The "honeymoon stage" of a relationship is great, but once that comes to an end, we begin to notice things about our partner that we may have overlooked in the beginning. You or your loved one may be doing things subconsciously that are sabotaging your relationship. Annoying habits like leaving dirty clothes on the floor or leaving dirty dishes in the sink are one thing; but name-calling or hiding the phone is another.
Silent treatment
Avoiding and running away from conflict is not going to resolve anything. "Successful couples learn to fight well and find solutions quickly," sex therapist and relationship counsellor Giverny Lewis, says. "They don't avoid fighting altogether and shut each other out.
Checking their phone
"In the world of online relationships, more and more people are obsessively checking their partners' history, messages, and social media posts," Lewis says. "Unfortunately this is a double-edged sword." If you find something that looks suspicious, it's almost impossible to raise it with your partner - this means you need to reveal your snooping. "You also usually don't have all the context, so it's easy to misinterpret what you're seeing. And if you find nothing, often you assume they're just being extra secretive, and the cycle continues," she says. "If you're having difficulty trusting your partner it's best to talk to them and work out strategies together to address this concern."
Making assumptions
"Routines are fantastic and they help us feel secure in relationships, but familiarity can really kill the romance and excitement," Lewis says. "Getting stuck in the same old day-in, day-out habits can make the relationship feel stale and unrewarding." Relax a bit - have a mid-week date night, go on a weekend adventure or take on a new hobby together. You'll discover new things about your partner and reinvigorate the fire, she adds.
Spending all your time together
"It may seem counter-intuitive, but spending too much time together can actually drive you apart," Lewis says. "Doing things separately helps to reinstate your individual identity and lets you grow alongside your partner." Go out and spend time with friends, find a solo after-work activity, or spend some time indulging on your own. "You'll have plenty to talk about and bring a fresh attitude back to your time with your partner," she adds.
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