2016届高考英语二轮复习精讲学案:专题06 非谓语动词(原卷版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语二轮复习精讲学案:专题06 非谓语动词(原卷版)

发布时间:2017-03-31  编辑:查字典英语网小编










  不定式作状语通常表示:(1)原因(多用在某些表示喜、怒、哀、乐等的形容词后);(2)目的(可用so as to/in order to替换,但so as to一般不可置于句首);(3)结果(常表出乎意料的结果,常为only to do)。

  ①We were very excited to hear the news.(原因)

  ②To get there on time I got up very early.(目的)

  ③He rushed to school only to find there was nobody there.(结果)



  Not knowing what to do,he went to his parents for help.



  Given more attention,the trees could have grown better.


  (3)部分过去分词来源于系表结构,作状语时不表示被动关系,其前不用being。这样的过去分词及短语常见的有:seated(坐着的)、hidden(躲着)、stationed(驻扎)、lost/absorbed in(沉溺于)、born in(出身于)、dressed in(穿着)、tired of(厌烦了)等。

  Lost/Absorbed in deep thought,he didn't hear the sound.





  The girl staring at him(=As the girl stared at him),he didn't know what to say.




  The problems solved(=As the problems were solved),the quality has been improved.




  He is going to make a model plane,some old parts to help.



  With time passing by(time和pass之间为主动关系),he almost forgot everything in the past.


  He sat on the chair,with his hands tied(hands和tie之间为被动关系)behind his back.




  (1)Laughing helps your body stay healthy and can even help you fight pain.(动名词作主语)

  (2)To see is to believe.(不定式作主语)

  (3)It is important to respect people.(不定式短语作主语,it作形式主语)

  (4)It is no use crying over spilt milk.(动名词短语作主语,it作形式主语)









  动词 接动名词作宾语 接不定式作宾语

  remember 记得曾做过某事 记得要做某事

  forget 忘记曾做过某事 忘记要做某事

  try 尝试做某事 努力做某事

  regret 对做过的事表示后悔 对要做的事表示遗憾

  mean 意味着做某事 企图(打算)做某事

  can't help 禁不住做某事 不能帮助做某事

  go on 继续做未完成的事 做完一件事后,接着做另一件事

  stop 中断正在做的事 中断正在做的事,去做别的事



  Do you mind my/me reading your paper?



  完成式表示该动作比谓语动作先发生。否定式在doing/to do前加not。

  (1)I regret not having taken her advice.(not须放在having前)


  (2)They couldn't stand being treated like that.


  (3)He decided to help me but I pretended to have finished my job.




  You are the third one to enter the room.(主谓关系)

  I have something important to say.(动宾关系)

  He has no opportunity to go abroad.(同位关系)


  a reading room(= a room for reading)


  The question being discussed (=which is being discussed) now is important.


  The question discussed(=which was discussed) yesterday is important.



  Tell the children not to play on the street.

  The police warned us not to go out at night.


  They make the students do too much homework every day.

  The students are made to do too much homework every day.




  I saw him cross the street.


  I saw him crossing the street.


  I saw him surrounded by a group of students.




  He pretended not to see me.

  I regret not following his advice.

  Not having tried his best,he failed in the exam.



  The boy pretended to be working hard.


  I happened to have seen the film.


  The patient asked to be operated on at once.


  We remembered having seen the film.

  He came to the party without being invited.

  He forgot having been taken to Guangzhou when he was five years old.

  His not knowing English troubled him a lot.



  Having done his homework,he played basketball.


  The problem being discussed is very important.

  Having been told many times,the naughty boy made the same mistake.



  例1、【2015·重庆】11. Like ancient sailors, birds can find their way____ the sun and the stars.

  A. used

  B. having used

  C. using

  D. use


  the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age.

  A. Spending

  B. Spent

  C. Having spent

  D. To spend


  例2、【2015·陕西】18. Back from his two-year medical service in Africa, Dr. Lee was very happy to see his mother

  good care of at home.

