2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:4 必修1 Module 4(外研版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:4 必修1 Module 4(外研版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练4(必修1 Module 4)




  Chinese consumers’ crazy appetite for luxury goods and services appears unstoppable,with just 2 percent of the Chinese population responsible for one-third of the world’s luxury items.

  As China’s economic miracle develops,the market opportunities for all sorts of luxury goods and services are increasing.Luxury consumption in China now extends ways beyond well-known car,clothing and jewelry brands.For example,the luxury jet market in China is the fastest-growing in the world,even outstripping that of the United States,with a market share of 25 percent.This trend appears to continue,with 20 to 30 percent growth expected in China,compared with only 2 to 3 percent in the US.But more importantly,China’s luxury jet market growth represents a major development in the private consumption of luxury items.

  China’s high-quality red wine market also provides evidence of the growth in private consumption of luxury goods.In 2017,China became the largest market for red wine in the world,even overtaking France,with 1.86 billion bottles consumed in China last year.Over the past five years,China’s red wine consumption has grown 136 percent.

  According to my ongoing consumer research in this area while working at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing,public consumption of such expensive global luxury brands such as Prada and Armani is easily explained by the desire to “gain face” and publicly display social climbing through material possessions.On the other hand,it is “self-reward” that lies behind consumer motivation in this area.Chinese consumers who have experienced rapid financial and economic gains appear particularly prone to the need to reward themselves for their success.But this has little to do with “gaining face” and impressing others and much more to do with the need for personal contentment.

  Finally,the growth in private luxury consumption in China is set to continue in part due to the maturity of the Chinese consumer and advancement of Chinese consumer culture generally.


  1.What do you think the author would most probably be?

  A.A news reporter. B.An accountant.

  C.A professor. D.A conductor.


  解析:推理判断题。根据第四段第一句中的“According to my ongoing consumer research in this area while working at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing”可推知,作者有可能是一名大学教授,即C项正确。

  2.The underlined word “outstripping” in Paragraph 2 probably means “ ”. 

  A.falling far behind of B.going out of

  C.going far ahead of D.keeping pace with


  解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“For example,the luxury jet market in China is the fastest-growing in the world”和“This trend appears to continue,with 20 to 30 percent growth expected in China,compared with only 2 to 3 percent in the US”可推知,此处C项正确。

  3.What can we learn from Paragraphs 2 and 3?

  A.China’s luxury jet market growth is only 2% to 3%.

  B.France was once the largest market for red wine in the world before 2017.

  C.The luxury jet market in the US shares 25% of the jet consumption in the world.

  D.China’s red wine consumption has increased to 1.86 billion bottles since 2017.


  解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的第二句“In 2017,China became the largest market for red wine in the world,even overtaking France,with 1.86 billion bottles consumed in China last year”可推知,2017年以前法国是世界上红酒的最大消费市场,即B项正确。

  4.What can be the best title for the passage?

  A.Future Private Luxury Consumption in China

  B.Chinese Appetite for Luxury Goods and Services

  C.The Potential Luxury Jet Market in China

  D.The Maturity of the Chinese Consumers




  The minimum wage is a controversial issue.President Obama declared in his State of the Union speech that he wanted the minimum wage to be raised to $9.00 an hour,and this proposal has many supporters and objectors.

  On the one hand,raising the minimum wage allows the poor to have more consumption options.Giving a minimum-wage employee $1.00 in additional spending money per hour can create a significant improvement in annual consumption,helping countless companies and businesses.

  Besides,forcing employers to invest more money in their workers can pay off in increased production.A worker complaining his or her unfairly low pay may only work just enough to avoid getting fired,but a worker who feels rightly compensated(补偿) will work harder.

  What’s more,improving the conditions and pay of the “working poor” can pay off significantly for the nation as a whole.The workers are less likely to engage in crime and antisocial behavior if they begin earning proper pay.

  On the other hand,forcing employers to pay employees more could reduce the number of employees they are able to hire,increasing unemployment.Though some workers would be better compensated,some would be out of work.This increase in unemployment would counteract(抵消) any benefits caused by allowing the remaining workers to receive higher wages:Crime and other social ills would increase,fueled by an artificially elevated unemployment rate.

  Finally,increasing the minimum wage will drive up prices on all goods and services,harming consumers.A grocery store having to pay an additional $1.50 per hour to each employee will be forced to raise prices on its products.Minimum wage employees would have to pay higher prices at stores.As consumer demand dropped due to higher prices,employers might be forced to lay off workers.


  5.According to the passage,the minimum wage  . 

