2016届高考英语二轮复习考点精炼:专题22 图表类与说明文-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语二轮复习考点精炼:专题22 图表类与说明文

发布时间:2017-03-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题二十二 图表类与说明文



  1.(2017山东潍坊联考)—Wang Ming,will you take part in the coming National English proficiency contest?

  —   We should catch the precious chance. 

  A.Out of the question!B.That’s for sure.

  C.For what? D.Why bother?



  2.(2017湖北八市高三调考) Many people see the use of “dama” as  that the more advanced a country becomes,the more influential its language is. 

  A.evidence B.balance

  C.reference D.preference



  3.We should give the disabled encouragement to live   as we do. 

  A.as a rich and full life

  B.as rich and full a life

  C.so a rich and full life

  D.so rich and full a life


  解析:考查as...as的用法。句意:我们应该给那些残疾人以鼓励让他们过上和我们一样富有和丰富的生活。当so,as,how等后面跟的名词是可数名词时,把形容词放在冠词之前,如so cold a day,故选B项。

  4.(2017河北保定高三模拟)It is acknowledged that   shortest distance between persons is   sincere smile. 

  A.a;the B.the;a

  C.a;不填 D.the;不填


  解析:考查冠词用法。句意:人们普遍认为人与人之间最短的距离是真诚的微笑。第一空考查形容词最高级前加the;第二空考查抽象名词具体化,a smile“一次微笑”。

  5.—Do you think a war will break out between the two countries?

  — Their conflict can be settled if they’re willing to sit down for peace talks. 

  A.No way. B.That’s for true.

  C.Why not? D.It depends.


  解析:考查交际用语。句意:——你认为这两国之间会有战争爆发吗?——视情况而定了。如果他们愿意坐下来和平谈判的话,他们的冲突可能会被解决。No way.“没门。”;That’s for true.“确实如此。”;Why not?“为什么不?”;It depends.“视情况而定”。根据句意可知选D项。

  6.(2017江苏扬州中学高三模拟)A good “teammate” doesn’t   make a good partner.Those who put their partners in this category were most   to describe their relationship as slightly unhappy. 

  A.necessarily;possibly B.likely;possibly

  C.necessarily;likely D.likely;likely


  解析:考查副词和形容词。句意:一个好队员未必是个好伙伴。把同伴放在这个类别里面的人最有可能把他们的关系描述成有点不愉快的。第一空是not necessarily“未必”;第二空用likely,因为这是Sb. is likely to do...“某人有可能做……”。

  7.The number of those missing in the New Zealand’s quake was reported more than 200,including those recovered bodies that have yet to be  . 

  A.judged B.recognized

  C.identified D.confirmed



  8.—I wonder why the thinnest plastic bags,though  ,are still in use here. 

  —Well,it’s no easy job to solve this problem effectively.

  A.banning B.banned

  C.to ban D.having banned


  解析:ban “禁止”,与主语plastic bags是动宾关系,故用过去分词形式banned跟在连接词though后面。

  9.It has been blamed that fireworks   during the Spring Festival often lead to danger and pollution. 

  A.got off B.turned off

  C.set off D.put off


  解析:句意:春节期间放烟花经常导致危险和污染,这已受到了责备。此处用过去分词set off作定语修饰fireworks表示“引爆”。get off“离开;动身”;turn off“关闭”;put off“推迟”。

  10.I’m sorry I didn’t hear what you said.I   the picture. 

  A.am looking at B.looked at

  C.has looked at D.was looking at




  Should you be friends with your employees?I’m the type of person who likes to be friends with everyone.As I developed my company,I got to a point where I realized being friends with employees was hurting our business and our life.Here are the issues:

  You’ll naturally become closer friends with some people,but others will think you play favorites.When you promote people who are your friends,how will the rest of the company view that promotion and how will that influence your team’s culture and the people who are promoted?Even if the promotion is well deserved,other employees are unlikely to view it that way.You’ll be considered as a manager who plays favorites.And,realistically,it’s probably hard not to at least subconsciously (潜意识地) favor your friends.

  Your friends treat you differently compared to your employees.You don’t want your employees to necessarily treat you or company rules as casually as your friends would.

  Your employees might find it easier not to be friends with you.Let’s say you have an employee who works hard and doesn’t have enough time for his or her family and friends.Do they want you as a friend?Probably not.It was easy for me to be friends with everyone when we had 25 employees.But it is much more difficult when we had over 150 employees.

  Friends are equals.You’ll make decisions that determine who gets specific tasks,compensation and other things that are very important to your employees’ future.That doesn’t make you equals,and it creates a lot of problems for your friendship.

  Friends talk about work with each other.The last thing you want to do is to be involved in office gossip.If you’re friends with an employee and that employee complains about work,what do you do with that information?If you do nothing,you’re basically agreeing with what he or she says.However,they probably don’t want someone who will force them to deal with the problem.


  1.What is this passage mainly about?

  A.How to make friends with employees.

  B.Advantages of being friends with employees.

  C.Friendship between employers and employees.

  D.Disadvantages of being friends with employees.


  解析:主旨大意题。由第一段中“As I developed my company,I got to a point where I realized being friends with employees was hurting our business and our life.”和下文的举例可知文章主要讲关于老板和员工做朋友的弊端。

  2.What can we learn from this passage?

  A.Employees are ready to be friends with employers.

  B.It is necessary for employers to be friends with employees.

  C.The promotions of employers’ friends are always not acceptable.

  D.Employers’ friends are always more difficult to get promotions.


  解析:细节理解题。由第二段中“When you promote people who are your friends,how will the rest of the company...You’ll be considered as a manager who plays favorites.”可知答案。

  3.If an employee is one of your friends,he or she will treat you or your company rules  . 




  D.the same as other employees do


  解析:细节理解题。由第三段中“You don’t want your employees to necessarily treat you or company rules as casually as your friends would.”可知答案。

  4.Employers cannot be equals with employees because . 

  A.only friends are equals

  B.friendship is very complicated

  C.their decisions may determine their employees’ future

  D.the employees aren’t the types of people they like



  5.What’s the author’s attitude to being friends with employees?

  A.Agree. B.Disagree.

  C.Neutral. D.Indifferent.


  解析:观点态度题。根据第一段“...I realized being friends with employees was hurting our business and our life.”可知答案。



  为何倾听 表示尊重,增进理解,建立良好的人际关系

  谁来倾听 家长倾听孩子 理解孩子,消除代沟,……

  老师倾听学生 了解学生,满足需求,……

  同学相互倾听 增进友谊,互帮互学,……

  怎样倾听 (请考生联系自己的情况拟定内容,列举二至三点。)






  Good afternoon,everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”.








  Thank you for your listening!


  Good afternoon,everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”. 

  Good listening can always show respect,promote understanding,and improve interpersonal relationship.

  Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children,so they will understand them better,and find it easy to narrow the generation gap;teachers should listen more to their students,then they can meet their needs better,and place themselves in a good relationship with their students;students should listen more to their classmates,thus they will help and learn from each other,and a friendship is likely to be formed.

  What I want to stress is that each of us should listen to others.Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk;show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile;be open-minded to different opinions even though you don’t like them.In a word,good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.

  Thank you for your listening!


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