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发布时间:2017-03-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  名词性从句 一、名词性从句的连接词 1.连接词that,whether和if (1)whether与if的用法比较 二者均可作“是否”讲,都可以引导名词性从句,引导宾语从句时可以互换。 I don't know whether/if he'll attend the meeting. 在下列情况下,常用whether,不用if。 ①whether引导从句可以放于句首。 Whether he comes or not makes no difference. ②whether可引导表语从句和同位语从句,if不可。 The question is whether it is worth trying. The question whether he should join the team has not been decided upon. ③whether可以作介词宾语,if则不可。 I haven't settled the problem of whether I'll lend him the money. ④whether后可以加不定式,if不可。 He didn't know whether to get married or to wait. ⑤可以用whether...or引导让步状语从句,意为“无论,不论”,if则不可。 Whether it rains or snows,I don't care. 2.连接代词 引导名词性从句的连接代词有:who,whom,whose,what,which,whatever,whichever,whoever。连接代词在句中既起连接作用,同时又充当主语、宾语、定语、表语等成分。 3.连接副词 引导名词性从句的连接副词有:when,where,how,why。连接副词在句中既是连接词,又作状语。 二、主语从句 1.主语从句在复合句中充当主语,大多数主语从句都可以用it作形式主语而把主语从句置于句尾。 2.that引导主语从句时可用it作形式主语,that不可省;what引导的主语从句表示“……的东西”时,一般不用it作形式主语;whatever,whoever,whichever一般也不用it作形式主语。 That she will succeed is certain. →It is certain that she will succeed. What he needs is more experience.

  (1)It+系动词+形容词(necessary,right,likely,unlikely,wrong,important,certain,clear,obvious,strange,normal等)+that从句 It is certain that most of the farmers have brought in more money by all means.

  (2)It+be+名词(短语)(a pity,a shame,good news,a fact,an honour,a wonder,no wonder等)+that从句 It's no wonder that you've achieved so much success. (3)It+be+过去分词(said,told,heard,reported,decided,suggested,advised,ordered,remembered,thought,considered,well­known,announced等)+that从句 It is said that the professor has already succeeded in carrying out the experiment. (4)It+特殊动词(seem,appear,happen,matter)+that从句 It happened to me that I had been away when he called. 注意:(1)在“It is necessary,important,strange,natural+that从句”结构中,从句常用“(should+)动词原形”形式。 (2)在“It+be+suggested,advised,ordered,requested,insisted,required+that从句”结构中,that从句应用“(should+)动词原形”。 三、宾语从句 1.动词的宾语从句 (1)大多数动词(hope,tell,say等)可以带宾语从句。 We all expect that they will win,for members of their team are stronger. I don't think you are right. I don't suppose he cares,does he? (2)动词find,feel,think,consider,make,believe等后有宾语补足语时,则需要it作形式宾语而将that宾语从句后置。 I think it necessary that we take plenty of boiled water every day. (3)有些动词带宾语从句时习惯上需要在宾语从句前加it。这类动词(词组)有hate,enjoy,like,love,dislike,see to等。 I hate it when they talk with their mouths full. 2.一般情况下介词后只能用wh­类连接词引导宾语从句。 We are talking about whether we admit students into our club. 注意:(1)where引导的从句有时也可用作介词的宾语。 We could see the temple quite clearly from where we lived. (2)that引导的从句作介词的宾语是很少有的,只有在except,in,but等介词后偶尔可能用到。 Your composition is quite good except that the organization is a bit loose. 3.sure,certain,glad,pleased,happy,surprised等表示“情感”的形容词后也可带宾语从句。 I'm sure that they will make it in spite of the terrible weather. 四、表语从句 1.主句的主语是idea,advice,suggestion,order,request,requirement等名词时,表语从句的谓语应用虚拟语气,即“(should+)动词原形”的形式。 His suggestion is that we (should) change our course. 2.主语为名词reason时,表语从句中的连接词要用that,而不用why或because。 The reason for such a serious accident is that the driver was too careless and drank too much. 3.because,as if,as though,as,like等连接词也可引导表语从句。 He has heart disease.That is because he has been smoking too much. 五、同位语从句 同位语从句是用以解释说明某一名词内容和实质的从句。 1.能接同位语从句的名词有:belief,fact,hope,idea,doubt,news,conclusion,suggestion,problem,order,answer,decision,explanation,information,thought等。 2.同位语从句一般用that引导,但也可以用连接代词(what,which,who)、连接副词(when,where,why,how)或whether引导。 I have no idea what has happened to him. 3.有时同位语从句不紧跟在它所说明的某个名词后,而是被别的词隔开。 The story goes that William Tell did kill the king with that sword. 六、名词性从句的几个难点 1.that通常不可省略的四种情况: (1)引导主语从句,that置于句首时不可省略。 That he failed in the exam made his parents disappointed.


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