  A.works as a reference for employers

  B.is a common issue all over the world

  C.has a great effect on the whole nation

  D.urgently needs to be raised in America


  解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“create a significant improvement in annual consumption”,第三段中的“can pay off in increased production”,第五段中的“Crime and other social ills would increase”和最后一段中的“As consumer demand dropped due to higher prices,employers might be forced to lay off workers”可知,提高最低工资对整个国家会产生一些积极或消极的影响。

  6.What can we know from the last paragraph?

  A.Raising the minimum wage can make consumers benefit more.

  B.Employees support the government in raising the minimum wage.

  C.Raising the minimum wage is bad for improving consumption demand.

  D.More job opportunities will be created due to raising the minimum wage.


  解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“As consumer demand dropped due to higher prices,employers might be forced to lay off workers”可知,提高最低工资不利于提高消费需求。

  7.Which of the following best shows the relation among the paragraphs?

  A.①-②③④⑤⑥ B.①-②③④-⑤⑥

  C.①②-③④⑤-⑥ D.①-②③④⑤-⑥



  8.What would be the best title for the passage?

  A.The Importance of the Minimum Wage

  B.The Minimum Wage Policy in America

  C.The Effects of Raising the Minimum Wage

  D.The Reasons for Raising the Minimum Wage




  What is a big dream?1. Or,is a big dream something that provides only entertainment?Children dream big dreams,but there are three barriers to realizing dreams.They often kill them before they ever have a chance to grow. 

  The Self.

  Immediately following the birth of a big dream,a negative self-talk takes over and gives all the reasons why it cannot happen.This inside voice is the ego(自我).It’s there for protecting and should be listened to.2.Most people are influenced by the inside voice.That’s why only a handful of people make their dreams come true.


  Family and friends are a lot like the ego.They want to protect those they will often list all the reasons why the big dreams won’t come true.Sometimes,family and friends destroy dreams of those they love most,out of their own fear of being left behind.

  The World.

  If one gets past the first two barriers,one has to face the world.4.  In the past,big dreamers were locked up and sometimes even killed when they were shown to the world.Fortunately,in most of the world today,big dreamers just get laughed at. 

  The way to realize a big dream is with confidence and action.When children have confidence and then take action,they will be ready to accept any failure.The truth is that every great dreamer whose dreams have never seen the light of success knows failure well.5.

  A.Family and Friends.

  B.How big Dreams Die.

  C.Does a big dream show one’s future?

  D.They simply fail until they succeed.

  E.It is the last and the most terrible barrier.

  F.Sometimes it is right,but more often it is wrong.

  G.And their big dream is to be a rock star or a famous artist.


  【语篇导读】本文讲述了a big dream对人的有关影响以及其他的一些相关信息。

  1.C 解析:考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据本空前句和后句“What is a big dream?”和“Or,is a big dream something that provides only entertainment?”可知本句也是对big dream的一些相关问题,C选项Does a big dream show one’s future?符合,故选C项。

  2.F 解析:考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据下两句“Most people are influenced by the inside voice.That’s why only a handful of people make their dream come true.”可知big dream的影响有好有坏。有些能让我们从中受益,也有些不能,F选项Sometimes it is right,but more often it is wrong符合,故选F项。

  3.A 解析:考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据本段第一句“Family and friends are a lot like the ego.”可知本段谈论的是family and friends,A选项Family and Friends.符合,故选A项。

  4.E 解析:考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据下句“In the past,big dreamers were locked up and sometimes even killed when they were shown to the world.”可知world才是最大的问题,E选项It is the last and the most terrible barrier.符合,故选E项。

  5.D 解析:考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据前句“The truth is that every great dreamer whose dreams have never seen the light of success knows failure well.”可知直到非常了解失败以后,这些伟大的梦想家才见到成功的曙光,D选项They simply fail until they succeed.符合,故选D项。


  一项调查表明,你家乡的经济在稳步提高。这是你第一次看到如此感人的报告。请你以The Economy in My Hometown 为题,写一篇100词左右的短文,说明经济稳步提高的原因。



  The Economy in My Hometown

  A survey shows that the local economy in my hometown has improved steadily.This is the first time that I have read such a moving report.I think there are many reasons for this.Firstly,many newly-built architectures are pretty,attractive and fascinating,which attract tourists all over the country.Secondly,as more and more factories have been put up,many people are in employment especially those with professional skills.So the number of people who are unemployed is reduced. Thirdly,the traffic is very good,which is similar to that in big cities.There are also many parking places.It’s convenient for businessmen to exchange their goods,which has a good effect on the local economy. Recently,there are more and more people who can afford to buy new cars.All households are living a happy life.


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