2016届高考英语考前必做黄金易错点:专题03 形容词和副词(专题)(解析版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语考前必做黄金易错点:专题03 形容词和副词(专题)(解析版)

发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  (2015·安徽)They gave money to the old people's home either

  (personal)or through their companies.

  答案 personally

  (2017·福建)With online shopping increasingly popular,the Internet is seen as a(n)

  (efficiency) way of reaching target customers.

  解析 句意:随着网上购物的快速流行网络被看作是获得目标消费者的最有效的方法。efficient“有效的”修饰名词way。

  答案 efficient

  (2015·浙江)Listening is thus an active, not a

  (passively), behavior consisting of hearing, understanding and remembering.

  解析 句意:听是一种积极的而不是消极的行为它涉及听、理解和记忆。与前面的形容词active对应也要用形容词形式一起作名词behavior的定语。passive被动的消极的。

  答案 passive

  (2015·湖北)Even though the conference hall is near his apartment, he has to hurry a little if he wants to be


  解析 句意:尽管会议大厅距他的公寓很近想准时赶到他必须快一点。作系动词be的表语要用形容词形式。punctual准时的。

  答案 punctual

  (2015·湖北)I don't think what he said is

  (relevance)to the topic we are discussing.He has missed the point.

  解析 句意:我认为他说的与我们正在讨论的主题无关。他跑题了。作系动词is的表语要用形容词形式。relevant

  答案 relevant

  (2015·四川)Little Tom sat

  (amaze)watching the monkey dancing in front of him.

  解析 考查形容词作状语。句意:小Tom坐在那儿看着小猴子在他面前跳舞很吃惊。本句考查形容词作伴随状语感到吃惊的常修饰人;amazing令人吃惊的常修饰物。


  7.(2015·安徽)I'm so

  (gratitude)to all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily.

  解析 句意:我非常感激所有的志愿者因为他们帮我把糟糕的一天变成了愉快的一天。be动词后跟形容词o sb感激某人。

  答案 grateful

  (2015·福建)It was

  (consider)of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.

  解析 句意:为了避免我们担心米切尔告知我们他耽搁了他想得很周到。be动词后用形容词体贴的;考虑周到的。

  答案 considerate

  (2015·浙江)Most of us, if we know even a little about where our food comes from, understand that every bite put into our mouths was


  解析 句意:如果我们知道一点食物来源的话我们中的大多数人就会明白我们嘴里的每一口食物从前都是活着的。此处作时间状语故要用副词形式。formerly以前从前。

  答案 formerly

  (2015·湖北)The girl used to be shy, but is

  (gradual)getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.

  答案 gradually



  例1.(2015·江苏)The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and

  (comprehension)review of the case.

  解析 句意:警方决定对该案件进行彻底和全面的审查。作名词review的定语要用其形容词形式。comprehensive 综合的广泛的。

  答案 comprehensive

  students are required to take part in the boat race.

  A. Ten strong young Chinese

  B. Ten Chinese strong young

  C. Chinese ten young strong

  D. Young strong ten Chinese



  【错解分析】 本题容易受汉语习惯的影响从而导致误选。解答的关键是弄懂其排列顺序问题。可参见下文的“规律总结”。




  1.英语中某些副词短语的意义和用法很重要。 这类短语常见的还有: more than, no more than, too much, much too, by far, more than, more… than, no less than, not less than 等,在平常练习中要加以注意。

  2.意义相近的形容词和副词的用法要加以注意: hard, hardly; deep, deeply; high, highly; dead,deadly; most, mostly; fair, fairly; quite, fairly, rather; almost, nearly; such 等。


  多个形容词同时一个名词时,多用下列顺序:性质+大小+形状+新旧+颜色,有时也要看与名词的密切关系,越密切越靠近名词。多个词同时作前置定语时的一般排列规律是:代词性定语+冠词/指/物主/所有格+数词(先序后基)+形容词+国籍/材料/用途形容词或名词或动名词+被修饰的名词。例如:a charming small round old brown French oak writing table.


  例2.(2015·四川)Andy is content with the toy.It is the

  (good)he has ever got.

  解析 考查最高级和比较级。句意:Andy对这个玩具很满意这是他曾得到的最好的玩具。根据句意应用最高级。

  答案 best

  David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels __ desire to go to bed.

  A. the most

  B. more

  C. worse

  D. the least



  【错解分析】 解答本题首先要理解语境。David刚刚获奖,还很兴奋,那么睡觉的欲望当然是很少了。the least表示“最少的”的意思。




  1.形容词和副词比较级和最高级前的冠词用法:形容词最高级前须加the,副词最高级前都可以。做表语的形容词前如果没有比较范围和比较对象也可省去the,比较级在特指意义时须加the,泛指时可数单数须加a/an.Most + 原级形容词的结构中,前面用不定冠词a,an或无冠词时,并非是最高级意思,most意思为“very(非常)”。

  2.形容词比较级的倍数表达方式:比较级修饰词+ as + adj./adV.十as和比较级修饰词+ as + many/much+ n.+ as.在“as...as”结构中,第一个as是副词,修饰形容词或副词,强调程度。当某些副词如so,as,too,how等用来修饰名词前的形容词时;不定冠词放在该形容词之后,名词之前。后一个as引导比较状语从句。表示倍数的三个句 型是:

  (1)… times as + 形容词原级 + as…例如:

  This table is three times as big as that one.

  (2)… times +性质名词 + of … 例如:

  This table is three times bigger than that one.

  3.比较级前可以用 even,

  still,a bit /little,much, a lot, far, by far, no, any等修饰,表示程度。最高级前可以有序数词,by far, nearly, almost, by no means, not really ,not quite, nothing like等来修饰。例如:

  —Is your father any better? 你父亲好些了吗?

  —Yes,much better.是的,好多了。

  I’d like to buy the second most expensive laptop.



  比较级 + than +any other + 单数名词;比较级 + than + anyone else;比较级 + than +any of the other +复数名词。


  China is larger than any other country in Asia /all the other countries in Asia.

  The weather here is colder than that of Huanggang.

  The computers made in our factory are better than those in your factory,


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