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发布时间:2010-01-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编
This stour describes two characters from journey to the West. Inside the Country of Aolai, east of the ocean belonging to the Continent of Superior Body, there was the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. On ist peak stood a magic stone. Through years of cultivation the stone turned into a stone monkey. After it learned how to crawl and walk it bowed to each of the four quarters. Aa its eyes moved, two beams of golden light shot towards the heavens. The Jade Emperor was alarmed. He hurriedly sent rwo subjects, Thousand-mile Eye and Windaccompanying Ear outside the Southern Gate to listen and observe. The two went out of the gate and soon reported back what they had observed,"Creatures down below are born of the essence of heaven and earth,"remarked the Jade Emperor, now assured."There's nothing remarkable about him."Later, many things happened because of this monkey:it raised havoc in the heavens, and was subdued and asked to assist Tang Priest to fetch scriptures from the Western Heaven. This scene shows how Thousand-mile Eye and Wind-accompanying Ear observe and listen carefully outside the Southern Gate.


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