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发布时间:2017-03-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  时间120分钟 满分150分

  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

  第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)


  1.Who is coming for dinner?

  A.Mary. B.Jack.C.Lily.

  2.What is the weather like today?




  3.What does the man mean?

  A.The jeans are cheap.

  B.The jeans are expensive.

  C.The jeans are out of fashion.

  4.What did the man do before Spring Festival?

  A.He visited his grandparents.

  B.He traveled to Beijing.

  C.He stayed at home.

  5.Where does the conversation take place?

  A.In a shop.

  B.In a restaurant.

  C.At a bus stop.




  6.When did the woman and Mike meet last night?

  A.At 7 o'clock.

  B.At 8 o'clock.

  C.At 9 o'clock.

  7.What did the woman and Mike do at last?

  A.They went for a movie.

  B.They had a cup of coffee.

  C.They had Mike's car repaired.


  8.What does the man like?




  9.How often does the woman practice yoga?

  A.Twice a week.

  B.Three times a week.

  C.Five times a week.

  10.How does the woman go to the sports center?

  A.By car.

  B.By bus.

  C.On foot.


  11.What size does the man take?




  12.How much will the man pay?

  A.50 dollars.

  B.90 dollars.

  C.100 dollars.

  13.Who is the woman?

  A.A teacher.

  B.A shop assistant.

  C.A fashion designer.


  14.What job does the man want?

  A.An engineer.

  B.An assistant.

  C.A salesman.

  15.What do we know about the man's school studies?


  B.Just so­so.


  16.What may the man have to do if he gets the job?

  A.Work abroad.

  B.Settle down abroad.

  C.Work overtime every day.

  17.When will the man know the result of the job interview?


  B.In two days.

  C.In a week.


  18.How many parts does A Bite of China have?




  19.What do we know about A Bite of China?

  A.It is boring.

  B.It is popular.

  C.It is exciting.

  20.What is the speaker trying to do?

  A.Introduce a TV program.

  B.Introduce Chinese food.

  C.Introduce a good book.

  答案:1-5 CBBAC 6-10 CBAAC 11-15 CBBAC

  16-20 ACABA


  Text 1

  W:Jack,is Aunt Lily coming for dinner tomorrow!

  M:Yes, I told you this morning, Mary.

  W:Oh, did you? I'm sorry. I must have forgotten.

  Text 2

  W:Tomorrow might be as sunny as today. Would you like to go for a picnic?

  M:But the weather report says it is likely to be rainy and windy for the next two days.

  Text 3

  W:Sir,these are the jeans that you want. They're only $ 80.

  M:What? That's daylight robbery !

  W:No, sir. That's actually very cheap for a pair of Levi's.

  Text 4

  M:Where did you spend your winter vacation?

  W:My father had planned to travel to Beijing. But my mother wanted to go somewhere warm. So we chose Sanya. What about you?

  M:Well, I visited my grandparents in Chongqing before Spring Festival and have stayed at home ever since I came back.

  W: Wow, you've had a very relaxing vacation.

  Text 5

  M:Hey, nice weather, isn't it?

  W:Yes. It feels great to enjoy the sunshine after so many days of rain.

  M:But the weather forecast says there will be a thick fog tomorrow.

  W:That's too bad. I think drivers should be more careful.

  M:I can't agree more. Oh, here comes my bus. Have a good day!

  Text 6

  M:Did you have a good time last night?

  W:No, we didn't. Mike and I were to meet at the cinema at 8 o'clock,but he didn't show up until an

  hour after that.

  M:That's not like him. Did you ask him why he was late?

  W:Yes, I did. He said that his car broke down halfway. He had to repair it before meeting me.

  M:Poor Mike. What did you do then?

  W:It was too late for a movie. So we had a cup of coffee instead.

  Text 7

  M:Did you watch the Asian Cup yesterday?

  W:No,I didn't. Football is not my cup of tea.

  M:I am a huge fan of it. What kind of sport do you like?

  W:Well,I prefer sports that won't cost me too much energy, such as jogging and yoga.

