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发布时间:2017-03-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)     根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有多余选项。 Have you ever seen any students whose trousers hang so low you can see their underwear? What do you think of that? Fashionable? Some of today's teenagers are big fans of such a look. 71. __________ The headmaster of a school in central Italy has asked students to stop wearing low-rise jeans that expose underwear and parts of the body. His request came after a class trip. One day, he saw one boy's baggy trousers slide to his feet. 72. ____________      But in Italy, a nation that takes fashion very seriously, the suggestion caused a debate among parents, teachers and students. The issue is whether the headmaster's request will limit students' freedom- or whether dress in Italian schools is too casual. 73. _________ "We do not want to kick fashion out," the headmaster explained, "but extremes (极端) of fashion like this are not right in school." Many other schools have now requested that their students also stop wearing such trousers. 74._________ Ludovica Gaudio, 14, wore extremely low trousers exposing orange underwear in class. It was cold, so she wore a matching orange scarf. 75._______________ "I don't really feel comfortable in those sort of jeans," said Sarah Lattanzi, "in winter, when dressed like that, it's quite cold and I am afraid my stomach will ache." A. But recently this trend has been at the center of an argument in Italian middle schools. B. A parents' group praised the move in favor of good taste, while others advised schools to stop worrying about fashion and fix up old school buildings. C. He pointed out that this way of dressing is not suitable for school. D. Most students have simply ignored the request. E. Another 14-year-old said she would probably respect the request, simply for practical reasons. F. Let us see that Italian students react differently to schools' requests. G. Schools should pay attention to things more important than students' clothes. 【参考答案】71-75 ACBDE



  Although problems are a part of our lives, it certainly doesn’t mean that we let them rule our lives forever. One day or the other, you’ll have to stand up and say – problem, I don’t want you in my life.


  Problems with friends, parents, girlfriends, husbands, and children – the list goes on. Apart from these, the inner conflicts within ourselves work, too. These keep adding to our problems. Problems come in different shapes and colors and feelings.

  But good news is that all problems can be dealt with. Now read on to know how to solve your problems.

  Talk, it really helps. What most of us think is that our problem can be understood only by us and that no talking is going to help.


  Talking helps you move on and let go.

  Write your problems.


  When you write down your problems, you are setting free all the tension from your system. You can try throwing away the paper on which you wrote your problems. By doing this, imagine yourself throwing away the problems from your life.

  Don’t lose faith and hope. No matter what you lose in life, don’t lose faith and hope. Even if you lose all your money, family… you should still have faith.


  Your problems aren’t the worst. No matter what problem you get in life, there’re another one million people whose problems are huger than yours.


  Your problems might just seem big and worse, but in reality they can be removed.

  Go about and solve your problems because every problem, however big or small, always has a way out.

  A. But the truth is that when you talk about it, you’re setting free the negative energies that have been gathering within you.

  B. When we have a problem, a pressing, critical, urgent, life-threatening problem, how do we try and solve it?

  C. Tell yourself: when they can deal with them, why can’t I?

  D. Of course, we’ve been fighting troubles ever since we were born.

  E. We can often overcome the problem and achieve the goal by making a direct attack.

  F. Having a personal diary can also be of huge help if you don’t want a real person to talk with.

  G. With faith and hope, you can rebuild everything that you lose.

  【参考答案】七选五36—40 DAFGC


  Food sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things. A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious, but some types are deadly. The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food. Fever is one of the most common symptoms.

  Certain microorganisms(微生物) cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs, meat, vegetables, and many other foods. After entering the body, these tiny living things release(释放) poisons that make people sick.

  Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown, processed, or prepared. For example, many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects. Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemicals when they eat the crops.

  Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people. These include certain kinds of seafood, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and mushrooms.

  When people handle food properly, the risk of food poisoning is very small. Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures. This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces. Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing. Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it. Finally, people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild. Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans. In addition, some types of fish can be poisonous.

  Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people eat natural poisons, they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied.

  1. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A. Food when poisoned can make people sick.

  B. Food poisoning means death.

  C. Food poisoning comes in varieties.

  D. Food poisoning can be serious.

  2. We know from the passage that the symptoms of food poisoning . 

  A. are always accompanied by a fever

  B. are too common to be noted

  C. can be noticed within hours

  D. can be ignored

  3. Food poisoning can be caused by all the following EXCEPT . 

  A. some chemicals B. low temperatures

  C. some tiny living thingsD. certain natural materials

  4. From Paragraph 5, we can learn that . 

  A. mushrooms should not be eaten

  B. vegetables are safer than meat and seafood

  C. natural poisons are more dangerous than chemicals

  D. different types of food should be handled differently

  5. It can be inferred from the passage that . 

  A. natural materials are safe in food processing

  B. chemicals are needed in food processing

  C. food poisoning can be kept under control

  D. food poisoning is out of control

  【参考答案】1--5 、BCBDC


  Eating too much fatty food, exercising too little and smoking can raise your future risk of heart disease. But there is another factor that can cause your heart problems more immediately: the air you breathe.

  Previous studies have linked high exposure (暴露) to environmental pollution to an increased risk of heart problems, but two analyses now show that poor air quality can lead to heart attack or stroke (中风) within as little as a few hours after exposure. In one review of the research, scientists found that people exposed to high levels of pollutants (污染物) were up to 5% more likely to suffer a heart attack within days of exposure than those with lower exposure. A separate study of stroke patients showed that even air that the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers to be of “moderate” (良好) quality and relatively safe for our health can raise the risk of stroke as much as 34% within 12 to 14 hours of exposure.

