles the globe has reached South Africa...”和第二段的“They are using the waves and the position of the stars to help...”可知,波利尼西亚人借助自然现象进行航海。

  2.B 词义猜测题。从前面两段的内容可知,夏威夷人建Hokulea,主要想重演波利尼西亚人在海上寻找方向的能力。该词在句中意为“使复活,使恢复”。

  3.D 细节理解题。从第六段的内容可知,当他们在南非的开普敦时,他们无法跟当地人交流,此时他们的孩子却意外地找到了交流的方式。

  4.A 细节理解题。从最后一段的“The canoe will spend two weeks off the water before going across the Atlantic Ocean for the first time to South America.”可知,他们下一个目标是去南美洲。

  .1.C 后面说明有人轻轻拍着我的肩膀,故我“环顾四周”(look around)。

  2.B 根据下文“Hi!I’m Kerry and I’m 78-year-old.Can I give you a hug?”一句可知,这是一个老太太。

  3.A 后面是我的回答,故用responded表示“回答”。

  4.C 根据老太太回答的内容不难看出,她是在开着玩笑回答作者的问题。

  5.B 我显然对老太太的回答感到意外,故用What?表示惊讶。

  6.A 我不理解老太太这个岁数了为什么还要“接受(take up)”这样的挑战。

  7.D 根据下文中一句“At the end of the term we invited Kerry to give us a speech.”可知答案。

  8.B 根据上文说明可知,Kerry成了校园的偶像,此处说明她也喜爱受到其他同学的“关注”。

  9.A 根据下文可知,我从Kerry身上学到人生的哲理,这让我永远无法忘记。

  10.C 该句和前一句形成对照,我们不要因为老了而停止梦想,因为停止梦想我们就变老了。Kerry说这句话体现了她的人生态度,人虽然老了,但我们还要有梦想,如果我们没有了梦想,我们就会变老。

  11.D 该句承接上一句,Kerry认为她前面的话是保持“年轻”的秘诀。

  12.A 根据前面的laugh可知,我们在生活中需要笑,需要找到幽默。

  13.D 前面Kerry一直在说人生有梦想的重要性,所以,此处她说明的是“失去”(lose)梦想,人就死去了。

  14.B 根据该句意义可知,Kerry认为“很不幸”的是在我们周围有许多失去梦想的人。

  15.C 后面说明了变老和长大的不同,由此可得出答案。

  16.A 变老是自然规律,不“需要”(take)有才华和天赋的成分。

  17.B 成长则需要在变化中“找到”机会。

  18.A 成长了,找到了机会,就不会有“后悔”(regrets)。

  19.D 前面说明了Kerry的毕业演讲,故她去世应发生在她毕业两个月后。

  20.C 我从Kerry身上得到了人生的感悟,做好自己永远都不“晚”(late)。

  .1.to create order sb.to do sth.“命令某人做某事”,order后接带to的动词不定式做宾语补足语。

  2.with come up with“想出,提出(主意、答案等)”,为固定短语。

  3.Before 根据文章意思可知,是在潘多拉去“之前”给了她一个盒子,故填before。注意句首单词首字母要大写。

  4.any 表示“在任何情况下”用under any circumstances。

  5.naturally 此处修饰形容词curious,故用副词形式。

  6.that/which 所填词引导定语从句,从句缺少主语,先行词是the evils,故填that或which。

  7.had escaped 表示某个过去时间之前已经完成的动作,故用过去完成时。

  8.calling voice与call为主动关系,故用现在分词形式。

  9.how 表语从句缺少表示方式的状语,故填how。

  10.curiosity as a result of...“因为……结果”,of为介词,后应用名词,故填curiosity。

  .Dear Frank,

  How is it going?It has been a month

  you left China for your home town.We

  you very much.Is

  anything wrong?We are eager to know what has been 


    to your family

  when you will return to our school.By

  way,don’t worry about your study because all of us are willing to help you with your

  once you are back.I believe you can catch up us very soon.Our teachers are also worried about you,so please write back as soon as .Hope everything





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