  M:How often do you practice them?

  W:I jog 3 to 5 times a week if the weather is fine.

  And I practice yoga at a gym every Monday and


  M:Do you drive or take a bus to the gym?

  W:Neither. Actually it's only a five­minute walk from

  where I live.

  Text 8

  W:Can I help you, sir?

  M:Yes. I want to buy a shirt.

  W:What size do you want?

  M:Medium, please.

  W:OK. The fitting room is over there.


  W:How do you like it?

  M:Er... I think it's a bit small. Can I have a larger one?

  W:No problem. This is a size L.

  M:I like this one. How much is it?

  W:Fifty dollars for one shirt. But we will offer you a 10% discount if you take two.

  M:10% discount. OK. I will take two shirts then.

  Text 9

  W:All right. Please tell me why you are fit for the job.

  M:Well, as one of the top graduates of my school, I

  believe I have gained all the skills needed for an


  W:Do you have any work experience?

  M:Yes. I once worked as an assistant engineer for half a year.

  W:What do you think is your best quality?

  M:I am young and always ready to learn. It will be easy for me to accept and come up with new ideas. And I'm diligent. I'm not afraid of hard work.

  W:That's great. So will you have time to go abroad if we offer you the job?

  M:Sure. I'm willing to stay abroad for several months a year if necessary.

  W:That's good. OK. That's all of my questions. We

  will give you a call to tell you our final decision in a week.

  M:I'm looking forward to it. Thank you so much, madam.

  W:You are welcome.

  Text 10

  China is famous for its long history and delicious food. And there are many TV programs about Chinese food. Now let me introduce you a TV program on CCTV. It is A Bite of China.

  The 7­part TV program shows different kinds of Chinese food all over the country. It introduces the most famous food from a particular place to us, as well as how to make it. It also gives people a chance to know more about the history and culture behind it. It is said that the TV program has attracted more than 1013 million people.

  Many people say it is very interesting. Now they have more choices of food to try after they watch A Bite of China. Thanks to this TV program, the food that is introduced sells much better afterwards.

  That's all of my introduction. I hope you'll like the program and Chinese food.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

  第一节  (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




  With online courses, anyone can gain knowledge in any field of interest for free.All you need is a computer, laptop or Smartphone, internet connection and a self­made schedule.You can even get a certificate on completing the course.


  Its goal is to promote the world of education by enabling anyone to learn online.It seeks to dramatically change education by inviting millions of experts worldwide to teach and share what they know.Whether you want to learn excel, business, academics, the arts, health, music or technology, there is a comprehensive course for you.See more at https://udemy.com

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  If you are looking to learning a new skill, or improving on your skills in Photoshop, or HTML, it offers unlimited access to high­quality video courses from a worldwide community of instructors.You have a month's free trial, after which you will pay a monthly fee to gain unlimited access to all courses.See more at https://skillfeed.com

  Academic Earth

  It has linked to over 750 online courses and 8,500 individual online lectures, giving students of all ages access to college courses they may otherwise never experience.Whether learning existing coursework, or learning for the sake of learning, anyone has the freedom to learn at their own pace from world­famous experts, without being charged more.Learn more at http://academicearth.com

  UC Berkeley

  It offers courses in bioengineering, Japanese, legal studies and public health.Since they are recordings of actual lectures, they lack lecture notes and extra materials.However, each course has audio recordings of lectures via iTunes or video recordings of lectures via YouTube.Learn more at https://ucberkeley.com


  21.Learners who choose Skillfeed need to ________.

  A.equip themselves with the ability to use the computer

  B.pay some fee if they want to continue after a month

  C.have some knowledge of the design of website

  D.learn to upload their own high­quality video

  答案:B 细节理解题。由“Skillfeed”下的第二句话“You have a month's free trial, after which you will pay a monthly fee to gain unlimited access to all courses.”可知,一个月免费试用后,再学习该课程就需要付费。

  22.We can learn from the passage that Academic Earth ________.

