The Plan on Revitalizing China's Traditional Crafts aims to inject momentum into the protection of Chinese culture and heritage.
It calls for better management of the industry and increased market competitiveness, with substantial improvements to be made by 2020.
该计划所称传统工艺(traditional crafts),是指具有历史传承和民族或地域特色(crafts of historic legacy with ethnical or regional characteristics)、与日常生活联系紧密(closely connected to daily life)、主要使用手工劳动的制作工艺及相关产品(crafts and products mainly achieved through manual work),是创造性的手工劳动和因材施艺的个性化制作,具有工业化生产不能替代(cannot be replaced by industrial production)的特性。
建立国家传统工艺振兴目录(establish a national catalog of traditional crafts);
扩大非物质文化遗产传承人队伍(increase the number of intangible cultural heritage inheritors);
将传统工艺作为中国非物质文化遗产传承人群研修研习培训计划实施重点(host seminars and training sessions for inheritors and practitioners of famous traditional crafts);
加强传统工艺相关学科专业建设和理论、技术研究(set up majors and courses in traditional crafts and put more efforts in theoretical and technological researches);
提高传统工艺产品的设计、制作水平和整体品质(improve the design, production and quality of traditional products);
拓宽传统工艺产品的推介、展示、销售渠道(enhance the promotion, display and sales of traditional products);
加强行业组织建设(improve industrial structures);
加强文化生态环境的整体保护(improve protection of the cultural ecological environment);
促进社会普及教育(promote intangible cultural heritage education in universities, and in middle and primary schools, in an effort to enhance awareness);
开展国际交流与合作(carry out international exchange and cooperation)。
剪纸(paper cutting)、皮影(shadow puppetry)、漆器(lacquer ware)、景泰蓝(Chinese cloisonne)、风筝(kites)等都属于传统工艺。