  A. taking

  B. taken

  C. take

  D. be taken

  【变式探究】(2017北京卷)35.The film star wears sunglasses. Therefore, he can go shopping without ______..

  A. recognizing

  B. being recognized

  C. having recognized

  D. having been recognized


  例、【2015·浙江】18. Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it

  live is quite another.

  A. perform

  B. performing

  C. to perform

  D. being performed

  【变式探究】(2017浙江卷 )14. Annie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse _______ to guard her.

  A. to appoint

  B. appointing

  C. appointed

  D. having appointed

  1.(2015·江苏,24)Much time

  (spend)sitting at a desk, office workers are generally troubled by health problems.

  2.(2015·湖南,30)When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile, she stood rooted to the ground,

  (wonder)whether to stay or leave.

  3.(2015·湖南,34)Sometimes I act as a listening ear for fellow students

  (talk)over what is bothering them.


  (catch)the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.

  5.(2015·北京,23)The park was full of people,

  (enjoy)themselves in the sunshine.


  (accept)for the job, you'll be informed soon.

  7.(2015·浙江,18)Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it

  (perform)live is quite another.


  (raise)in the poorest area of Glasgow, he had a long, hard road to becoming a football star.

  9.(2015·重庆,11)Like ancient sailors, birds can find their way

  (use)the sun and the stars.

  10.(2015·陕西,17)After receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress,Anne Benedict went on

  (thank)all the people who had helped in her career.

  11.(2015·陕西,18)Back from his two-year medical service in Africa,Dr.Lee was very happy to see his mother

  (take)good care of at home.


  (absorb)in painting, John didn't notice evening approaching.


  (work)for two days, Steve managed to finish his report on schedule.


  (ignore)the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.


  (learn)more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.

  16.(2015·福建,33)In recent years an English word “infosphere” has appeared,

  (combine)the sense of “information” and “atmosphere”.

  1.(2017安徽卷)32.While waiting for the opportunity to get

  , Henry did his best to perform his duty.

  A. promote

  B. promoted

  C. promoting

  D. to promote

  2.(2017北京卷)28. There are still many problems ______ before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.

  A. solving

  B. solved

  C. being solved

  D.to be solved

  3.(2017大纲卷)23. Toady there are more airplanes _____ more people than ever before in the skies.

  A. carry

  B. carrying

  C. carried

  D. to be carrying

  4.(2017天津卷)7. Clearly and thoughtfully________, the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.

  A. writing

  B. to write

  C. written

  D. being written

  5.(2017重庆卷 )5. The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras ______ to our shop for quality problems.

  A.turning B. returned C. to turn D. to be returned

  6.(2017重庆卷 )11.Group activities will be organized after class _____ children develop team spirit.

  A. helping B. having helped C. helped D. to help

  7.(2017福建卷)30. For those with family members far away, the personal computer and the phone are important in staying________.

  A. connected




  to connect


  to be connected

  8.(2017湖南卷)23.____your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.

  A. Understanding B. To be understood

  C. Being understood D. Having understood

  9.(2017湖南卷)27. There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland, _____at the night sky.

  A. to stare B. staring C. stared D, having stared


  ourselves from the physical and mental tensions,we each need deep thought

  and inner quietness.

  Having freed

  B. Freed C. To free D. Freeing

  11.(2017江苏卷)29. His lecture____, a lively question-and-answer session followed.

  A. being given B. having given C. to be given D. having been given

  12.(2017江苏卷)35.— ! Somebody has left the lab door open.

  —Don't look at me.

  A. Dear me B. Hi, there C. Thank goodness D. Come on

  13.(2017江西卷)31. ___nearly all our money , we couldn’t afford to stay at a hotel .

  A. Having spent


  To spent

  C. Spent

  D. To have spent

  14.(2017江西卷)34.He is thought ___foolishly .Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job .

  A. to act


  to have acted



  D. having acted

  15.(2017山东卷)6. There is a note pinned to the door______ when the shop will open again.

  A. saying

  B. says

  C. said

  D. having said

  16.(2017山东卷)9. It’s standard practice for a company like this one______ a security officer.