  A.charges learners nothing for any course

  B.has many lectures given by 8,500 lecturers

  C.provides college courses mainly to young men

  D.offers college courses at the learners' convenience

  答案:D 细节理解题。由“Academic Earth”下的第一句话可知,提供大学课程;由第二句话可知,学习者可以按照自己的进度学习,非常方便。

  23.If you want to improve your skill of Japanese language, you can visit ________.




  答案:B 细节理解题。由“UC Berkeley”下的第一句话可知,该课程提供日语学习。



  Thanks to a young waiter, I recently found a friend of 20 years was once a yo­yo virtuoso(大师).

  “Oh, stop it!” Jackie said when I started laughing during our dinner.“I was, too.And I knew how to ‘Walk the Dog.’”

  “Wow, really?” said our waiter, Jumario Simmons, flashing a big smile at us.

  “Don't encourage her,” I said.

  “What else could you do?” he asked.

  “I did ‘Round the World,’” Jackie said, now ignoring me completely.“That was cradle(婴儿时期的)thing, too.”

  I'd asked Jumario what he did when he wasn't waiting on tables.The 24­year­old waiter was so smart that I knew there had to be more to his story.It turns out that he won a regional yo­yo competition last year.He also gives free lessons to kids.“It gives them something to do,” Jumario said.“Keeps them off the streets.”

  One of the great things about eating out is the table talk with strangers, which reminds us that everyone has a life and a name.But the other day I heard that some restaurants are ending this talk between diners and servers.I listened to the reporter describe how their improvements are allowing customers to text orders from their tables to speed up service.

  The reporter got my attention with this sentence “Five minutes after typing ‘I'm at table 3’, a meal arrives at the table.” But there wasn't a “please” with this order, which should have been a request.If you've ever waited on tables, you know that the last thing you need is yet another way for a customer to be unpleasant.

  Most servers are often mediating(调解)between customers' requests for substitutions and overworked cooks' accusations of treason(背叛).Except at high­end restaurants, servers also have to walk back and forth like mothers of preschoolers so that we might consider them worthy of a large enough tip to lift their pay to minimum wage.

  Texting a server from a table a few feet away is equal to moving our fingers and shouting, “Hey, you!” It was rude in 1957, and it's rude now.You won't ever find me texting a waiter or waitress.


  24.What do we know from the text?

  A.The waiter knows Jackie well.

  B.The waiter is good at playing yo­yo.

  C.Jackie plays yo­yo in her spare time.

  D.The author has a great interest in playing yo­yo.

  答案:B 细节理解题。由倒数第五段第二句话“It turns out that he won a regional yo­yo competition last year.”可知,侍者Jumario擅长玩悠悠。

  25.Some restaurants allow diners to text a server from a table to ________.

  A.improve their service

  B.reduce the cost of service

  C.show respect for diners

  D.stop talks between diners and servers

  答案:A 细节理解题。由倒数第四段最后一句话“I listened to the reporter describe how their improvements are allowing customers to text orders from their tables to speed up service.”可知,餐馆这样做是为了提升服务。

  26.What's the last but one paragraph mainly about?

  A.The pay of servers.

  B.The work of servers.

  C.The customers' request.

  D.The work of mothers of preschoolers.

  答案:B 主旨大意题。倒数第二段讲的是侍者的工作。

  27.From the passage, the author's attitude towards texting a server from a table is ________.





  答案:D 推理判断题。由最后一段,特别是第二句话“It was rude in 1957, and it's rude now.”可推知,作者是反对这样做的。



  One day, a college student was taking a walk with a professor.As they went along, they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes.They supposed the shoes belonged to a poor man who was employed in a field close by, and who had nearly finished his day's work.

  The student turned to the professor, saying, “ Let us play the man a trick: we will hide his shoes, and hide ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his confusion when he cannot find them”.

  “My young friend,” answered the professor, “we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor.But you are rich, and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by tricking on the poor man.Put a coin into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how the discovery affects him.”