  The authors of both studies stress that these risks are relatively small for healthy people and certainlymodest compared with other risk factors such as smoking and high blood pressure. However, it is important to be aware of these dangers because everyone is exposed to air pollution regardless of lifestyle choices. So stricter regulation by the EPA of pollutants may not only improve environmental air quality but could also become necessary to protect public health.

  1. The text mainly discusses the relationship between . 

  A. heart problems and air qualityB. heart problems and exercising

  C. heart problems and smoking D. heart problems and fatty food

  2. The underlined word“modest”in Paragraph 3 most probably means . 

  A. relatively highB. extremely low

  C. relatively lowD. extremely high

  3. What can we learn from the text?

  A. Eating fatty food has immediate effects on your heart.

  B. The EPA conducted many studies on air quality.

  C. Moderate air quality is more harmful than smoking.

  D. Stricter regulations on pollutants should be made.

  4. The author’s purpose of writing the text is most likely to . 

  A. informB. persuade  C. describe D. entertain



  While travelling to Newcastle in the UK to visit relatives, I arrived in London to find my plane transfer north to Newcastle had been cancelled due to deteriorating weather conditions.

  The airline was helpful -- offering me a choice between a night in a hotel or a six-hour bus fide to my destination. With no indication as to whether a flight to Newcastle would happen in the next two days, I chose the bus ride.

  I stored all my baggage in the luggage compartment of the bus, thinking I would not need anything on the journey.

  The young lady sitting beside me could see how tired I was and asked me if anyone would be meeting me on my arrival.

  I realised that t had left my cell phone in my bag and had no way to contact my relatives. They would be waiting for me at the airport about five hours before the bus got to Newcastle, not knowing what had happened. Without hesitation, the young lady offered me the use of her cell phone.

  When the bus made a rest stop, she asked me if I was getting out. I replied that I wouldn’t as I still had sandals on, and bare feet weren’t ideal for the cold weather, When she got back on, she’d bought me some tea and a packet of sweets to eat.

  When we eventually arrived in Newcastle, the woman checked that someone was there to meet me. I asked her to wait a moment while I got my purse to repay her, but when I looked up she had gore. I was unable to even verbally thank her.

  1. We learn from the passage that ____________.

  A. the author had little money to buy the air ticket from London to Newcastle

  B. the author probably flew to London from a warm place

  C. the author’s relatives missed meeting her in London

  D. the author’s cell phone wasn’t functioning in Britain

  2. Which of the following information is of great importance to the author’s relatives?

  A. Why the flight was called off.

  B. Why the flight was delayed.

  C. Where the author was put up.

  D. When the author would arrive.

  3. What does the passage mainly tell us?

  A. British people always suffer from terrible weather in winter.

  B. British people are usually helpful.

  C. The author was kind of careless.

  D. The author was grateful to the airline.



  Accurately forecasting the weather is a very hard thing to do. There are many parts of weather dynamics-the study of how water and air in motion cause weather patterns-to consider. Even the best forecast can be changed by a small weather disturbance halfway around the world. Today’s forecast use complex computer models, weather instruments, and detailed analyses of daily observations to predict the weather. However, it hasn’t always been that way. People, like your grandparents, use folklore and proverbs to help forecast the weather. They remembered what conditions caused changes and observed the factors associated with weather: atmospheric and cloud conditions, temperature, winds, and reactions of plants and animals. Many people believe that this way of forecasting weather is accurate more often than modem forecasting.

  Grandma’s aching joints might indicate the arrival of a low-pressure system. She might also observe the geese flying lower than usual, confirming the low-pressure system. Finally, she might feel dampness on her skin, a sign of high humidity (湿度). Based on these three observations, grandma might warn that a storm is brewing.

  Joints and nerves can indicate dropping air pressure, Dissolved gases in the blood form bubbles under low air pressure. This causes pain in joints and nerve endings. Geese and other birds respond to changes in air pressure by adjusting how high they fly. In the fair, calm weather of a high-pressure system, the birds fly higher than in the stormy weather associated with a low-pressure system.

  Nature provides other clues to changing weather. A decrease in air pressure causes deer and elk to come down from the mountains to look for shelter. Some animals feed more than usual. The higher humidity before a storm causes some insects to leave the trees and gather near the ground. Some flowers close so rain doesn’t get inside them. In winter, rhododendron plants curl up to protect themselves as the temperature drops.

  Several of the sayings apply in particular areas of the world. Here are some of them.

  ■Early thunder, early spring.

  ■Rainbow in the morning 8ives you fair warning.

  ■When teeth and bones and bunions ache, expect the clouds to fill the lake.

  ■When high clouds and tow clouds do not match together, prepare for a blow and a change in the weather.

  4. It is true that ___________.

  A. using folklore and proverbs to forecast weather is more accurate than modem forecasting

  B. complex computer models and weather instruments can always forecast weather accurately

  C. modern forecasting cannot always guarantee accurate weather forecasting for some reason

  D. modem forecasting along with other observations is sure to give accurate weather forecast

  5. In a low-pressure system, you may notice the following EXCEPT that ___________.

  A. some birds will be seen flying near the surface of the earth

  B. some flowers close so rain doesn’t get inside

  C. some animals come down from mountains

  D. some insects disappear from ground

  6. It is a fact that the behaviour of plants and animals is _________.

  A. likely to reflect long-term weather forecasting

  B. likely to reflect short-term weather forecasting

  C. unlikely to reflect any kind of weather forecasting

  D. more likely to reflect both short-term and long. term weather forecasting

  7. What does the passage mainly tell us?

  A. People can forecast weather with no modern equipment.

  B. How to use proverbs to forecast weather forecasting.

  C. Hard as it is, weather forecasting has a scientific base.

  D. The importance of weather forecasting.




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