Astrology [Greek meaning: Science of the Stars] studies the influence of st ars on human behavior, traits, and experiences.
Since the earliest times people have divided the Zodiac[1] into 12 equal pa rts, called Houses. These Houses are known as the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Th e 12 signs are then divided into two groups; 6 being masculine[2], and 6 bei ng feminine[2]. People with a masculine sign are known to be straightforward and energetic. People with a feminine sign are known to be self-contained and have inner reserves.
Masculine: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.
Feminine: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces
Although the Sun and the Moon are actually luminaries, in astrology, they are known as planets. The Sun provides us with warmth, energy, and gives us vitality. Spending approximately one month in each sign throughout each year, its dominant influence has the most penetrating control over our horoscopes.
The position that the Sun was in when we were born rules our personality, and how we go about[3] everyday life. It determines our many characteristics and how others may perceive us. Of course, the Moon and the other planets have their constant effects on us, too. This keeps us forever evolving[4] and experiencing new insight in our lives.
[2]masculine/feminine: 男人代表阳刚,女人象征阴柔,这在中西方都是一致的。Masculine和feminine其实只是 指男(male)女(female)两性的典型特质,所以Men can have feminine qualities, and women can have masculine ones,男人也可能会有优柔的气质,而女人也可能会 比较男性化,这大概就是我们常说的"娘娘腔"和"假小子"了吧!
[3]go about: 指"从事,干,着手",要别人少管闲事时就可以说:Go about your business.
[4]evolve:世界万物总是在不断地演变、进化。根据达尔文的《进化论》(Evolution ),我们人类本身就是由猿猴进化而来Man has evolved from the ape. 占星术(希腊文中指:星辰的科学)研究的是星辰对人类行为、特性以及经历的影 响。 古代的人们把黄道平均分为12个部分,称其为星宫。这十二宫也就是黄道十二星座。这 十二个星座又可分为两类:六个为阳性标志,六个为阴性标志。阳性标志的特点是直截 了当、精力旺盛。阴性标志则内向保守、沉稳持重。
星座知识Astrology: The Knowledges about astrology..地球公转轨道面在天球上的投影也就是天文学常说的Zodiac "黄道"。太阳在天球上沿着黄道一年转一圈,为了确定位置的方便,古人把黄道划分成每份相当于30°的十二等份,每份用邻近的一个星座命名,这些星座就称为黄道星座或我们俗称的十二星座。这样,相当于把一年划分成了十二段,在每段时间里太阳进入一个星座。在西方,一个人出生时太阳正走到哪个星座,就说此人是这个星座的。
What is astrology--1
I What is astrology? Like life itself, astrology is an infinitely complex sub ject. Astrology includes many things. Naturally, astrology is a master vehic le for intuitive perception and psychic insight. Astrology is also an art f orm--one that lends itself to quick sketches and complex portraits of indivi duals, couples, corporations, nations and more. Astrology can also clearly h ave spiritual and religious undertones[1] as evidenced by studies of ancient Egypt.
But astrology is not necessarily a belief system. People no more have to be lieve in astrology than they do in dancing for example. Both can be fun and useful pastimes[2] without belief in them. Although it must be added that, according to Albert Einstein, a belief in astrology will make it work better for you. After all, we live in a solar system, in a space-time continuum[3 ], and astrology is the biggest contender for the unified field theory.
Yet above all else, astrology is a language. It works best as a language, a nd it is perhaps more universal than broken English[4].
注释: [1]undertone: undertone原意是指低沉的声音,也可比喻"弦外之音,潜在含意",比如你的朋友受到挫 折给你写信求助,虽然她没有表露出来,你还是可以看出她信中隐含着一股哀戚:Ther e was an undertone of sadness in her letter.
[2]Pastime: Pastime可以看作是打发、消磨时间的娱乐活动。无事可做的时候,你可能会play card s for a pastime打纸牌消遣。我们可以把pastime看成短语pass (the) time打发时间的 名词形式。英语中还可以用kill time来表示"打发时间",时间就是生命,所以浪费时间 、混日子的作法简直就像是在谋杀生命。
II Look up to the heavens and imagine the stars and planets are sparkling jewel s dancing across the night sky. Your potential[1] is like those jewels with a dazzling array of facets. Put another way, your human potential is virtual ly unlimited.
Problems arise from a perspective that "potential" is a taboo or code word f or failure. It is for fear of failure that we are sometimes afraid to try ne w things. Realizing that we will not become an instant expert, we sometimes opt to cop out[2] and not even make an attempt to be or try something new. P erhaps worse yet, sometimes a perfunctory effort is made, unsatisfactory res ults are obtained, and an "I knew I couldn't do it and I know I can't do it" attitude is reinforced and seemingly justified.
Refresh yourself from the perspective that so-called "mistakes" do not const itute failure; they are only new lessons to be learned. Failure is really gi ving up and quitting, as juxtaposed[3] to persevering and persisting. There is universal law that states, "Practice precedes excellence." Myth and histo ry are replete with stories of individuals who had struggled against all odd s[4] and obstacles and just kept after what they truly wanted until they rea ched their goals triumphantly.
Naturally, we all have our limitations, and prudence dictates that we respec t them. However, wisdom encourages us to stretch beyond and transcend our li mitations. Once we stop growing, our end is near.
注释: [1]Potential: Every seed is a potential plant. 每一粒种子都可能长成植物。世界上充满了各种可 能性,所以我们也要重视自己的potential潜在力,尽量能够develop one's potential 发挥潜力。
[2]Cop out: cop out 是一个含有贬义的俚语,意思是逃避、推诿、临阵退缩。对那些总是用太忙来 推脱应尽责任的人,你就应该说:You've got to do it. Don't try to cop out of i t by telling me you're too busy!
星座知识Astrology: The Knowledges about astrology..地球公转轨道面在天球上的投影也就是天文学常说的Zodiac "黄道"。太阳在天球上沿着黄道一年转一圈,为了确定位置的方便,古人把黄道划分成每份相当于30°的十二等份,每份用邻近的一个星座命名,这些星座就称为黄道星座或我们俗称的十二星座。这样,相当于把一年划分成了十二段,在每段时间里太阳进入一个星座。在西方,一个人出生时太阳正走到哪个星座,就说此人是这个星座的。 What is astrology--3
III Astrology can help. The initial personal consultation from a sincere, profes sional astrologer is a good step to make. Your astrologer will provide you w ith a vital, new understanding of yourself. You will be amazed with how much useful information you will acquire from a good astrological consultation.
Astrology is not a one-shot[1] deal; it is a constant light. Regular session s with your astrologer bring cumulative benefits. At a minimum[2], treat you rself to a yearly tune-up[3]. Birthdays are great times for tune-ups. Better
[4]Edge: Edge原意是"边缘",在这里指"优势",取得优势是obtain the edge,失去优势是lose the edge,要是在比赛中仅以微弱优势险胜就可以说win by a narrow edge。
[5]Go for it: 这是一句短促有力的鼓动性的话,在观看激烈的橄榄球比赛时,观众常会激动地高呼Go for it! 加油啊!当你的朋友畏缩不前时,你也可以鼓励他Go for it. 大胆地试一试 ,冒一次险吧。