  The student did so, and they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by.The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes.After he slipped his foot into one of his shoes, he felt something hard.He bent down to feel what it was, and found the coin.Astonishment and wonder were seen on his face.He fixed his eyes on the coin, turned it round, and looked at it again and again.He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be seen.He now put the money into his pocket, and continued to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.His feelings overcame him.He fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and cried a sincere thanksgiving, in which he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread, and the timely help, from some unknown hand, would save from dying.

  The student stood there, deeply affected, and his eyes filled with tears.“Now,” said the professor, “are you not much better pleased than if you had played your intended trick?”

  The youth replied, “You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget.”


  28.The student wanted to play the poor man a trick to ________.

  A.find the truth

  B.show his wisdom

  C.amuse himself

  D.teach him a lesson

  答案:C 细节理解题。由第二段可知,这名学生想开农民的玩笑是为了娱乐。

  29.After finding the two coins, the man felt ________.





  答案:D 细节理解题。由第四段“He fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and cried a sincere thanksgiving”可知,农民非常感激。

  30.We can know from the passage that the professor is ________.





  答案:A 推理判断题。教授对学生的教育非常有效,是一位智者。

  31.What does the story intend to tell us?

  A.A small act of kindness brings great joy.

  B.God helps those who help themselves.

  C.Where there is a will, there is a way.

  D.Actions speak louder than words.

  答案:A 推理判断题。文章故事告诉我们:善行能给人快乐。



  Controlling traffic is a complex and high­cost problem in many developed countries.It becomes more difficult and costly with the ever­increasing number of cars on the roads.But scientists and students at the CATT, at the University of Maryland are working to solve this problem.They are using simulation(模拟) technologies to help government and private business control and react to changing traffic conditions.

  The online economics magazine Forbes.com says traffic congestion(拥挤) cost Americans $ 124 billion in 2017 and that number could rise to $ 186 billion by 2030.

  But scientists at the CATT lab are trying to reduce those costs.They are developing a system that helps traffic managers, planners, emergency workers and businesses plan and react better.Michael Pack is CATT director.He says the system is important to help emergency workers, or first responders reach an accident area faster.

  The CATT Lab collects information from many sources, including roadside devices, GPS (global positioning system) equipment and wireless phones.

  About 60 students and 30 software developers observe traffic flow and manage the computer servers at all times.They also work to develop software and applications that can help traffic run smoother and safer. Some of them turn the information gathered into so­called “visualizations”.These visual representations help emergency workers better understand what is happening.

  The center shares its findings with firefighters, police, transportation departments and the military.They also share information with universities and transportation companies.The technology company Google uses the data for its traffic­related websites.Michael Pack says, the information is then shared with anyone who wants to help traffic run more smoothly.

  Mr.Pack says the goal is to help develop an intelligent system of road signals that will communicate with each other and with vehicles on the road.


  32.The second paragraph is written to ________.

  A.attract more people to look through Forbes.com

  B.tell readers what Forbes.com says on its website

  C.show how much money controlling costs America

  D.prove it is very expensive for some developed countries to control traffic

  答案:D 写作意图题。根据第一段第一句Controlling traffic is a complex and high­cost problem in many developed countries.可知,第二段写出了美国控制交通的费用就是为了证明这句话。故选D项。

  33.What benefit can emergency workers get from the system developed by the CATT lab?

  A.They can be safer.

  B.They can reach an accident area faster.

  C.They can get more advice from people.

  D.They can share their information with others.

  答案:B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的He says the system is important to help emergency workers, or first responders reach an accident area faster.可知,系统可以帮助急救人员更快到达意外事故区。故选B项。

  34.Which of the following is NOT true about the developers and the students at the CATT?

  A.They observe traffic flow continuously.

  B.They develop software and applications.

  C.They control the computer servers occasionally.

  D.They change the information gathered into visual image.

  答案:C 细节理解题。根据第五段中的About 60 students and 30 software developers observe traffic flow and manage the computer servers at all times.可知,学生们和软件开发师们一直观察交通流并管理着计算机服务器,并不是偶尔控制着服务器。故选C项。

  35.In which column of the newspaper can you read this text?