  A. employed

  B. being employed

  C. to employ

  D. employs

  17.(2017陕西卷)12. It’s quite hot today. Do you feel like _________ for a swim?

  A. to go

  B. going

  C go

  D. having gone

  18.(2017陕西卷)20. ________ the difficult maths problem, I have consulted Professor Russell several times.

  A. Working out

  B. Worked out

  C. To work out

  D. Work out

  19.(2017四川卷)5. The manager was satisfied to see many new products ______ after great effort.

  A. having developed

  B. to develop

  C. developed

  D. develop

  20.(2017四川卷)7. — I hope to take the computer course.

  — Good idea. ____ more about it, visit this website.

  A. To find out

  B. Finding out

  C. To be finding out

  D. Having found out

  21.(2017天津卷)5. Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only _________ it didn’t fit

  A. to find

  B. found

  C. finding

  D. having found

  (2017·新课标I卷)35. The sunlight is white and blinding, _______ hard-edged shadows on the ground.

  A. throwing

  B. being thrown

  C. to throw

  D. to be thrown

  (2017·新课标I卷)22. They might just have a place ________ on the writing course— why don’t you give it a try?

  A. leave

  B. left

  C. leaving

  D. to leave

  B (2017·新课标Ⅱ卷)5.I got to the office earlier that day,

  the 7:30 train from Paddington.


  B. to have caught

  C. to catch

  D. having caught

  (2017·浙江)19.There are some health problems that, when ____in time, can become bigger ones later on.

  A.not treated

  B. not being treated

  C. not to be treated

  D. not having been treated

  (2017·浙江)7.______how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure.


  B. Hear

  C. Having heard

  D. To be hearing

  (2017·大纲卷)25.I got to the office earlier that day,

  the 7:30 train from Paddington.


  B. to have caught

  C. to catch

  D. having caught

  (2017·北京卷)29.When we saw the road

  with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.

  block B. to block

  C. blocking D. blocked


  the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level.

  A. Find B. Finding C. To find D. Found

  (2017·湖南卷)31. ________ warm at night, I would fill the woodstove, then set my alarm clock for midnight so I could

  refill it.

  A. Staying

  B. Stayed

  C. To stay

  D. Stay

  (2017·湖南卷)29. You cannot accept an opinion ________ to you unless it is based on facts.

  A. offering

  B. to offer

  C. having offered

  D. offered

  (2017·湖南卷)25. The sun began to rise in the sky, ________ the mountain in golden light.

  A. bathed

  B. bathing

  C. to have bathed

  D. have bathed

  (2017·江西卷)34. If _____ to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once.

  A. asked

  B. to ask

  C. asking

  D. having asked

  (2017·山东卷)33. ________ at the cafeteria before, Tina didn’t want to eat there again.

  A. Having eaten

  B. To eat

  C. Eat

  D. Eating

  (2017·山东卷)29. I stopped the car ____ a short break as I was feeling tired.

  A. take

  B. taking

  C. to take

  D. taken

  (2017·山东卷)25. The room is empty except for a bookshelf _____ in one corner.

  A. standing

  B. to stand

  C. stands

  D. stood

  (2017·四川)10. The airport _______ next year will help promote tourism in this area.

  A. being completed

  B. to be completed

  C. completed

  D. having been completed

  (2017·四川)8. _______ which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.

  A. Not knowing

  B. Knowing not

  C. Not known

  D. Known not

  (2017·天津卷)10. In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words _______in daily conversations.

  A. using

  B. to use

  C. having used

  D. used(2017·辽宁卷)28.Lauro was away in Paris for over a week.When she got home,there was a pile of mails

  for her


  B.to wait


  D.was waiting

  (2017·重庆卷)34. The engine just won’t start. Something seems ______ wrong with it.

  A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone

  (2017·重庆卷)30. When I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, ______ me stories till I fell asleep.

  A. having told B. telling C. told D. to tell


  in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children’s love of art.

  A. To found

  B. Founding

  C. Founded

  D. Having founded


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