  A.Daily life.




  答案:B 推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的They are using simulation(模拟) technologies...可知,该篇文章主要介绍的是一些科学家和学生们使用模拟技术来帮助控制和管理交通。故选B项。

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



  Sunglasses are an essential item for everyday use but also for specialized sports and activities.Sunglasses protect the eyes from harmful UV rays(紫外线),which occur even when it is cloudy,which is why wearing sunglasses at all times outside and while driving is an important concept to remember.__36__There are a few ways to go about choosing the best type of sunglasses.

  Proper Fit

  First of all,you want to pick a pair of sunglasses which fit your face and head region properly.After all,sunglasses that are ill fitting will not adequately protect your eyes from the sun and will be an annoyance to wear.__37__ Make sure that they cover the eyes completely and fit on the facial area.

  UV Ray Protection

  When you're driving or in sunlight bright enough to make you squint(眯眼),you should wear glasses.They will help you block at least 60 percent of UV rays.You should be aware of the UV ray protection listed on the pair of sunglasses.__38__

  Style of Sunglasses

  It is also important to consider the style of sunglasses.You want to pick a style which is fashionable and suits your individual tastes the best.You will have your choice of brand name fashion sunglasses,sport sunglasses or those of the general,everyday wear variety.__39__

  Reasonable Cost

  Most individuals want to purchase sunglasses within a set budget.If you find a pair of sunglasses,you shouldn't end the shopping trip right then and there.__40__ In this way,even if you are shopping with cost in mind,you will be sure to find a pair of sunglasses which not only strike your fancy but suit your wallet as well.

  A.The best way to achieve proper fitting sunglasses is to try them on.

  B.Make sure the sunglasses cover your eyes and nobody will recognize you.

  C.Keeping in mind where you want to wear your sunglasses will help you to pick the right pair.

  D.Keeping the level in mind will help you to choose the right pair with eye protection.

  E.It is true that sunglasses allow every woman to pretend she is a movie star.

  F.When buying sunglasses,you may wonder which suit you best and which are best for your eyes.

  G.Shop around to look for sunglasses which are on sale or are simply reasonably priced as they are.


  36.F 下一句谈到如何去选择好的太阳镜,所以此处是指在买太阳镜时你可能不知如何去选。所以选F。

  37.A 本段谈到选太阳镜要大小合适,A项中的proper fitting恰好符合上下文及该段标题。

  38.D 此处谈论太阳镜保护眼睛免受紫外线的危害,D项中eye protection切好符合题意。

  39.C 本段谈论太阳镜的款式,C项中的挑选正好符合题意。

  40.G 最后一段谈论太阳镜的价格,这与G项中的on sale和priced相吻合。

  第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



  It was the first morning of the New Year and the weather was very cold.I have always been an early bird and my morning walks have been the __41__ for the last 7 years, so I put on my shoes to __42__ for my first walk of the New Year.

  There was complete __43__ outside.Litter could be seen everywhere.It seemed that everyone had an all­night __44__.It was too cold to __45__ anyone to be awake to clear all the walkways at 5 in the morning.I was __46__ to walk on the dirty walkways and decided to go back home.

  I was about to leave __47__ I saw Sam cleaning the garden.He is an employee of our society association and is __48__ to take care of the walkways and the garden.I walked up to Sam as it was a(n) __49__ to see him there cleaning at this time.He saw me and politely __50__ me, “ Happy New Year!”

  “How come you are here and doing all this on the very first day of a new year?” I asked.Sam answered __51__, “It is just a day like any other day.I do not want people to walk on __52__ walkways.It is the first day of the year so they should feel good and special.For me, today is like any other day and my job starts with the __53__.”

  It was good to see someone so __54__ at heart.Like other staff members, Sam could have taken a day __55__, but he woke up early and came for all of us.I suddenly realized life does not __56__ when the clock strikes twelve at midnight and a New Year begins.We __57__ all night, drinking and feeding ourselves.Then we leave the place in high spirits.However, we make the surroundings dirty.Life goes on and others need to __58__ up early and clear the garbage.Isn't the very next morning a new day of a New Year for all those who clear our garbage? Why can't we also keep our __59__ clean so that everyone can have a New Year the very next day? It is true that small things can make a big __60__ in our lives.


  41.A.manner B.routine


  答案:B 七年来,早起散步一直是我的例行程序。routine常规,例行程序;manner方式;trend趋向;procedure手续,过程。




  答案:D 我穿上鞋子去进行新年的第一次散步。head前往,去往;look看;send送;long渴望。




  答案:A 从后文可知,外面没人,所以应该是一切都静悄悄的。silence沉默;freedom自由;waste垃圾;absence不在。



  C.celebration D.pollution

  答案:C 到处都是垃圾。看来人们进行了整晚的狂欢。celebration庆祝;decoration装修;tradition传统;pollution污染。




  答案:D 天气很冷不可能指望有人能在早上五点钟起床清扫街道。expect指望,期望;order命令;catch抓住;trust信赖。

  46.A.annoyed B.scared



  答案:A 走在肮脏的街上让我不快,我决定回家。annoyed恼怒的,气恼的;scared害怕的;puzzled困惑的;tired疲倦的。

  47.A.because B.though



  答案:D 我正要离开突然我看见Sam在清扫花园。be about to do sth.when...正要……就在这时突然……。

  48.A.advised B.promoted



  答案:D 他是我们社区的雇员,他理应清扫花园和街道。be supposed to do sth.应该做某事,理应做某事。

  49.A.pleasure B.success



  答案:C 看到他在这个时间清扫让我感到很吃惊。a surprise一件令人吃惊的事情;a pleasure一件令人高兴的事情;a success一件成功的事情;an honor一件很荣耀的事情。

  50.A.suggested B.wished


  答案:B 看见我,他礼貌地祝愿我新年好。wish祝愿;suggest建议;ask请求;congratulate祝贺。





  答案:B 面对我的提问,Sam回答地很平静。calmly平静地,镇静地;coldly冷漠地;casually随意地;hopefully有希望地,有前途地。





  答案:A 46空后的dirty与之照应。我不希望人们走在肮脏的街上。dirty肮脏的;narrow狭窄的;busy忙的;cold寒冷的。

  53.A.beginning B.special


  答案:C 今天与其他日子一样,我的工作也与其他日子一样。the same相同;the beginning开始;the special特别;the new新的。





  答案:A 看到有人如此忠诚真好。devoted忠诚的,献身的;cautious小心翼翼的;honest诚实的;polite有礼貌的。





  答案:B 和其他员工一样,Sam本来能请一天假。take a day off请一天假。



  C.return D.happen

  答案:B 我突然意识到当钟声敲响12点,新的一年开始时生活并没有发生改变。

  57.A.sleep B.clean



  答案:D 我们整晚聚会庆祝,喝酒吃饭。party在此用作动词,意为“聚会,参加聚会”。

  58.A.put B.stay



  答案:C 生活还在继续,而其他人需要早起清扫垃圾。wake up醒来;put up举起,张贴,建造;stay up熬夜;pick up捡起,好转。

  59.A.surroundings B.conditions



  答案:A 为什么我们不把我们的环境保持干净而使所有人都能过新年呢?surroundings环境;conditions状况;background背景;location位置,场所。

  60.A.decision B.difference



  答案:B 在我们的生活中,小事情也能发挥巨大的作用。make a difference有影响,起作用;make a decision决定;make a promise许诺;make a suggestion建议。

  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)



  A festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan.This is a traditional festival in Japan and many __61__(celebrate) are held.This festival is a cheerful occasion. __62__ this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living.As they are expected to be __63__(hunger) after their long journey, food is laid out for them.Specially­made lanterns are hung outside each house __64__(help) the dead to find their way.All night long, people dance and sing.In the early morning, the food that has been laid out for the dead is __65__(throw) into a river or into the sea as __66__ is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it.In towns __67__ are near the sea, the small lanterns hung in the streets the night before are placed into the water when the festival is over.Thousands of lanterns slowly drift(漂)out to sea __68__(guide) the dead on their return journey to the other world.At __69__ same time, crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away __70__ they can be seen no more.

  61.______ 62.______ 63.______ 64.______ 65.______

  66.______ 67.______ 68.______ 69.______ 70.______


  61.celebrations 考查名词。由“many”可知,此处应用名词的复数形式celebrations。

  62.On 考查介词。 特指在某一天应该用介词on。

  63.hungry 考查形容词。此处应该用形容词作表语。

  64.to help 考查非谓语动词。特制的灯笼被悬挂在外面是为了帮助死者找到回家的路,表目的用不定式形式,故填to help。

  65.thrown 考查动词语态。食物被扔进河里,此处应该用被动语态。

  66.it 考查代词。 it在本句中作形式主语,真正的主语为句末的不定式。

  67.that/which 考查定语从句。此句的意思是“在大海边附近的小镇里”,town后面是定语从句,从句中缺少主语,故用that 或which。

  68.guiding 考查非谓语动词。无数的灯笼在大海上漂浮,指引着死去的人们返回他的世界。

  69.the 考查冠词。at the same time“同时”为固定短语。

  70.until 考查连词。人们站在岸边看着灯笼漂走直到看不到为止。

  第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







  I grew up in Westley,California.After graduating with high school.I went to Beijing and started teaching in a kindergarten.I had never been to a city big as Beijing before.I fall in love with Chinese food.I would eat out at the different restaurant every night and practice my Chinese with local citizen.I suppose the air was clean back home,but my life in China was much more interesting.My most favorite part about living in Beijing was nothing that many other foreigners didn't like at all—the noise.I loved walking outside my door and hear the sounds of city life.Therefore,I'm back in Westley now,and all I hear is silence.I definitely miss Beijing.


  I grew up in Westley,California.After graduating

  high school.I went to Beijing and

  started teaching in a kindergarten.I had never been to a city

  big as Beijing before.I

  in love with Chinese food.I would eat out at

  different restaurant every night and practice my Chinese with local .I suppose the air was

  back home,but my life in China was much more interesting.My most favorite part about living in Beijing was

  that many other foreigners didn't like at all—the noise.I loved walking outside my door and

  the sounds of city. life.,I'm back in Westley now,and all I hear is silence.I definitely miss Beijing.


  第一处:with改为from 考查介词搭配。graduate from表示“从……毕业”。

  第二处:big前加as 考查副词。根据下文的as可知此处是“as...as”结构。

  第三处:fall改为fell 考查时态。根据上下文可知此处是过去时态。

  第四处:the改为a 考查冠词。此处表示泛指,所以用a。

  第五处:citizen改为citizens 考查名词。citizen是可数名词,此处表示复数意义。

  第六处:clean改为cleaner 考查形容词比较级。此处表示空气更干净。

  第七处:去掉most 考查副词。 favorite本身含有比较的意思,不需要用most来修饰。

  第八处:nothing改为something 考查代词。此处表示某件事情。

  第九处:hear改为hearing 考查非谓语动词。根据and的并列作用,此处hearing与walking并列,都作love的宾语。

  第十处:Therefore改为However 考查副词。


  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)










  Dear editor,

  Nowadays, an increasing number of people are reportedly unwilling to help others. ________________________________________________________________________














  Nowadays,_an_increasing_number_of_people_are_reportedly_unwilling_to_help_others.However, Li Hua acted differently.

  One day, on her way home, Li Hua came across an old man lying on the ground, seriously injured in the leg.She immediately stopped, called 120 and practiced first aid.Soon, the ambulance came.When everything was OK, she left for home.

  Such is Li Hua, a helpful, positive and optimistic person.Although there might be misunderstanding or even trouble when we do good, I strongly believe that she has done the right thing.As responsible citizens, it is our duty to help people in need.Also, helping others means helping ourselves in a sense, doesn't it?




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